Saturday, November 20, 2010
Crank Threatening Letter From A Crackpot
Incredible! This lunatic is so out of contact with reality he really thinks a threat like this would scare someone. I guess he watches too many Men In Black movies.
--- On Wed, 3/25/09, <> wrote:
From: <>
Subject: Re: Cloudbusting Resources
Date: Wednesday, March 25, 2009, 1:53 PM
Mr. Carlinsky: After your recent posts, I finally decided to do a background check on you. I was not pleased with the results. It irks me to know I wasted time communicating with you.
It is strongly recommended you cease and desist from contacting myself, Ash or anyone else associated with Panacea or interfering in anyway in the future. If you fail to heed this cogent advice, certain associates from Washington might come and pay you a visit. Perhaps, the Social Security Administration needs to look into your eligibility for that disability pension you are receiving. You already well know the unpleasant nature of governmental institutionalization. If you interfere with anything I am associated with again, the consequences will be most unfortunate.
--- On Wed, 3/25/09, <> wrote:
From: <>
Subject: Re: Cloudbusting Resources
Date: Wednesday, March 25, 2009, 1:53 PM
Mr. Carlinsky: After your recent posts, I finally decided to do a background check on you. I was not pleased with the results. It irks me to know I wasted time communicating with you.
It is strongly recommended you cease and desist from contacting myself, Ash or anyone else associated with Panacea or interfering in anyway in the future. If you fail to heed this cogent advice, certain associates from Washington might come and pay you a visit. Perhaps, the Social Security Administration needs to look into your eligibility for that disability pension you are receiving. You already well know the unpleasant nature of governmental institutionalization. If you interfere with anything I am associated with again, the consequences will be most unfortunate.
Unheeded Advice
Sometime in the late 1980s or early 1990s I spoke to the late Dr. Victor Sobey, a medical orgonomist trained by Wilhelm Reich, who told me he had been the only one who had advised Reich to not publish anything about cloudbusting when Reich discovered the phenomena in 1952. Reich had said that it was already known to enough people in the Rangely area and among his trainees and their circle in New York that there was no possibility of hiding it anyway, so he ignored Sobey and went ahead and published. Sobey told me he still thought at the time of our conversation that Reich had made a mistake.
I agree. We now live in a world where hundreds of spaced-out mystics and out-of-contact mechanists can do virtually anything they want with the weather, causing increasing atmospheric chaos, and mass murder by cloudbuster has become almost a daily event. It lies within the easy financial reach of any average person of modest means to own their very own undetectable weapon of mass destruction, thanks to Wilhelm Reich. The infliction of more destruction on the planet earth than has been done by any other single individual in human history may well turn out to be the single most important legacy Reich bequeathed to the world.
I agree. We now live in a world where hundreds of spaced-out mystics and out-of-contact mechanists can do virtually anything they want with the weather, causing increasing atmospheric chaos, and mass murder by cloudbuster has become almost a daily event. It lies within the easy financial reach of any average person of modest means to own their very own undetectable weapon of mass destruction, thanks to Wilhelm Reich. The infliction of more destruction on the planet earth than has been done by any other single individual in human history may well turn out to be the single most important legacy Reich bequeathed to the world.
The Trevor Constable Case
From: joel carlinsky <>
Subject: The Trevor Constable Case
Date: Tuesday, March 2, 2010, 7:03 AM
Dear Dr. ..................,
In my last message I forgot to mention one of the most important bits of information: The Trevor Constable story.
In 1969-1972, Trevor Constable was employed by the ACO as their West Coast cloudbuster operator, doing many orops under ACO auspices, with their funding. He was nominally under Blasbands supervision, and was helped by a woman named Mary Poe, who was in therapy with Dr. Albert Duvall.
On one occasion, while Blasband was visiting, Constable did an operation to demonstrate a new cloudbusting technique he had developed. The success of the operation was documented by the news report next day: Storm Hikes State Death Toll To 67 on Rain-slicked Freeways.
On another occcasion, one of his orops was similiarly documented by a news headline: 9-year-old Boy Swept Out To Sea By Sudden, Unexpected Storm. Both of these news headlines were known to Blasband at the time, but there is no record that he ever raised any objection to this murder by cloudbuster with ACO funding and suport.
When I met Constable, in Dec., 1971, he told me Reich was not the real inventor of the cloudbuster, he was a re-incarnated Atlantean who remembered how the Atlanteans had used cloudbusters. He told me the cloudbuster used by the Atlanteans was exactly the same design, and they had fought a war with them which sank Atlantis. When I asked how he knew all this, he Said, "I'm clairvoyant".
Constable told me he was an ocultist, urged me to read Rudolph Steiner, and said Reich was "blocked against mysticism". More to the point, he also said the way to convince people cloudbusting worked was to go for breaking the rainfall record everytime he operated. He said he was going to "bring storms into Los Angeles that would turn the place inside out".
Later, when I obtained documentation in the form of a letter in which he said the exact same thing, I showed the letter to Jerome Eden, who got very excited and sent it to Ellsworth Baker. The ACO had an emergency Board of Directors meeting and Constable was fired, but over the strong objections of Blasband, who argued that Constable did good work. Baker told me a short time after that, "I'm worried about Dr. Blasband".
Constable, according to his book, Loom of the Future, had been a campaign worker for the 1968 presidential campaign of George Walace, who ran on a racial segegation platform. That, along with his mysticism, was known to Blasband at the time.
Constable had formed a bad impression of me when I visted him because a Black friend of mine, Larry Diggs, a well-known San Francisco disk jockey, had gone along with me to see him. Constable was friendly and polite, but afterwards sent a letter to several orgonomists warning them I was "associating with Black magicians".
Mary Poe has told me that Constable had figured out how to direct a lightning strike with a cloudbuster and had demonstrated the technique. A short time later, when she had an argument with Constable and quit as his assistant, there was a tremendous unforecast thunderstorm that night, with numerous lightning strikes right near her home and none anywhere else. She is convinced he was trying to kill her. Since I have tested out the technique and confirmed that it works, I am inclined to believe her.
At the time Constable got fired from by the ACO, Blasband offered to resign from the ACO and go into the commercial cloudbusting business with him, but Constable told him to stay with the ACO so he could keep Constable informed of what the ACO was doing. In other words, Blasband was to become a spy in the ACO for Constable.
Blasband was angry at me for blowing the whistle on his friend, and when I asked him why he had not, as an orgonomist, considered Constables mysticism pathological, he said that Constable does good work and I was a biggot to hold the mans religion against him. It is not surprising that Blasband later became involved with another mystical guru, Levashov, and has come to believe in a mystical theory of the functioning of the cloudbuster instead of the orgonomic theory of Reich.
That a mystical.minded person like Constable could be accepted by the ACO as fit to do cloudbusting is enough to raise questions about their competence as psychiatrists in itself, but that they had accepted for a highly responsible position, a position in which the lives of unsuspecting members of the public could be put at risk, a man who had worked for the election of a presidential candiate whose main issue was racial segregation, says all I need to know about the ACO. One must be very far to the right indeed to consider racism a respectable political position.
At the time, I was told by Ellsworth Baker that the next issue of the Journal of Orgonomy would contain an article explaining why Trevor Constable was no longer working for them. I am still waiting for that article. The ACO has never formally repudiated Constable, leaving people who do not have access to personal conversations with insiders to assume he is still connected with the ACO.
Constable And His Followers
Trevor Constable was a follower of Rudolph Steiner, a UFO contactee, and into radionics and other New-Age stuff before he ever hreartd of Reich. In 1958 he wrote a book, They Live In The Sky, about UFOs, which he considered air-bourne life-forms that eat energy and are invisible to the eye most of the time, but when they over-eat they liuninate in the visble part of the spectrum and can be seen. He described his experiments with infra-red photography of such invisible atmospheric creatures.
The book was read by Robert McCullough, the biologist who had worked for Reich in Arizona. He contacted Constable and told him about the sightings he had made with Reich. Constable got interested in cloudbusting. The ACO then provided him with funding so he would not have to work while cloudbusting in Southern California.
Blasband was in charge of the ACO cloudbusting program. Dr. Albert Duvall, whom Charles Kelly once described as "the sickest man in orgonomy", was also involved. Apparently neither of them, both orgonomic psychiatrists, was concerned about Constables mystical tendencies. Constable kept his Steinerian ideas out of his reports to the Journal of Orgonomy, but they were all well aware of his thinking on such topics.
After Jerome Eden and I blew the whistle on his misuse of the cloudbuster and got him fired, he continued cloudbusting and in 1976 wrote a book called Cosmic Pulse of Life, which became popular among New-Agers and introduced the New-Age movement to cloudbusting. A frequent talk radio guest and conference speaker, with articles on his newly-christened "etheric weather control" in several New Age magazines, he soon influenced a generation of idiots who had no idea of the difference between science and superstition to think of cloudbusting as a part of the New Age paradigm.
Fast forward to the current situation. Of the several hundred people with cloudbusting capacity, more than 80% of them are believers in some mystical misexplanation of how it works or some crazy Marvel Comics scenario of what they are doing with it. I have met more people who are building cloudbusters to fight the Ant People when they emerge from under Area 51 to attack Tucson in the year 2012 as predicted by Hopi prophecies than I have met who know what DOR in the sky looks like.
Most of the hits on Google for a search for cloudbusters will be about the Croftians. But there are plenty of others.
One of the worst of them is a Ken Swartz, whom I had a run-in with last year. His first letter to me was:
One of the worst of them is a Ken Swartz, whom I had a run-in with last year. His first letter to me was:
Dear Joel: I have also read Dr. Reich quite intensively, but he is also only human and did not have absolute truth. Follow no man blindly, but use critical thought and study.
I shall start with a little history. The study of Orgone in the modern European era began with the research by Baron Von Reichenbach. He called this energy the ODE. His books are a bit hard to find, but I recommend as basic reading. Rudolph Steiner was one of the next researchers into the Orgone. He called it Etheric energy and discovered it modified into FOUR distinct types or vibrational mode. Dr. Reich only discovered two forms.
Perhaps, it was not a DOR concentation you had difficulty removing. It was only relatively recently discovered neutrinos could change between three flavors. I recommend reading "The Etheric Formative Forces in the Cosmos, Earth and Man" by a Dr. Guether Washsmuth. It is an excellent compilation of Steiners work in this area. Dr. Steiner also was a contemporary and communicated regularly with Viktor Schauberger. I very much recommend reading Schauberger writting and those of Callun Coats on Shauberger "Living Energies". Schauberger also made his mistakes when he wandered out of his area of expertise, but on water he was the master. You might also delve into the amazing (though unexplained by "modern science") success of Biodynamic Farming. Do not forget to examine the Waldorph Schools either.
Next comes Dr. Reich of which you are familiar.
Trevor James Constable is the next major researcher on the Orgone. He took knowledge from all these sources to produce a more advanced technology and understanding. One of Trevor's main collaborators was a former assistant to Dr. Reich, who taught Trevor Reich's technology directly. His name escapes me at the moment, but you can find and see his photo in Trevor's book "Cosmic Pulse of Life". Reich did not understand those "UFOs" he battled in the Arizona desert were life forms with ancient history on our planet and not alien invaders. A part of nature, fellow beings not an enemy.
I have built and used Trevor's technology many times. With it, I have snapped the jet stream like a whip on more than a few occasion and dragged hurricanes around like a small dog on a leash. The whole apparatus would fit into a suitcase. Again I recommend you obtain Trevor's DVD's from Ash and watch them with an open mind.
You might ask, what are my scientific qualifications? Well among them, I developed a new mathematical method of calculating gravity, which has effectively replaced Newton's in the military/space sector. It is why the US's THAAD system now works, how the Chinese were able to collide a missile with a satellite a couple of years ago and why the Soyuz doesn't need to use manual override when it docks with the Space Station anymore since late 2004. Most ballistic missiles on the planet use it for targeting, as error have been reduced for hundreds to dozens of feet. One reason I'm still walking around, as I am the most profitable of cash cows. Ash has a propriety same introductory copy of this mathematical development, if your are interested.
Those eastern "mystics" are not to bad either. The late King of Nepal paid a Buddhist monastery 400 lb in gold to ensure the weather would be fine for his wedding. Guests from all over the world flew in for the wedding. Normally that time of year in Nepal the weather is quite overcast. But on the exact hour of the start of festivities, the skies cleared and remained clear for the entire wedding time, an entire week. After the exact hour end of the wedding festivities, the overcast returned. Do not underestimate the power of the human mind. Perhaps, you have learned to use your mind to dissolve clouds? It is an easy skill teach and I have found it an amusing entertainment at parties.
One of my exs is now a Practitioner of Chinese medicine. As a Guinea Pig in her educational process, I can testify that Acupuncture and other Asian mysterious mystical things are quite effective. Some ancient cultures are past trying to prove or convert others to their ways.
I hope you have found this communication of value.
Sincerely, Ken
Next comes Dr. Reich of which you are familiar.
Trevor James Constable is the next major researcher on the Orgone. He took knowledge from all these sources to produce a more advanced technology and understanding. One of Trevor's main collaborators was a former assistant to Dr. Reich, who taught Trevor Reich's technology directly. His name escapes me at the moment, but you can find and see his photo in Trevor's book "Cosmic Pulse of Life". Reich did not understand those "UFOs" he battled in the Arizona desert were life forms with ancient history on our planet and not alien invaders. A part of nature, fellow beings not an enemy.
I have built and used Trevor's technology many times. With it, I have snapped the jet stream like a whip on more than a few occasion and dragged hurricanes around like a small dog on a leash. The whole apparatus would fit into a suitcase. Again I recommend you obtain Trevor's DVD's from Ash and watch them with an open mind.
You might ask, what are my scientific qualifications? Well among them, I developed a new mathematical method of calculating gravity, which has effectively replaced Newton's in the military/space sector. It is why the US's THAAD system now works, how the Chinese were able to collide a missile with a satellite a couple of years ago and why the Soyuz doesn't need to use manual override when it docks with the Space Station anymore since late 2004. Most ballistic missiles on the planet use it for targeting, as error have been reduced for hundreds to dozens of feet. One reason I'm still walking around, as I am the most profitable of cash cows. Ash has a propriety same introductory copy of this mathematical development, if your are interested.
Those eastern "mystics" are not to bad either. The late King of Nepal paid a Buddhist monastery 400 lb in gold to ensure the weather would be fine for his wedding. Guests from all over the world flew in for the wedding. Normally that time of year in Nepal the weather is quite overcast. But on the exact hour of the start of festivities, the skies cleared and remained clear for the entire wedding time, an entire week. After the exact hour end of the wedding festivities, the overcast returned. Do not underestimate the power of the human mind. Perhaps, you have learned to use your mind to dissolve clouds? It is an easy skill teach and I have found it an amusing entertainment at parties.
One of my exs is now a Practitioner of Chinese medicine. As a Guinea Pig in her educational process, I can testify that Acupuncture and other Asian mysterious mystical things are quite effective. Some ancient cultures are past trying to prove or convert others to their ways.
I hope you have found this communication of value.
Sincerely, Ken
And my reply was:
Sorry, I disagree with nearly everything you say.
I know all about the claims made by Trevor Constable for his inventions, but I do not accept that they are true improvements on the original Reich Cloudbuster. I have experimented with several variations of them, and they all have flaws.
We do not need new, improved types of cloudbusting equipment. What is needed is better understanding of how the atmosphere functions. And that will not be obtained by paying any attention to mystics like Rudolph Steiner. Trevor has done some good work, but he ruins it by his devotion to Steiner and his mystical distortions of the life energy.
I have read plenty of Steiner. I regard him as a crackpot mystic, with nothing real to say. The ONLY valid work on the life energy has been done within the field of orgonomy, as started by Reich and kept alive by a very few individuals since. Steiner and others who mystify the life energy should be ignored. They have nothing valid to teach us. Period.
I agree Don Croft is a crank, but the heat wave in Europe was caused by someone from Germany working in Algeria at the time-with the real Reich cloudbuster, not a crackpot Croftian device. I have documented that bungled operation on my orgonescience mailing list. The Croft devices do not do any good, that is certain. They may or may not have a harmfull effect, but there is no solid evidence yet that they do anything. And I suspect they do not.
Deserts are the result of DOR fields, as described by Reich. DOR is stagnated orgone energy. Regardless of the original cause of the stagnation, it can be mobilized by proper cloudbusting and the landscape can be restored to health.
I do not have much patience with mysticism or people who claim to know more about orgone energy than Reich did, or those who call it by names like "CHI" or "Prana", which terms show a lack of understanding of the need for scientific rigor in ones thinking. The oriental traditrions lack this rigor, so nothing they say can be accepted. Orgonomy is a science, not a religion, and it has to be kept that way if it is to make any progress instead of lapsing into being nothing but another belief system.
And I also wrote this to the person who had refered me to him:
I recently had some correspondence with someone who I had not heard of previously, but who had claimed to have done a lot of cloudbusting and to have been a student of Trevor Constable.
That alone should raise a red flag, since Constable is not anyone I would recommend as a teacher. His mystical distortions of orgone energy theories and concepts obviate any value his work might have. Additionally, he has been well documented to have done a lot of weather-related damage, including killing a lot of people, by his reckless disregard of concern for bystanders.
He also has a track record of involvement with dubious persons and causes. He was a campaign worker in 1968 for George Walace, who ran for president on a racial segregationist platform. He was a friend of General Curtis LeMay, head of the Strategic Air Command, a criminal conspiracy to commit mass murder. He has written several highly laudatory biographies of WWll German and Japanese war heros.
So it is not entirely a surprise that this alleged disciple of his should include the following in his letter to me:
" I have built and used Trevor's technology many times. With it, I have snapped the jet stream like a whip on more than a few occasion and dragged hurricanes around like a small dog on a leash. The whole apparatus would fit into a suitcase. Again I recommend you obtain Trevor's DVD's and watch them with an open mind. "
Now, if that is the analogy that springs to his mind, I would not want to be his dog. I also would not want to be the wife or child of a man who treats dogs that way. This sick attitude towards nature is a symptom of a sadistic and psychopathic personality disorder.
It is exactly the reverse of the way someone doing cloudbusting should be thinking. Cloudbusting should be thought of as a way to heal a sick atmosphere, to help it return to freely pulsating at its own self-determined rate, not to dominate it and wrench it around at the command of a power-crazed individual who has happened to learn about the cloudbuster.
Like Constable, this man apparently sees the cloudbuster as a way for him to dominate nature, a compensation perhaps, for his inability to fully enjoy sex. If that seems a bit far-fetched, and too much of a leap to consider, think of this: can you imagine a man with that attude toward dogs in bed with a woman and being a kind, gentle, and considerate lover? Frankly, I think it highly unlikely. Whips and leashes are probably more his style in bed as well as in dealing with dogs or with the weather.
This sort of sick and disordered personality should not be doing cloudbusting. And this is a perfect example of the reason why I do not want the world in general to start to believe cloudbusters work. It is a lot better that they remain unknown.
Further on in the same letter, this man says:
"You might ask, what are my scientific qualifications? Well among them, I developed a new mathematical method of calculating gravity, which has effectively replaced Newton's in the military/space sector. Most ballistic missiles on the planet use it for targeting, as error have been reduced for hundreds to dozens of feet."
Helping the American fascist dictatorship target their weapons of mass-murder more effectively is to become an accessory to mass murder oneself. This man has admitted to being party to a conspiracy by the American regime to kill millions of innocent victims, for that is the only possible use for those missiles he so proudly claims to have helped in the designing of.
This sort of thing is why I will not be a party to helping anyone convince the public that cloudbusting is effective. It should be disparaged and ridiculed as crackpot to prevent more of these lunatics from taking it up as a hobby to releive their feelings of inadequcy.
If you have any comments on this interpetation of his letter to me, please let me know it. I am very interested in any comments you might have on this subject.
That alone should raise a red flag, since Constable is not anyone I would recommend as a teacher. His mystical distortions of orgone energy theories and concepts obviate any value his work might have. Additionally, he has been well documented to have done a lot of weather-related damage, including killing a lot of people, by his reckless disregard of concern for bystanders.
He also has a track record of involvement with dubious persons and causes. He was a campaign worker in 1968 for George Walace, who ran for president on a racial segregationist platform. He was a friend of General Curtis LeMay, head of the Strategic Air Command, a criminal conspiracy to commit mass murder. He has written several highly laudatory biographies of WWll German and Japanese war heros.
So it is not entirely a surprise that this alleged disciple of his should include the following in his letter to me:
" I have built and used Trevor's technology many times. With it, I have snapped the jet stream like a whip on more than a few occasion and dragged hurricanes around like a small dog on a leash. The whole apparatus would fit into a suitcase. Again I recommend you obtain Trevor's DVD's and watch them with an open mind. "
Now, if that is the analogy that springs to his mind, I would not want to be his dog. I also would not want to be the wife or child of a man who treats dogs that way. This sick attitude towards nature is a symptom of a sadistic and psychopathic personality disorder.
It is exactly the reverse of the way someone doing cloudbusting should be thinking. Cloudbusting should be thought of as a way to heal a sick atmosphere, to help it return to freely pulsating at its own self-determined rate, not to dominate it and wrench it around at the command of a power-crazed individual who has happened to learn about the cloudbuster.
Like Constable, this man apparently sees the cloudbuster as a way for him to dominate nature, a compensation perhaps, for his inability to fully enjoy sex. If that seems a bit far-fetched, and too much of a leap to consider, think of this: can you imagine a man with that attude toward dogs in bed with a woman and being a kind, gentle, and considerate lover? Frankly, I think it highly unlikely. Whips and leashes are probably more his style in bed as well as in dealing with dogs or with the weather.
This sort of sick and disordered personality should not be doing cloudbusting. And this is a perfect example of the reason why I do not want the world in general to start to believe cloudbusters work. It is a lot better that they remain unknown.
Further on in the same letter, this man says:
"You might ask, what are my scientific qualifications? Well among them, I developed a new mathematical method of calculating gravity, which has effectively replaced Newton's in the military/space sector. Most ballistic missiles on the planet use it for targeting, as error have been reduced for hundreds to dozens of feet."
Helping the American fascist dictatorship target their weapons of mass-murder more effectively is to become an accessory to mass murder oneself. This man has admitted to being party to a conspiracy by the American regime to kill millions of innocent victims, for that is the only possible use for those missiles he so proudly claims to have helped in the designing of.
This sort of thing is why I will not be a party to helping anyone convince the public that cloudbusting is effective. It should be disparaged and ridiculed as crackpot to prevent more of these lunatics from taking it up as a hobby to releive their feelings of inadequcy.
If you have any comments on this interpetation of his letter to me, please let me know it. I am very interested in any comments you might have on this subject.
Joel Carlinsky
I subsequently received a threatening letter from Mr. Swartz. Among other threats, he said I might "receive a visit from some friends in Washington". Apparently he is so caught up in conspiracy theories that he actually thinks that might scare somebody.
But what really does scare me is that someone like this is playing around with cloudbusters as a substitute for the gratification he cannot get from sex. That is a lot more frightening than some "men in black" paying me a visit.
More On North Africa
In ancient times, the Western Sahatra was a moist, well-watered country. Much of it was a vast fresh-water lake and wetland known to the ancients as Lake Tritonia, from which the name of Triton, the junior sea-god comes. The lake was fed by the Gulf of Guinea monsoons, which came up across the Sahael to the Mediterranean Basin. We know this because we find the remains of plants that need warm rains in the summer.
According to Herododus, the Greek travel writer, that lake dried up as a result of the fall of Phaeton. You may know the story from Greek mythology. This was actually a giant meteor that blew up in the atmosphere just before hitting the earth. The effects was like a super-powerful atomic bomb, including the release of huge amounts of DOR, as Reich observed in the far smaller man-made blasts in the American southwest in the 1950s.
The conversion of so much moving orgone into secondary energy and DOR created a barrier that still exists today, over the Canary Islands, blocking the monsoons from following their original path. The result is the Sahara Desert. Lake Chad is the last shrunken remnant of Lake Tritonia, which modern geologists call the Chad Sea.
The meteor known to the ancients as Phaeton was only one of a swarm that intersepted the orbit of the earth at that time. Astronomical calculations place the date at 5,350 years ago. Most of the meteors were highly charged and the magnetic field of the earth deflected them towards the poles. Together they discharged a large part of the orgone field of the earth, which has never recovered to its' former level.
The concentration of the discharges at the poles weakened the poles so much that they froze up, as thge field of the earth contracted towards the core, just as that of a human in shock from an injury would.
Not only the climate changed all over earth, but there were massive extinctions. Many of the surviving life-forms became shrunken and some features of some atrophied in the weakened orgone field. One species went insane. You can probably guess which one.
The present climate of North Africa and the North Atlantic is a pathological one, and Morroco gets what rain it gets in the winter, from the North Atlantic. But the ancient climate was the reverse: the rains came from the south in summer. Cloudbusting in the winter, to increase the rains that fall in what is now the rainy season, is only re-inforcing the pathological pattern. To restore the ancient climate regime, we need to do the work in the summer, not in winter.
It is true that cloudbusting in winter will render the landscape "greener". Bernd Senf and his friends in Algeria seem to think that is a good thing. It is not. There will be a few species of plants that will be hardy enough to thrive under colder and wetter conditions, but most of them are not native plants. They are species introduced from Europe by humans in the past 2,000 years.
The native species that have survived the 5,000 year-long drought have just barely managed to hang on in a few areas where there was enough water. These areas are called "refugia" and protecting them is vital if the area is to ever be restored to normal by cloudbusting. It is from these refugia that the surviving native plants will then be able to spread out and re-colonize their former range. They need warm summer rains. Cold winter rains will kill them. This leads to loss of biodiversity and further impovershment of the ecosystem.
Cloudbusting in winter will increase rainfall and make things look green, but it is not what should be done. What North Africa needs is warm summer rains that are good for the native species that have managed to last this long. Cloudbusting in winter will only strengthen the atmospheric armoring and kill off the seed-beds of vegetation that we need to someday make a proper cloudbusting project to return the climate to healthy self-regulation.
And that is the crux of the matter. If North Atlantic rains are brought down into North Africa, the atmosphere will never be restored to self-regulation. It will remain dependent on human intervention for rain. Only a return to the original climate can enable it to regulate itself. And only that can bring back the original plant cover of the area.
That is why I keep saying cloudbusting has nothing to do with meteorology. It is a BIOLOGICAL science. Not physics. Biology. Not meteorology. Biology.
And making the landscape look "greener" is not the proper goal of cloudbusting. DeMeo and his ilk are obcessed with the concept of "greening deserts". They know nothing about ecology and see no difference between a thriving native ecosystem of thousands of native species, each important to some other form of life that lives there with them, and a simplified ecosystem of a few introduced species that thrive by crowding out the native ones, and which no native animal species can live on.
So that is why I think it is a bad mistake to do cloudbusting without an ecologist familiar with the area as a part of the team at every stage, starting with the first planning stages. Only an ecologist can plan a cloudbusting project properly, and only an ecologist can evaluate if it is working successfully or not.
Reich knew this, so he studied the ecology of Arizona before doing anthing. Nobody working in the field today is paying any attention to ecological factors. Cloudbusting attracts people with an interest in physics and meteorology, but not biologists. That is because of the way it is presented, as a form of weather control, instead of as a medicine to restore a sick and damaged atmospheric life energy system to biological health and greater vitality.
Ecology is the only accepted science that uses functional thinking. Or, in other words, it is the only functional science with mainstream acceptance. An ecologist would spot the problems with "greening" deserts immediately. But the people now trying to bring down more cold winter rains into North Africa do not realize they are doing exactly the reverse of what they should be doing.
So, if you are going to publicly mention those people vandalizing North Africa with their ignorant interference with the already damaged atmosphere, please understand that "greener" is not necessarily the same thing as "healthier". What those people are doing is attacking the earth with cloudbusters.
My published articles on the cloudbuster are available on the internet. The OrgoneScience mailing list has now been discontinued, but the archive of that list, containing over 2,000 posts, is being edited into book form and will eventually be posted on a website.
Most of my cloudbusting was done many years ago, both in America and Australia. I now feel that the ecological situation of this planet is too dire to be helped by a small-scale, backyard project conducted by hobbyists who neeed to waste most of their time earning a living at something else. Until sufficient funding for a global project becomes available, there is not much point in the small-scale cloudbusting that can be done without major funding..
A global cloudbusting program could still save this planet, but I have no way to raise the money for it, so, since nobody else is interested, it is not going to get done. It certainly will not ever be done by people who go around asking for donations or trying to rehabilitate the reputation of Wilhelm Reich.
And there is also the important question of what type of cloudbusting project should be done. If cloudbusting is promoted as a "technology", and a way to "make rain in deserts", it will be used to cause more harm than good. Already there are more than 200 people using cloudbusters at any given time, and almost none of them has any real knowledge of how to use it properly. This evaluation especially includes Dr. DeMeo.
While most of them mean well, the net result is that cloudbusting has become a form of pollution, and I have traced many environmental catastrophes to incompetent cloudbusting. Dr. DeMeo and Trevor Constable are among the worst of the bunglers who have inflicted cloudbuster attacks, frequently fatal ones, on the unsuspecting public.
Contact And Cloudbusting
Reich said nobody in orgonomy could pass a test in metorology. He considered Bill Moise the best operator becaues as an artist, he was accustomed to noticing slight changes in color and lighting in the sky.
My own observations confirm this. Artists, kindergarden teachers, animal trainers, and gardeners make the best cloudbuster operators. Farmers, physicists, and engineers are the worst. The gardeners, animal trainers, and teachers of small children are those that are used to dealing with the vagaries of living systems.
People coming from physics and engineering tend to want the atmosphere to do what they want it to, and to do the same thing every time, and they think that if it does not, there is something wrong. Farmers want to dominate and control nature, not leave it alone to produce whatever it may.
The proper demographic to target for education on cloudbusting is children. After the age of 17 or so, it is impossible to learn it properly. By that age the culture has got them and it is too late. Kids grasp the principals immediately and can be trusted to use it responsibly. Adults cannot learn it and cannot be trusted with it, with only a few exceptions.
I hope this helps explain why I take such a dim view of the efforts of people like DeMeo to win converts among armored scientists and farmers, who would make an even greater mess of things if they ever learned how to intervene in the weather.
I would support a project to teach cloudbusting to children. But as far as adults are concerned, I will always try to convince them that Reich was a crackpot and orgone does not exist.
My own observations confirm this. Artists, kindergarden teachers, animal trainers, and gardeners make the best cloudbuster operators. Farmers, physicists, and engineers are the worst. The gardeners, animal trainers, and teachers of small children are those that are used to dealing with the vagaries of living systems.
People coming from physics and engineering tend to want the atmosphere to do what they want it to, and to do the same thing every time, and they think that if it does not, there is something wrong. Farmers want to dominate and control nature, not leave it alone to produce whatever it may.
The proper demographic to target for education on cloudbusting is children. After the age of 17 or so, it is impossible to learn it properly. By that age the culture has got them and it is too late. Kids grasp the principals immediately and can be trusted to use it responsibly. Adults cannot learn it and cannot be trusted with it, with only a few exceptions.
I hope this helps explain why I take such a dim view of the efforts of people like DeMeo to win converts among armored scientists and farmers, who would make an even greater mess of things if they ever learned how to intervene in the weather.
I would support a project to teach cloudbusting to children. But as far as adults are concerned, I will always try to convince them that Reich was a crackpot and orgone does not exist.
I think at least part of the current heat wave in Oregon and nearby areas is due to cloudbusting. Cloudbusting with a motorized remote-controlled cloudbuster means exciting the field of the cloudbuster with electrical current. That excitation is imparted to the field of the atmosphere, and the result is an expansion, counter-acting the contraction needed to cause rain.
The use of 12 volt DC servo-motors to move a cloudbuster around was invented by Dick Blasband to avoid the DOR infestation that struck down Robert McCullough in Arizona. It worked, or at least seemed to, in the relatively moist and mobile atmosphere on the East Coast, as it also works well enough in Europe. But on the West Coast, where the normal atmosphere is much drier and more in a state of chronic expansion, it adds to and prolongs the drought.
Several people have made this same error. Jerome Eden, Blasband, and now, DeMeo and his followers in the CORE Network, all have used such motorized electrical cloudbusters and all have accidently prolonged a drought with it.
These remote controlled units also separate the operator from personal contact with his equipment, preventing him from having the bodily sensations that could tell him what effect he is having on the atmosphere. That is why they then become so enthusiastic about these "orgonotesters" that DeMeo is selling to detect changes in the orgone twension around them so they can tell if the cloudbuster is having an effect or not. First they detach themselves from biological direct contact with the instrument, then they invent a substitue for that same contact.
A woman in Ireland, Caroline Cooper, was a touch healer. She claimed to have "sensitive hands". She held on to the cloudbuster pipes while it was operating and could tell when it made energetic contact with a storm hundreds of miles out at sea.
THAT is the way cloudbusting SHOULD be done!! Never mind modern, sophisticated, or rather, pseudosophisticated, "scientific" instruments for monitoring what you are doing. Get in there and feel it!
I can hardly imagine anything worse than someone sitting in an underground bunker watching cathode ray monitoring screens while using remote controls to manipulate a large number of cloudbusters planted around the surfact at many different locations. This type of nightmare is where these remote control units lead to.
They do it because they are afraid of DOR. Fear of DOR is rational. But I think they are also afraid of any personal direct contact with the life energy of the atmosphere. They are fascinated by it, so they won't give up cloudbusting, but they are afraid to TOUCH it up close and personal. They want to control it, that makes them feel safer, but they cannot tolerate full contact with it.
And the recent heat wave in the Russia is a result of this fear of the orgone.
Cloudbusting In North Africa
The prehistoric climate of North Africa was warm and moist. Most of the western Sahara was freshwater lakes, marshes, and grasslands, mixed with some forest. The rains came up from the south in summer, as far north as northern Spain.
When the climate changed to what it is now, the rainfall shifted to cold winter rains from the North Atlantic. In a few refuges some of the native plants survived, but imported species from Europe were more tolerant of cold winter rains.
There is now a cloudbusting project in Algeria that is trying to "green the desert" by increasing rainfall. If they try to draw rain down from the north in winter, the result would be to subject the native plant life to extra stress. The additional "green" they think of as showing success would be imported cold-tolerant species from Europe, while the few remaining native species would tend to die off from the winter cold and wet.
The other effect of such a misguided attempt to "green" the desert, ignoring the Deep Time factor of what the former climate regime was like, would be that the colder air brought down from farther north than usual would cause a severe cold spell in Europe. That is in fact what happened this past year.
If, on the other hand, the cloudbuster was used to bring up warmer air from the south in summer, when the Gulf of Guinea monsoon is at the northernmost point of its journey, that would replicate the older climate regime and restore the conditions needed by the native plants.
But in doing that, they would also create a side effect of moving the hot desert air mass farther north, over Europe in the summer, causing a severe heat wave in Europe. That is what was done in the summer of 2003.
Both these types of intervention are wrong. Both can only defeat the long-term chances of eventual restoration of the ancient climate and ecosystem. The correct way to use the cloudbuster is not to try to "import" rain from some direction, but to break down the DOR barrier that obstructs the pulsation that will, if restored, create rain in situ.
Only after a sufficient period of DOR removal would it then be possible to draw for a contraction to create localized rain. But with the DOR-field eliminated, the southern monsoons will start to come that far north again on their own, without needing a cloudbuster draw that moves the North African air mass farther north over Europe. .
I estimate a properly done, full scale DOR removal project in the Sahara would take several years. I estimate the cost of doing it properly would be around $5,000,000. Unfortunately, a project that takes several years is too long to convince a skeptical potential financial backer.
But to try to use a short-cut and "green deserts" in a single season by drawing air masses in from some distant point where the weather is more to your liking is not going to have any permanent effect. It will only make things worse, harming the native plants that still remain if it is done in the winnter, and causing either unusual cold or unusual heat in Europe, depending on what time of year it is being done, and the established desert climate regime will remain untouched.
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