Friday, February 4, 2011

Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Rhyme Of The Rain Machine

 The Rhyme of the Rain Machine
by F. W. Clarke, 1891
Said Jeremy Jonathan Joseph Jones,
“The weather is far too dry,
So I reckon I’ll have to stir my bones
And try the effect of concussive tones
Upon the lazy sky.”
So Jeremy Jonathan Joseph went
Away to the nearest town:
And there his money was quickly spent
For queer contraptions all intent
To make the rain come down.
There were cannon, and mortars, and lots of shells,
And dynamite by the ton;
With a gas balloon and a chime of bells
And various other mystic spells
To overcloud the sun.
The day was fair and the sky was bright,
And never a cloud was seen;
When Jeremy Jonathan set alight
His biggest fuse and screwed up tight
The joints of the rain machine.
He fired a shot, and barely two,
When the sky began to pale;
The third one brought a heavy dew,
But at the fourth tornadoes blew,
With thunder, rain, and hail.
It rained all night and another day,
And then for a week or more;
It flooded the farm in a scandalous way,
And drowned poor Jeremy, sad to say,
Who Couldn’t stop the pour.
O! Jeremy Jonathan Joseph Jones,
Your farm was fair to see;
But now a lake lies over its stones,
From whose dark bosom horrific moans
Are heard noctallee.
To check the flood you started, I’ve heard
All efforts were in vain;
Until the Bureau at Washington stirred,
And stopped the storm with a single word,
By just predicting - Rain!

Direct Quotation

       Direct Quotation
On page 96 of the Pulse of the Planet, #4 issue, there is
a report by James DeMeo entitled "OROP ISRAEL 1991-1992," in which [DeMeo] does mention flooding, homes destroyed, and people dying from traffic
accidents on flooded roads as a result of the heavy rains occuring after DeMeo's November 1991 cloudbusting operations in the Middle East
Quoting now from DeMeo's own report:

<<Our research team had not anticipated the strength of the storms
which subsequently developed in the eastern Mediterranian.... When heavy
came, traffic often came to a standstill for hours.  Previously
bone-dry river beds and conduits filled quickly, and overflowed onto major
roads.... A few deaths also occured on the highways due to the fatal
combination of rain-slickstreets and highway speeding, or when people
attempted to drive their cars through rain-swollen streams.... Additional
difficulties also occured in a few areas when power lines were knocked down
by heavy winds or accumulated snow, leaving many persons without power,
sometimes for days."

Here, in his own words, DeMeo admits to having participated in a scientific
experiment which appears to have wreaked havoc on the ecology while
concurrently serving as the direct or indirect cause of several deaths.

Morning Glory Clouds

This link will take you to a page showing and describing Morning Glory clouds.

http://antwrp. gsfc.nasa. gov/apod/ ap090824. html

Croftian Fantasies

The device called a "chembuster" is not a real cloudbuster. It is a prop in a role-playing game of cultists who think the earth is being invaded by reptilians from another universe who have taken over the bodies of most of the political leaders of earth and are spraying toxic chemicals from airplanes to kill of the human race. These people think they can get rid of the chemicals by pointing their contraptions at the sky.
The whole thing was started by a con-artist named Don Croft, who has now got hundreds of followers actually believing his fantasies. He picked up the name "cloudbuster" from a device invented in the 1950s by Wilhelm Reich, which is a real device and really does exist. The two devices have only a superficial resemblance.
The real cloudbuster is a small part of a very complex and comprehensive body of findings in a wide range of natural sciences, none of which has anything to do with chemicals being sprayed from airplanes, invisible shape-shifting reptiles from other dimensions, or any of the other fantasies of the Croftians.

Warning Signs Of Things To Come

> DeMeo has caused a lot of catastrophes, many of them have killed a large number of people. In one case, in Africa, he caused floods in a nearby country while ending a drought in the country he was in. But that was not the worst of it. The water left on the ground then bred a lot of insects that spread diseases that killed about 20,000 people. Does that count as having been caused by cloudbusting?
> There have also been deliberate attempts to cause weather disasters, not just accidents. One group of Anarchists in New York tried to sabotage a Republican Convention there with cloudbusters. They even put it on their website, knowing nobody could prosecute them because cloudbusting is not accepted.


> For decades Trevor Constable kept his fans in suspense, constantly telling them about his "new", "improved" models of cloudbuster, which he claimed were "more powerful" than the original cloudbuster invented by Reich. He referred to the original cloudbuster as "old-style", "obsolete", and in other derogatory ways. He stressed that his "new" models did not need water grounding. They were smaller, more portable, and above all, more "powerful".
> Then, after several "new models" had come and gone, he published an article in which he thanked several people who had helped him with an orop. I tracked down one of them, an old farmer near Bakersfield, California, and asked him exactly what was the help he had given Trevor.
> He told me it was to go out and set something up when Trevor phoned him and told him what direction to point it in. I asked what the equipment consisted of. With some evident bewilderment, he said, "Just some lengths of Aluminum irrigation pipe set into a barrel of water with the hose running into to keep it overflowing".
> Further investigation revealed that the "secret" of Trevors "new, improved" cloudbusters was that the devices he was showing people were nothing but non-functioning props. While he was putting on a stage-magic show for an audience, the actual cloudbusting was being done by an accomplice several miles away using the original model cloudbuster invented by Reich.
> And the reason I suspected such a scam when I saw his article was that I had done something similar in Australia in 1971 to keep local farmers from figuring out how I was doing what I did there. I later told Trevor Constable about this trick, and so years later, when he started showing off his "new, improved" cloudbusters, I recognized my own scam when I saw it.
> There is only one way to make an effective cloudbuster, and that is the way Reich did it.

How NOT To Learn Cloudbusting

> The most important thing to learn about cloudbusting is not how to do cloudbusting; it is how NOT to do cloudbusting. The first thing a student should learn is all the common errors, mistakes, and dangers and how to avoid them. It is like learning to fly a plane: Most of the instruction time is spent, not on how to fly, but on how to avoid doing something dangerous. The private pilot license is known as "a license to teach yourself to fly". Once the student has learned what NOT to do, the instructors job is over and the student is ready to teach himself to fly.
> That is why, in his great book on cloudbusting, the C.OR.E. Manual, Jerome Eden devoted only 22 pages to the actual techniques of cloudbusting and the rest of the 126-page book to the mistakes Trevor Constable and Dr. Richard Blasband had made and the psychological reasons for them. It is much more important to know what NOT to do than to just mechanically pick up techniques without understanding them.
> The file posted to the OML by Ash Palise gives a cook-book text on how to do things with a cloudbuster. It says nothing about all the things to avoid doing and why they should be avoided. It is not possible to learn cloudbusting from a book any more than it is possible to learn to fly a plane from a book. Cloudbusting is a PHYSICAL skill, like riding a bicycle or sex. The things you need to know cannot be said on paper.
> Orgone energy is ALIVE. Cloudbusting has much more in common with animal training or child-raising than with engineering. Anyone who uses the term "weather engineering", which Reich outgrew and abandoned, obviously does not understand the subject.
> Once again, Cloudbusting is not used to "make rain" unless it is being used improperly. Anyone who wants to "make rain" or "change the weather" with a cloudbuster is a dangerous fool who fails to understand the basics of cloudbusting. PROPER cloudbusting is done to RESTORE ATMOSPHERIC SELF-REGULATION by removal of DOR.
> In general, removal of DOR is almost always the right thing to do, but it should usually be done with the minimum alteration of immediate weather if that is possible. Usually, weather that differs too much from the regional normal is the result of DOR-infestation and DOR-removal will return the weather patterns to normal. It is almost never needed to do an operation that will directly affect the weather. Changes in the weather are a SIDE-EFFECT of cloudbusting, not the goal of any operation.
> That is the part that is hardest to get across to the power-drunks who want to "control weather" or "make rain".

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