Saturday, November 20, 2010
Too Many
I find myself fully in agreement with the environmentalists who warn against any intentional medling with the weather.
But at the present time, there is no such thing as natural weather any more. There are so many idiots fooling around with cloudbusters that it makes little difference who does what. The individual cases are lost in the background noise of so much cloudbusting going on. One more or one less fool with a cloudbuster cannot matter any more.
And a single cloudbuster can do a lot more damage to the earth than any mechanistic efforts to change the atmosphere. There are already networks of fools trying to shift hurricanes around for fun. They are trying to kill tornados because they think tornados are harmfull. Some of them are trying to warm up the ocean to grow more fish. Some others are trying to cool off the earth to fight global warming. And they do not need government acceptance because a cloudbuster is so cheap and simple anyone can afford one.
My Correspondence With Jerry Decker
Jerry Decker posted a report of his cloudbusting experiment on his mailing list and I had some correspondence with him as a result. Here it is. The attitudes and ways of thinking he expresses in these letters show exactly what is wrong with mechanistic thinking when it comes to cloudbusting. It would be hard to invent anything more wrong than the ideas this man comes up with to avoid knowing anything about the life energy.
--- On Fri, 4/9/10, joel carlinsky <> wrote:
From: joel carlinsky <>
Subject: Re: cloudbusting
Date: Friday, April 9, 2010, 1:02 PM
From: Jerry <>
Subject: Re: cloudbusting
To: "joel carlinsky" <>
Cc: "Chuck Henderson" <>
Date: Wednesday, April 7, 2010, 5:28 PM
Hola Joel!
I posted just enough about my experiment for my purposes...never claimed to be an expert...and I have an entirely different set of friends and understanding than my information might not fit your frames of reference.
I have received several emails of support and personal experiences with their own experiments that confirm mine.
I know how fanatical you are about your version of orgonomy so I didn't say anything as I figured it would set you off with clarifications and wanting to instruct me...
I can't remember one single thing you've ever told me in the past that was technical or had enough information to do anything with it or prove it...
Your claim of being able to direct lightning and all your experiments in cloudbusting..not one word about details and not one reference where you had documented any of it for study by anyone...just your now you want me to tell you everything??? Why should I?
I promised the people who sent me my plans I would not post them on the net or pass them around...they have been doing weather modification with a secret group for many years, far, far longer than you and with successes beyond what anyone remotely suspects.
A small group of us in Dallas found a direct correlation to their claims that we have created and tested many times. I think it could be the inner secret of Reich that none of his adherents even suspect.
I met them many years ago at a conference and we have stayed in touch many years and swapped when I was ready to come to Mexico and do the experiment, they offered to give me a copy of the technique they used for so many years.
So I'm not at liberty to give out all the details...a matter of trust and respect.
Anyway....did my thing, worked as intended and no negative effects lo these many years.
There is a new electronic device, roughly a foot square which claims to produce or dissipate rain within a 20 mile radius...the inventor is friggin BRILLIANT and refuses to give out the details or sell them for fear many people dicking with the weather would hose it worldwide...and I agree with him...luckily he sent me a copy of the plans and details about his and a tight group of trusted friends, experiments...all I can say is WOW!!!
Only one other electronic device I know of worked like this, I had discovered the plans in some very old documents and sent them to him...he built and tested it and it so phreaked out my friend who built it that he dissassembled it and buried the parts...he said it was just too dangerous to be messing had a lot of other amazing effects than weather, thats what scared him....
Anyway....we only see the tips of icebergs....I happen to agree that full details of such things shouldn't be posted for any dick to play with...but parts of it can be posted and those who are serious will fill in the rest...hopefully they won't be scuzbags and sell it or use it to cause harm...intentionally or by not considering all the ramifications.
Sorry Joel, as much as you think you know about orgonomy and Reich...I don't think you hold a candle to my secret friends....they are now old and retired...possibly dead...haven't heard from them in about 5 years now...guess I should check up on them to see if they are still around.
Wonder how much information and discoveries have been lost because we don't or CAN'T post everything we and others know?
Please don't get me embroiled with your groups or their adherents...what I did has been posted and thats enough for me. I have no interest in arguing with or being chastized by people I don't know about my experiment. It's none of their business...they can do their own experiments and share them or not...
Just too many other fascinating things to study and experiment with...I might try that electronic device just to see if it does what the inventor says, but no solid plans for it at this point.
Good luck with your projects!
--- On Wed, 4/7/10, joel carlinsky <> wrote:
From: joel carlinsky <>
Subject: cloudbusting
Date: Wednesday, April 7, 2010, 6:40 AM
--- On Fri, 4/9/10, joel carlinsky <> wrote:
From: joel carlinsky <>
Subject: Re: cloudbusting
Date: Friday, April 9, 2010, 1:02 PM
It was Trevor Constable who made the claim to direct lightning. I only figured out how he did it. And I posted that info with all details to my orgonescience list TWICE. You received at least two invitations to join that list, but chose not to. I am not keeping it secret. If you want to know how it was done, just ask me. But please do not expect me to anticipate a question you did not ask.
I doubt anyone left alive has been doing cloudbusting longer than I have except Blasband, and he has now given it up since he became a follower of a Russian guru. I started in 1967, and as far as I know, nobody is left alive who has been in the field longer.
There is one person I can think of who probably knows more about it than I do, and she is not likely to have ever heard of you or any of your friends. She is into working with LIFE not mechanistic gadgetry based on mechanistic physics theories.
I have no idea what plans you are saying you are not at liberty to reveal, since you did post the plans for your cloudbuster in your article. So which plans do you think I asked about? I did not ask anything about any plans since I assumed I had already seen them. I only pointed out that it looked like you were witholding details on what you did, not any plans for equipment with which you did it.
I actually have no objection to your witholding the description of how you conducted the operation. In fact, I fully agree. You are absolutely right to keep that info off the web. But if you do, you should be aware that it removes your report from the catagory of a scientific report and makes it anecdotal as far as any scientist is concerned. I was not criticizing. I was just pointing that out and asking for clarification of if that was what your motive was or not.
I do not agree with the concepts and terminology you used in your report. There is no concept in orgonomy of a standing comumular wave, and there is no possible way an orop could have long-lasting effects in the way you describe. What I think must have happened is that for some reason unknown, a moderate DOR barrier had recently formed upstream from your location. You do not mention anything about what was happening to the west of you, or to the north or south of you, or what happened during your operations, or what the atmospheric conditions were when you started or what they were afterwards, but my best guess is that you succeeded in draining off enough of a localized DOR field that was obstructing the flow of orgone into the lake basin, so that the normal west to east flow was able to reasert itself. That is the only way you could have had a long-lasting result.
You do not mention doing any readings of atmospheric pulsation or DOR-intensity. But since I know desertification and droughts are caused by DOR, I must conclude DOR-removal is what you did, regardless of if you were thinking in those terms or not. In any case, it worked, so you must have done something right.
And please note that I did not accuse you of doing any environmental harm. As far as I know, you did not. But that might have been just sheer luck. Next time, it might be a good idea to consult someone with some experience at cloudbusting, note, CLOUDBUSTING, not "electronic weather control", before you assume you know all about it. It might also be a good idea to talk to an ecologist before trying to do anything that is intended to have a long term effect.
As for your friends, I think I can guess who they are. But if they are not using cloudbusters and are using some electronic box instead, I have no interest in what they are doing or think they are doing. I am interested in cloudbusting. I am not interested in some claim of an electronic box that is alleged to control weather.
Orgone energy is not electronic and the weather is an orgone energy phenomena. The cloudbuster can affect orgone potentials in the atmosphere. Any effect on weather is only a side-effect, not the goal of an operation. Orgone energy is a living form of energy. Cloudbusting has much more in common with biology than with electronics. You did not say if you were even noticing what the biological effects of you work were, but I suspect you did not. It is not your area of interest.
In any case, no electronic device can do what a cloudbuster does. Any electromagnetic high voltage source can, in fact, does, affect local weather. All high-voltage devices have a mild oranurization effect on the locality. Radar dishes, microwave antenas, radio and TV broadcasting antenas, big generators and transformers., and cross-country high-tension powerlines, all do it. I once sat under a high-voltage powerline and watched clouds break up all afternoon one day. They all broke up at exactly the same spot, every time, none anyplace else.
So if your friends have discovered some such effect of some electronic device, that is nothing new or important. It has no relationship to what a cloudbuster does. Jerry, you are a smart guy. You are probably the worlds ranking expert on free-energy motors, etc. You are rightly very skeptical of a claim in that field that is not backed up by evidence. Why is it any different if I am equally skeptical of a claim in a field which I have studied for many years and know a lot about? More to the point, why are YOU not skeptical of such a claim, just as you would be of a claim in the free-energy field?
You know enough about free energy devices to evaluate any new claims you hear. Well, I know enougfh about cloudbusting to evaluate any claims I hear about cloudbusting. And just as you would not accept any new claim of a free energy device that contravened what you know about such devices and the science behind them, I do not accept any new claim of a breakthrough in cloudbusting that runs counter to known facts of how the orgone field of this planet functions unless solid evidence is presented.
I know what I know. And that includes the fact, and it IS a fact, that no electronic device can do what the Reich cloudsbuster does. But what a cloudbuster does is not to "break up clouds" That is just one relatively unimportant side-effect of cloudbusting. And the cloudbuster can, in fact, do that in two very different ways.
The terminology is because of the history of the device. Breaking up clouds was the first phenomena of cloudbusting discovered, and the name has stuck. But other phenomena have been discovered since, and the people who are not familiar with the field see the name "cloudbuster" and think that is what the device does and what it is for.
Cloudbusting is an integral part of the science of orgonomy. That is the study of the biological energy. Which also happens to be the classical ether. Which is the original form of energy in the universe from which all the forms of energy known to classical physics are derived. It is a waste of time to try to work with a cloudbuster in isolation from the other orgone phenomena around it. It has nothing to do with such concepts as "weather modification".
"Weather modification" if it could be done, severed from its roots in the understanding of the atmospheric energy that underlies the weather, would be the worst possible environmental disaster. But there is a very slight risk of it happening. About on the same order of risk as the chance that we might find out the earth is cube-shaped.
About 20 years ago, a man named Preston Nichols sent me what he claimed was a circuit diagram for an electronic weather control device which he claimed was invented by Wilhelm Reich! He claimed Reich made it for the CIA while employed by them! This was such obvious BS that I never did bother to get back to him on it. But it was obvious that no electrical engineer could have ever constructed anything from the plans he sent me.
There are several groups to be found on the internet that claim to have some elecronic method of weather control. I do not mean the crackpots who think the government is secretly controling the weather with the HAARP array in Alaska, or the fans of Tom Beradon, who has been promoting his Soviet weather control hysteria for decades. I mean groups who claim to have actually made some hardware and done it themselves. One such group claims a thing called a "Joe cell" has an effect on weather. Another calls themselves the Weather Rangers.
Such people delude themselves quite easily when they first see the mild oranur effect from an elecromagnetic source disipate a cloud that they have found a way to control weather electronicly. They usually reason that all they have to do to create a cloud is reverse the "polarity" or some such thing. The rest is the normal human tendency that you know all too well from your contact with free energy inventors. They convince themselves the thing MUST work because they are so sure they have a correct theory. And they then convince those around them because they are so absolutely certain and honest about it.
So, I am willing to attend a demonstration, but until I have seen what is going on or at least seen some report that tells enough of how the process works that it would be possible to understand what it is doing, my position will remain that no electronic weather control device is possible. And none ever will be because weather is orgonotic, not electronic.
--- On Wed, 4/7/10, Jerry <> wrote:
--- On Wed, 4/7/10, Jerry <> wrote:
From: Jerry <>
Subject: Re: cloudbusting
To: "joel carlinsky" <>
Cc: "Chuck Henderson" <>
Date: Wednesday, April 7, 2010, 5:28 PM
Hola Joel!
I posted just enough about my experiment for my purposes...never claimed to be an expert...and I have an entirely different set of friends and understanding than my information might not fit your frames of reference.
I have received several emails of support and personal experiences with their own experiments that confirm mine.
I know how fanatical you are about your version of orgonomy so I didn't say anything as I figured it would set you off with clarifications and wanting to instruct me...
I can't remember one single thing you've ever told me in the past that was technical or had enough information to do anything with it or prove it...
Your claim of being able to direct lightning and all your experiments in cloudbusting..not one word about details and not one reference where you had documented any of it for study by anyone...just your now you want me to tell you everything??? Why should I?
I promised the people who sent me my plans I would not post them on the net or pass them around...they have been doing weather modification with a secret group for many years, far, far longer than you and with successes beyond what anyone remotely suspects.
A small group of us in Dallas found a direct correlation to their claims that we have created and tested many times. I think it could be the inner secret of Reich that none of his adherents even suspect.
I met them many years ago at a conference and we have stayed in touch many years and swapped when I was ready to come to Mexico and do the experiment, they offered to give me a copy of the technique they used for so many years.
So I'm not at liberty to give out all the details...a matter of trust and respect.
Anyway....did my thing, worked as intended and no negative effects lo these many years.
There is a new electronic device, roughly a foot square which claims to produce or dissipate rain within a 20 mile radius...the inventor is friggin BRILLIANT and refuses to give out the details or sell them for fear many people dicking with the weather would hose it worldwide...and I agree with him...luckily he sent me a copy of the plans and details about his and a tight group of trusted friends, experiments...all I can say is WOW!!!
Only one other electronic device I know of worked like this, I had discovered the plans in some very old documents and sent them to him...he built and tested it and it so phreaked out my friend who built it that he dissassembled it and buried the parts...he said it was just too dangerous to be messing had a lot of other amazing effects than weather, thats what scared him....
Anyway....we only see the tips of icebergs....I happen to agree that full details of such things shouldn't be posted for any dick to play with...but parts of it can be posted and those who are serious will fill in the rest...hopefully they won't be scuzbags and sell it or use it to cause harm...intentionally or by not considering all the ramifications.
Sorry Joel, as much as you think you know about orgonomy and Reich...I don't think you hold a candle to my secret friends....they are now old and retired...possibly dead...haven't heard from them in about 5 years now...guess I should check up on them to see if they are still around.
Wonder how much information and discoveries have been lost because we don't or CAN'T post everything we and others know?
Please don't get me embroiled with your groups or their adherents...what I did has been posted and thats enough for me. I have no interest in arguing with or being chastized by people I don't know about my experiment. It's none of their business...they can do their own experiments and share them or not...
Just too many other fascinating things to study and experiment with...I might try that electronic device just to see if it does what the inventor says, but no solid plans for it at this point.
Good luck with your projects!
--- On Wed, 4/7/10, joel carlinsky <> wrote:
From: joel carlinsky <>
Subject: cloudbusting
Date: Wednesday, April 7, 2010, 6:40 AM
Hi, Jerry,
I read your report on your cloudbusting project. I have several questions. I am sending this to you off-list because I suspect some of the omissions were intentional.
You go into good detail about your equipment and how it was grounded, but do not say anything about what you did with it. What direction you drew from, at what angle of elevation, for how long, etc. This is the same policy DeMeo follows, originated by Blasband, to prevent anyone from learning how to do cloudbusting. At least that is how it looks to me. Or was it just an oversight on your part to leave out the very information someone would need to try to replicate what you did? You did mention the importance of replicability in the article, so I do not think it was an oversight. Was it?
You also somehow managed to write an entire article on cloudbusting without any reference to the orgone energy continuuum which is the real object of the cloudbusting, the effects on weather being only a side-effect, and not always the most noticeable or most important. I do not think this was an accident either. I think you wanted to get the idea accross that the theory is not important and only the actula results count. That is the traditional engineering claim, and is what I think you had in mind here.
I also would like to know who are these unnamed "experts" you consulted. I can think of a few people I would consider experts on cloudbusting, but none of them are likely to be known to you. And none of them would have used any such terminology as "standing colomnuar wave". Also, none of them would claim a change in normal atmospheric patterns could be caused that would persist for years. That simply is not how the atmosphere works.
The only way a long-term change in atmosphric orgone pulsation can be produced with a cloudbuster is by removal of a DOR barrier that has been obstructing normal flow. This is what I would suspect you did in Mexico, judging by your results. I would think a DOR barrier had formed in the region, and intentionally or not, you removed it, allowing normal flow to resume. That is a much simpler hypothesis than a new, previouslñy unknown phenomena of a cloudbuster somehow being able to set up new, long-lasting changes in weather patterns since it relies only on already known and substanciated observations of how cloudbusting actually works.
The people who make claims about long-term weather changes and use terminology derived from electromagnetic theory like "standing collomular wave" are people who do not understand orgone energy, do not understand the role of DOR in droughts and desert formation, and are not people I would consider experts in the field of cloudbusting.
In the past, you have sometimes accused me of being negative and trying to tear people down without sufficient cause, so I am sending you this privately so you can decide if it should be posted to your list or not. I am not trying to be hypercritical; only to set the facts straight as I see them.
I am also going to send it to a few people I know who are knowledgeable about orgone energy and ask for them to comment.
Hi, Jerry,
You could not have picked a worse time to send this, since my computer access is limited at the moment, so this will not be all I have to say on the subject, but the rest will have to wait.
First, if you intended to write a scientific report, it would help if you included what you did. I see a good detailed description of your equipment, but no information on what direction you drew from, at what angle of elevation, for how long. Nobody could duplicate what you did from your report. I suspect this was intentional, and you are deliberately witholding this information to prevent what Eva Reich used to call "wildcatting".
Second, in your entire report, there is no mention of the word "orgone" or any indication of how the device described is supposed to accomplish what it does. This would lead any scientist who read it without prior knowledge of cloudbusting to dismiss it as mysticism.
Third, you do not say if the low water level was caused by shortfall of rain or by too many farmers drawing water from the lake for irrigation. Some rainfall statistics would be helpfull in evaluating the results.
Forth, you do not say who the "experts" you consulted are, but I can guess from what you say they told you. The ideas of Trevor Constable and his following are not the consensus in orgonomy and should be treated with extreme caution.
To be precise: long-term changes in weather are not possible and the effects of cloudbusting last only a few days to a few weeks at most. The exception is if a DOR barrier is removed, allowing the natural flow to rtesume.
Fifth, you do not mention DOR. Droughts do not "just happen". They have a cause. The cause is DOR. The best cloudbusting is to do DOR-removal. This is the way to restore normal atmospheric pulsation. You may have done DOR removal, either intentionally or by accident, but your report does not mention it.
Sixth, you also do not mention any biological paramaters of the starting conditions or of your results. Did you pay any attention at all to what was happening to plants and animals or to how you or others were feeling while you were working? Cloudbusting is more than meteorology. It is biology. The most important factors are biological ones, not what the weather does. Changes in weather are only a side effect of cloudbusting.
Seventh point, did you take any readings of changes in the orgone field while you were operatingf? Did you pound two nails into a tree about two meters apart and use a volt meter to check the difference in voltage between them to see what effect you were having on plant life when you elevated the pipes? Did you use a light meter to see if there were changes in light intensity when you operated?
Future Advertisement
Now is your chance to own your very own personal weapon of mass destruction! Yes, for the first time, you can buy the same sort of defensive weapons formerly reserved for only the most powerful nations!
Be prepared to retailiate in case you are attacked or threatened! Nobody will dare mess with you if you own a CLOUDBUSTER! This unique device is available for a limited time only, so act fast!
If you own one of our new-model CLOUDBUSTERS, you will be able to inflict hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods on any one who gives you problems! Including government officials!
Yes, NOBODY will be able to avoid your MASSIVE RETAILATION!
You will be able to destroy whole nations, force governments to give in to you, and extort millions of dollars from helpless farmers!
Plus, think of the exciting possibilities for revenge on all those people you owe some pain to from high school!
So, don't delay! Be the first in your neighborhood to own a CLOUDBUSTER to make the weather do what YOU want to other people before someone else does it to YOU.
Send only $499 cash only, please.
If the above sounds a bit over the top, consider the ramifications of some things you are more accustomed to seeing. There are some people irrespobsibly promoting cloudbusters as a form of "weather control". If they ever did succeed in getting the recognition they crave, the above ad might not remain a fantasy for much longer.
Now is your chance to own your very own personal weapon of mass destruction! Yes, for the first time, you can buy the same sort of defensive weapons formerly reserved for only the most powerful nations!
Be prepared to retailiate in case you are attacked or threatened! Nobody will dare mess with you if you own a CLOUDBUSTER! This unique device is available for a limited time only, so act fast!
If you own one of our new-model CLOUDBUSTERS, you will be able to inflict hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods on any one who gives you problems! Including government officials!
Yes, NOBODY will be able to avoid your MASSIVE RETAILATION!
You will be able to destroy whole nations, force governments to give in to you, and extort millions of dollars from helpless farmers!
Plus, think of the exciting possibilities for revenge on all those people you owe some pain to from high school!
So, don't delay! Be the first in your neighborhood to own a CLOUDBUSTER to make the weather do what YOU want to other people before someone else does it to YOU.
Send only $499 cash only, please.
If the above sounds a bit over the top, consider the ramifications of some things you are more accustomed to seeing. There are some people irrespobsibly promoting cloudbusters as a form of "weather control". If they ever did succeed in getting the recognition they crave, the above ad might not remain a fantasy for much longer.
Scientific Personality Disorder
Formal scientific training is not always an absolute bar to doing good work in orgone biophysics, but it is usually a bad sign. The people attracted to mainstream physics, which really means, mechanistic physics, are not a randomly-selected group. They are the very ones, out of the whole population, who are most mechanistic in their thinking and most strongly defended against the concept of orgone energy. The normal person is usually content to plead ignorance of science and leave it at that. The mechanistic personality, the person who is likely to go into science as a career, tends to take upon himself a more active role,and work hard to discredit the concept of a biological universal energy because he is more afraid of feeling that energy in his own body than the normal person is.
The training these selected students are subjected to is designed specificly to indoctrinate them in the mechanistic theories to prevent them from ever looking at the dangerous idea of a biological energy prevading a biologically-energized universe. Modern science, biology no less than physics, is a system of rationalizations that exists for the purpose of denial of the life energy.
I seriously doubt a person who suffers from "Scientific Personality Syndrome" can ever put aside both his personality defenses and his classroom training, and learn how the universe really functions. There are a few exceptions, such as Bernard Grad, for example, who is a Ph.D. biologist, but managed to do good work with bions in spite of that. But in general, orgonomy requires a different kind of personality, and a very different type of training.
The people who are best able to learn about orgone energy are artists, kindergarden teachers, gardeners, animal trainers, and naturalists. The people who nearly always do the worst work are those who come from a background of physics, electrical engineering, and meteorology.
That is why I would not suport an effort to convince scientists that cloudbusting is effective; they are the wrong people to try to convince, and if convinced, they would be the wrong people to use it properly. The people to teach cloudbusting to are children. They are more open to the concepts, not having been yet indoctrinated with mechanistic theories, but more importantly, they are more responsible and could be trusted to use it properly where adults, who frequently have political and ecconomic motivations, could not.
I would like to set up a summer camp where kids from 8 to 16 could spend 6 weeks of the summer learning orgone biophysics and cloudbusting, then go home ready and able to help the atmosphere in their neighborhood if they think it needs it.
Cloudbusting is too important to be left to adults.
Trevor Constable
We might have expected to hear no more of Trevor Constable, a would-be entrepreneur who spent 40 years in an ultimately unsuccessful effort to commercialize the Reich cloudbuster invented by Wilhelm Reich, once he retired at an advanced age. He is now 86 years old and his career is over. But infortunately, his influence will survive him.
A younger generation of backyard tinkerers and would-be weather-control engineers has discovered his writings and knows too little about orgonomy to distinguish between Constable's "etheric weather engineering" and the genuine practice of cloudbusting as developed by Wilhelm Reich.
While it is true that Reich used, indeed, coined, the term, "weather engineering" , by the end of his life he had outgrown it and developed his concepts of cloudbusting far beyond the early days when he considered cloudbusting to be "weather control". Reich wrote in his last book, Contact With Space, that the difference could be compared to that between a dictator and a guide, and that the proper role of the cloudbuster operator was to help the damaged atmosphere return to normal, re-establish the capaqcity for self-regulation, and then leave it alone.
Constable must never have read that book. Throughout his career, in his entire considerable body of writings, he never refered to atmospheric self-regulation. Instead, he spoke consistantly of "weather engineering" , "weather control", and other such terms that give a clear impression of an authoritarian personality, a man who wants to force nature to submit to his will, not heal a sick and dying atmosphere.
His work consistantly showed this approch. He had a deliberate policy of always trying to break records, cause abnormal weather conditions, bring the greatest amount of rain, the strongest storms, the most lightning, etc. He seemed oblivious to any damage he caused, killing numerous people without any sign of regret or assumption of responsibility.
The younger people who now are attempting to learn how to do cloudbusting from his writings and promotional videos are being misled. Trevor Constable is not a good source of information on how to do cloudbusting. He is, in fact, the very best source of information on how NOT to do cloudbusting. His depredations against the earth and it's inhabitants over the 40 years of his cloudbusting career are about the worst record in the history of cloudbusting.
Reich wrote extensively about the environmental hazards of DOR, a stagnated, toxic, often deadly form of orgone caused to a large extent by the interaction of nuclear energy with orgone in the atmosphere. Reich considered DOR to be increasing and potentially capable of exterminating life on earth, both by causing droughts and other atmospheric disfunction, and by direct biological devitalization of all living organisms. According to Reich, DOR interferes with the normal constant pulsation of the orgone of the atmosphere which underlies all weather formation.
Reich actually invented the cloudbuster to remove DOR and it only afterwards turned out to have a side-effect of influencing weather directly in addition to this all-important function. And Reich wrote that DOR-removal was the main goal of properly done cloudbusting and if DOR was eliminated from a drought-stricken region, normal rainfall patterns would resume and no further work with the cloudbuster would have to be done.
Constable, on the other hand, never, in all his voluminous published writings, even mentioned DOR. The reason for this omission is that Constable, who is very mystical and heavily into the occult and not incidently was raised as a Christian Scientist, thinks merely THINKING about DOR causes it. He once told this author that Dr. Richard Blasband was "socking in the whole East Coast with DOR by worrying about it all the time".
Therefore, instead of working on getting rid of DOR, he avoided thinking about it. All his cloudbusting operations were designed only to directly cause a particular effect on the weather, not to eliminate the underlying cauise of an atmospheric problem and restore the atmosphere to a condition in which it can pulsate normally again and no further cloudbusting work will be needed.
The junior Trevor Contable wanabees who are so impressed by his bombastic claims to be able to "control weather" with "etheric weather control" as he attempted to re-name Reich's cloudbuster, fail to notice that in over 40 years of "controling weather" no lasting results have been acchieved and the droughts and desertification of Southern California, where he did most of his work, continue because the underlying problem of the DOR which causes the droughts goes on unaddressed.
Photos from Iceland
Volcanoes are an orgone energy phenomenon. They are caused by the discharge of excess orgone in the interior of the earth. That is why there is always a lot of lightning in a volcano eruption. Volcanoes, like earthquakes, which are an alternate way in which the earth discharges excess orgone energy, are a necessary part of the energetic metabolism of the planet and serve a needed function. Without such periodic discharging of built-up energy, the earth would eventually become so over-charged it would explode.
Under normal conditions, the constant influx of orgone energy from space that reaches the earth at the poles, called the Galactic Stream by Reich and the Wilson Current by conventional geophysicists, is mainly discharged back into space by the perpetual belt of thunderstorm activity that circles the earth at the equator.
In recent years, that discharge mechanism has been failing to keep pace with the energy inflow from space due to the increased oranurization of the atmosphere, which among other effects, tends to prevent the development of the powerful storms that produce enough lightning to relieve the energetic tension that builds up.
If the ability of the planetary atmosphere to develop the powerful storms that are needed to discharge the energy that is constantly flowing in from space is interfered with by either oranurization due to release of radioactive gases into the atmosphere from re-processing of nuclear reactor fuel rods, or by inappropriate and ill-informed cloudbusting activities designed to prevent the necessary strong storm systems which normally discharge the excess energy from developing, we can expect more earthquakes and volcanoes in the future.
As an alternative discharge mechanism, the earth has been increasingly releasing the excess energy through earthquakes and volcanoes, and will continue to do so as the more usual atmospheric discharge route continues to deteriorate.
So an increase in earthquake and volcanic activity can be regarded as yet another result of the either the use of atomic power or the irresponsible misuse of the cloudbuster to disrupt the normal formation of strong storm systems. Either way, it is one more example of what the humans are doing to this planet.
Volcanoes are an orgone energy phenomenon. They are caused by the discharge of excess orgone in the interior of the earth. That is why there is always a lot of lightning in a volcano eruption. Volcanoes, like earthquakes, which are an alternate way in which the earth discharges excess orgone energy, are a necessary part of the energetic metabolism of the planet and serve a needed function. Without such periodic discharging of built-up energy, the earth would eventually become so over-charged it would explode.
Under normal conditions, the constant influx of orgone energy from space that reaches the earth at the poles, called the Galactic Stream by Reich and the Wilson Current by conventional geophysicists, is mainly discharged back into space by the perpetual belt of thunderstorm activity that circles the earth at the equator.
In recent years, that discharge mechanism has been failing to keep pace with the energy inflow from space due to the increased oranurization of the atmosphere, which among other effects, tends to prevent the development of the powerful storms that produce enough lightning to relieve the energetic tension that builds up.
If the ability of the planetary atmosphere to develop the powerful storms that are needed to discharge the energy that is constantly flowing in from space is interfered with by either oranurization due to release of radioactive gases into the atmosphere from re-processing of nuclear reactor fuel rods, or by inappropriate and ill-informed cloudbusting activities designed to prevent the necessary strong storm systems which normally discharge the excess energy from developing, we can expect more earthquakes and volcanoes in the future.
As an alternative discharge mechanism, the earth has been increasingly releasing the excess energy through earthquakes and volcanoes, and will continue to do so as the more usual atmospheric discharge route continues to deteriorate.
So an increase in earthquake and volcanic activity can be regarded as yet another result of the either the use of atomic power or the irresponsible misuse of the cloudbuster to disrupt the normal formation of strong storm systems. Either way, it is one more example of what the humans are doing to this planet.
Wrong Description
I took a look today at your website and the first thing I noticed was the
new article on how to build a
cloudbuster. I do not know who wrote that unsigned article, but it
contains a glaring error in the very first line.
cloudbuster. I do not know who wrote that unsigned article, but it
contains a glaring error in the very first line.
A cloudbuster is NOT "a device to facilitate, modify or change
weather". It is a device that CAN have these effects as a side-effect,
but that is NOT the purpose of a properly-done cloudbusting operation.
weather". It is a device that CAN have these effects as a side-effect,
but that is NOT the purpose of a properly-done cloudbusting operation.
There is a very serious transformation underway in the atmosphere of
this planet. It is a build-up of DOR all over the earth. DOR is a
stagnant, highly toxic form of orgone, caused by the irritation of the
global energy field by nuclear technologies, and it is responsible for
an ongoing global breakdown in weather paterns.
this planet. It is a build-up of DOR all over the earth. DOR is a
stagnant, highly toxic form of orgone, caused by the irritation of the
global energy field by nuclear technologies, and it is responsible for
an ongoing global breakdown in weather paterns.
The main purpose of a cloudbuster is to remove DOR, to drain it off,
or ground it, and permit new, fresh orgone to flow into an area,
revitalzing the area and restoring the normal pulsation of the energetic
or ground it, and permit new, fresh orgone to flow into an area,
revitalzing the area and restoring the normal pulsation of the energetic
One of the side-effects of this process is that weather
paterns tend to return to normal, including more-or-less regular,
recurrent rainfalls at the historicly normal season and in the
historicly normal amounts.
paterns tend to return to normal, including more-or-less regular,
recurrent rainfalls at the historicly normal season and in the
historicly normal amounts.
Of equal or greater importance, the biochemical and metabolic
condition of all organisms in the affected area tend to stabilize and
return to an optimum state, restoring health to entire populations of
all species. This, not "modifying weather", is the goal of any
properly-done cloudbusting operation.
condition of all organisms in the affected area tend to stabilize and
return to an optimum state, restoring health to entire populations of
all species. This, not "modifying weather", is the goal of any
properly-done cloudbusting operation.
To introduce people who are unfamiliar with the underlying concepts to
cloudbusting by telling them cloudusters are a "device to facilitate,
modify, or change weather" is to mislead them.
cloudbusting by telling them cloudusters are a "device to facilitate,
modify, or change weather" is to mislead them.
It is this very misconception, that cloudbusting can be done without
regard to biological factors, that has made cloudbusting an environmental
menace instead of the boon to the earth it could have been if it had not
fallen into the hands of control-freaks who want to misuse it to
"control weather" instead of to resore an ecological balance that has
been disrupted by human interference already. Additional interference by
humans, in the form of cloudbusting to " modify weather" will only make
things worse.
regard to biological factors, that has made cloudbusting an environmental
menace instead of the boon to the earth it could have been if it had not
fallen into the hands of control-freaks who want to misuse it to
"control weather" instead of to resore an ecological balance that has
been disrupted by human interference already. Additional interference by
humans, in the form of cloudbusting to " modify weather" will only make
things worse.
I think it is highly irresponsible of you to post instructions on how
to build a cloudbuster on a public website without including a long,
detailed explanation of errors to avoid and explaning what the
atmospheric situation is today and why, and what the true function of
cloudbusting should be. Encouraging misguided people to think of
cloudbusting as a way to change weather instead of a way to practice
atmospheric medicine on a damaged environment, is only another form of
vandalism of this planet.
And if cloudbusting is used with the goal of modifying weather instead
of removing DOR and restoring atmospheric self-regulation, cloudbusting
is only another form of pollution.
to build a cloudbuster on a public website without including a long,
detailed explanation of errors to avoid and explaning what the
atmospheric situation is today and why, and what the true function of
cloudbusting should be. Encouraging misguided people to think of
cloudbusting as a way to change weather instead of a way to practice
atmospheric medicine on a damaged environment, is only another form of
vandalism of this planet.
And if cloudbusting is used with the goal of modifying weather instead
of removing DOR and restoring atmospheric self-regulation, cloudbusting
is only another form of pollution.
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