Saturday, November 20, 2010
Jerry Decker
Hi, J-M,
Thanks for your input.
Jerry Decker is a big name in the alternative science movement and his website is the best source of information on that subculture. He is about the worlds ranking expert on other peoples inventions but has never had one of his own. He is mainly into free energy devices and is much more into those than cloudbusting. He seems to think cloudbusting and the orgone motor can exist in an information vacuum, and he is without any interest in what is behind them. He has no interest in "theory", only "working inventions".
He thinks the way to save the world is with more technology. He thinks the cloudbuster is a rainmaking machine that can give mankind the means to have whatever weather people want, whenever they want it. He is aware that some people would misuse it, and that is why he did not include exact details in his article. I have no problem with that. In fact, he really deserves gerat credit fir that restraint. But he does not know much about the biological sciences, and seems oblivious to the concept of atmospheric self-regulation or of ecology. There is no reason he could not have included information on what the plants and animals were doing before and after he operated, or the bioelectric potential changes in trees during his operations, except he does not know what to look for so he did not think of it.
He also thinks there can be several different methods of weather control, and all of them could work, even if they are based on contrary theories that mutually exclude each other. He does not make any distinction between cloudbusting and rainmaking by other means. He seems to think an infinite number of new forms of energy exist to be discovered and what Reich found was only one of them.
He is considered a leader in the free energy field despite never having invented a free energy device of his own, and so an article like this by him will result in many others doing such "experiments" to prove cloudbusting works. His witholding details won't stop them. He means well, but cannot understand that. And he will not listen to my advice. He thinks he is the only one to know anything.
Also, note his willingness to believe the people who tell him they have been controlling the weather all over the world for years without their having presented any evidence. He is always rightly very skeptical of any such fantastic claims in the free energy field. But in cloudbusting he thinks anything is possible because he does not know enough about how it works to know what is possible and what is not.
Jerry means well, but is from a physics and engineering background and simply cannot understand the concept of helping nature self-regulate instead of controling it. He does not know the underlying dynamics of DOR interfering with the normal flow and pulsation of the atmosphere and DOR removal as the goal of cloudbusting operations. He refuses to learn about things like that because he is only into "practical results", not "theory".
Unfortunately, he is not alone. There are a lot of others who learn of cloudbusting and think they should "do good" by destroying tornados, weakening hurricanes, making clear weather to give football fans a good day for a game, or some other anthropocentric disruption of whatever the atmosphere needs to be doing at the time.
Jerry also seems unable to grasp that my role is that of an environmental activist, not a "scientist" or an "inventor" and I am not interested in "advancing scientific knowledge". Apparently, "environmental activist" is something he has never heard of.
In this one case that he wrote about, Jerry seems not to have done any harm, but that is just good luck. He does not even know what changes in the atmosphere and biosphere to look for, and only happened by chance to aim correctly at the moderate DOR barrier and break it up. If it had been stronger or more solidly entrenched he would not have succeeeded. But the lasting results of his accidental DOR removal has convinced him this incorrect notion of setting up a long-term standing wave to get semi-permanent changes in weather is valid.
The group he says he is in contact with may be connected with a guy named Al Francouer, in British Columbia, who is a free energy enthusiast and has done cloudbusting, or what he calls cloudbusting, for many years. Or it could be a group called the Weather Rangers. Or there could be even more of these loose cannons around.
This article is one of many that show that atmospheric dust transport from dry regions is an important part of the global enviroment and should not be tampered with by indiscriminate cloudbutsting. The irresponsible promoting of cloudbusting to farmers in dry countries can result in harm to areas far removed from the location of the cloudbusting program, and farmers cannot be expected to care even if they knew about it. Teaching farmers in places like Namibia to interfere in the normal drought cycle of their country is an act of global vandalism and ecological ignorance.
Cloudbusting Textbook
Jerome Eden wrote a book on cloudbusting called the C.OR.E Manual. It was used as a textbook for a course he gave on cloudbusting in Idaho. He would not sell the CORE Manual unless the person who wanted to buy it wrote a short autobiography explaning why he wanted it and convinced Eden he was responsible enough to be allowed to read it. Most of the buyers were students in his cloudbusting course. There were not many of them.
After Eden died his wife gave the remaing copies of all his books to someone, who sold them via a website, which is now out of business. I doubt any copies remain except in the hands of private readers.
About 22 pages of it were actual cloudbusting instruction, most of it very good information that has never been made available anyplace else. The rest of the volume was devoted to teaching students what NOT to do, using Trevor Constable and Richard Blasband as case histories of people who did something wrong.
I agree with this way of teaching cloudbusting; the most important thing for a student to learn is the mistakes to avoid and what NOT to do. Learning actual techniques of cloudbusting is much less important. The first thing is to learn how to avoid causing problems and making things worse. That is the thinking behind much of my criticism of DeMeo, Constable, and others that some people think is just criticism. It is not. It is using their screw-ups as illustrations of mistakes to avoid.
Another Letter To A Correspondent
A lot of the events the conspiracy freaks think are from something like HAARP or some secret military project are really caused by cloudbusting. In many cases I know who did what and sometime later I read that it was done by HAARP or some other secret conspiracy by the American or Russian government instead of the single individual I know really did it.
In the late 80s and early 90s DeMeo was the worst problem. But he has now been replaced by even worse problems. The Weather Rangers are only a small example of what we are going to see in the next few years as more idiots learn about cloudbusting.
The Algerian project is a good example of how NOT to do a cloudbusting project. Thank you for bringing to my attention that point about their making a settlement there with permanent residents meaning they will become permanently dependent on cloudbusting. I had not thought of that point. But it does not need to be so. If cloudbusting was done PROPERLY, they could restore the original, prehistoric climate of North Africa and re-establish the Climatic Optimum. If that was done, the wetter climate would become self-sustaining.
But it will not happen the way they are doing it. They would need to slowly break down the barriers in the atmosphere to the west, out over the Atlantic, and to do it without causing
convulsions and disruptions would take several years of work which is too long to impress a potential financial backer.
convulsions and disruptions would take several years of work which is too long to impress a potential financial backer.
The quick easy way is what they are doing. Just draw from one direction until you move the hot dry air mass away to someplace else and bring in a different air mass from someplace else. They are drawing from the south to move the hot dry desert air up over Europe, where it then gets picked up by the normal west to east motion of the atmosphere and carried over to Russia. They can move the Gulf of Guinea monsoon northward until it is over the Sahara and North Africa gets rains, but meanwhile Europe gets a heat wave. It works for them, but they pay no attention to side-effects outside their area. That was always the problem with DeMeo too.
If they had the time and funding to break up the huge DOR field that sits over North Africa, they could do a permanent job that would benefit the entire planet, but they are too impatient for that. They have to get quick results to get funding for the next year. So, yes, the result will be as you say: they will establish a permanent cloudbusting program instead of going for a self-regulating atmosphere that can produce enough rain without help.
One thing that is really ironic is that as critical as I have been of Blasband, he never had any trouble grasping that point. He is an evil bastard in many other ways, but he did know enough to get the atmosphere cleaned out of DOR and then leave it alone except when it needed to be touched up. Somehow these people in Algeria seem to have missed that lesson. Perhaps it was a Moslem holiday and they were not in school that day.
North Africa became a desert because of a Klimasturtz about 5,000 years ago. It was not a desert until then and it could be restored now, but just bringing in imported rain from some other place is not the way to do it properly.
There is a DOR barrier out over the Atlantic. I have been to the Canary Islands and seen it. The right location to break up that barrier is on Grand Canaria, not in Algeria. But they will not think of that because every damn person on this planet thinks in terms of nationalism and national borders and they all think there is such a place as "Algeria" and that the Canary Islands are someplace else. Until they figure out that cloudbusting cannot be done in just one so-called "country" they will never get it right.
I had the same problem once in Kansas. Some farmers there wanted me to break a drought. But when I told them the proiblem was in Washington State, not in Kansas, they lost interest and refused to pay for cloudbusting in another state. I tried to explain that a barrier in Washington was causing their drought, but they wanted me to do cloudbusting in Kansas.
And that sums up the whole mess on this planet.
The Australian Drought
I have gotten a lot of correspondence about the great
drought going on in Australia. Some people are saying this is a great
oportunity for the Reichians to prove cloudbusting is effective. The
idea seems to be that the situation is so bad that the Australians
would be willing to pay for any proposal that offers a way out of the
problem, and that since the situation is so bad, if cloudbusting
could solve it, that would convince the skeptical that cloudbusting
drought going on in Australia. Some people are saying this is a great
oportunity for the Reichians to prove cloudbusting is effective. The
idea seems to be that the situation is so bad that the Australians
would be willing to pay for any proposal that offers a way out of the
problem, and that since the situation is so bad, if cloudbusting
could solve it, that would convince the skeptical that cloudbusting
Nothing could be farther from the truth. I have been in touch
with several people who have attempted to obtain funding from both
government and private sector sources in Australia for cloudbusting
work there. First, the only possible condition under which anyone
will even consider funding a cloudbusting project would be on a
contingency basis of payment only if it worked. That is perfectly
rational of them. But there is no possible way to tackle the drought
without a very substancial outlay of cash
up front for equipment and wages, so if there is no cash in advance,
it simply will not happen.
with several people who have attempted to obtain funding from both
government and private sector sources in Australia for cloudbusting
work there. First, the only possible condition under which anyone
will even consider funding a cloudbusting project would be on a
contingency basis of payment only if it worked. That is perfectly
rational of them. But there is no possible way to tackle the drought
without a very substancial outlay of cash
up front for equipment and wages, so if there is no cash in advance,
it simply will not happen.
Second, the time frame is wrong. To
provide a convincing display of the effectiveness of cloudbusting the
results would have to be obtained within a short time. But to provide
a real solution to the drought it is not possible to do that. The
drought is not caused by a lack of rain. That is a symptom, not a
cause. If it were possible to "make rain" that would not only not end
the drought problem, it would likely make things worse. The drought
would go right on after the rain stopped falling. The rain would
simply make the dormant seeds in the soil sprout and they would then
die when the drought returned. The result would be that a drought-
stricken land that would have recovered when the drought ended would
now become a desert even if the rainfall returned to normal.
provide a convincing display of the effectiveness of cloudbusting the
results would have to be obtained within a short time. But to provide
a real solution to the drought it is not possible to do that. The
drought is not caused by a lack of rain. That is a symptom, not a
cause. If it were possible to "make rain" that would not only not end
the drought problem, it would likely make things worse. The drought
would go right on after the rain stopped falling. The rain would
simply make the dormant seeds in the soil sprout and they would then
die when the drought returned. The result would be that a drought-
stricken land that would have recovered when the drought ended would
now become a desert even if the rainfall returned to normal.
A drought has a cause. Droughts are caused by DOR. By the stagnation of
the moving energy field that sweeps around
the earth. In Australia, as in North America, the normal flow of the
energetic stream is from west to east across the continent. In
Australia there is no mountain range blocking inflow of moisture from
the Indian Ocean, but the interior of the country is dry. That means
there must be a DOR barrier along the western seaboard. There is a
DOR dome over the heart of Australia. That is of long standing,
thousands of years. Otherwise the natural flow would bring moisture
into the interior.
the moving energy field that sweeps around
the earth. In Australia, as in North America, the normal flow of the
energetic stream is from west to east across the continent. In
Australia there is no mountain range blocking inflow of moisture from
the Indian Ocean, but the interior of the country is dry. That means
there must be a DOR barrier along the western seaboard. There is a
DOR dome over the heart of Australia. That is of long standing,
thousands of years. Otherwise the natural flow would bring moisture
into the interior.
To really solve the problem, it is necessary to
remove that DOR field from the west coast and from the interior both.
To remove DOR from the west coast only would not solve the problem
because then the moisture could flow only part way before running
into DOR again. There must first be a clear path for it to flow into.
remove that DOR field from the west coast and from the interior both.
To remove DOR from the west coast only would not solve the problem
because then the moisture could flow only part way before running
into DOR again. There must first be a clear path for it to flow into.
In the current situation there is another problem. The entire world
is having a climate crisis due to the ever-increasing amounts of DOR
and oranur from the
nuclear/electromagnetic industry. In particular, the release of KR85
into the atmosphere, which collects at the polar regions and causes
tropical storms to move farther towards the poles that was formerly
the case. This brings tropical heat toward the poles and gives the
impression of "global warming". It also displaces climatic zones
toward the poles, bringing the earths' dry belts into temperate zone
regions which formerly were in the more moist belts outside the dry
belts. This is superimposed on the already DOR-obstructed flow of air
across Australia and "drought" is the result.
There is also a third
possible problem in the case of the current Australian drought spell.
I have not looked at the weather maps yet, but if the weather maps
show that the lack of rainfall extends far out to sea off the west
coast of Australia, out over the Indian Ocean, then the problem is
not in Australia and cannot be solved by cloudbusting from Australia.
I suspect that a build-up of
nuclear weapons on the Naval base on the Indian Ocean island of
Diego Garcia may be causing a DOR field that is obstructing the flow
of energetic pulsation past the island and on to Australia.
possible problem in the case of the current Australian drought spell.
I have not looked at the weather maps yet, but if the weather maps
show that the lack of rainfall extends far out to sea off the west
coast of Australia, out over the Indian Ocean, then the problem is
not in Australia and cannot be solved by cloudbusting from Australia.
I suspect that a build-up of
nuclear weapons on the Naval base on the Indian Ocean island of
Diego Garcia may be causing a DOR field that is obstructing the flow
of energetic pulsation past the island and on to Australia.
weapons in readiness to fire contain polonium, 4,000 times as intensely
radioactive as uranium or plutonium, and have been known to cause
detectable oranur effects hundreds of miles away BEFORE THE BOMBS ARE
DETONATED. If there has been such a build-up of nuclear weapons at
that U.S. naval base, that would probably account for much, if not
all, of the present drought in Australia.
weapons in readiness to fire contain polonium, 4,000 times as intensely
radioactive as uranium or plutonium, and have been known to cause
detectable oranur effects hundreds of miles away BEFORE THE BOMBS ARE
DETONATED. If there has been such a build-up of nuclear weapons at
that U.S. naval base, that would probably account for much, if not
all, of the present drought in Australia.
In that case, it would be
pointless to deploy cloudbusters in Australia to combat the drought.
In fact, the only predictable result of a highly-publicized attempt
to "make rain" by cloudbusting would be to provide more ammunition to
the skeptics by proving to them that cloudbusting does not work.
pointless to deploy cloudbusters in Australia to combat the drought.
In fact, the only predictable result of a highly-publicized attempt
to "make rain" by cloudbusting would be to provide more ammunition to
the skeptics by proving to them that cloudbusting does not work.
Cloudbusting cannot and SHOULD NOT be used to "make rain"; it CAN and
SHOULD be used to heal a sick and damaged
atmosphere and restore a stagnated atmospheric energy field to
normal pulsation. If that is done, rain will happen on its' own.
Nobody has to "make" it.
A realistic time-frame for a project to
restore the normal atmospheric pulsation of Australia would require
several years of work. Nobody is going to be convinced you have a
method that works if it takes several years to obtain results. They
will say it would have rained anyway. It might indeed rain without
any intervention by cloudbusting. But rain, however welcome, will not
end the drought. It will only be a temporary respite from the real
problem, which is not the lack of rain, but the underlying DOR
conditions that cause the lack of rain.
restore the normal atmospheric pulsation of Australia would require
several years of work. Nobody is going to be convinced you have a
method that works if it takes several years to obtain results. They
will say it would have rained anyway. It might indeed rain without
any intervention by cloudbusting. But rain, however welcome, will not
end the drought. It will only be a temporary respite from the real
problem, which is not the lack of rain, but the underlying DOR
conditions that cause the lack of rain.
There is not that much cloudseeding going on. It is a marginal techology at best, with only around 12% to 15% increase in precipitation over a season, and since that is less than the normal average variation from one year to another, it is impossible to tell if it is really having an effect or not. The cloudseeders say it is, but that claim is based on theory, not observation.
Cloudseeding in the US is required to be filed with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ten days in advance before any seeding can start. There are very few projects being reported these days. The largest American company does most of its business in other countries. The biggest reason for seeding is political, not meterological. It is done when there is a drought and the government needs to show the public they are doing something. It does not cause rain, but it does cause the voters to think the situation is under control. This is the situation in China, where the government has tried hard to establish itself as legitimate by claiming the traditional role of Chinese Emperors in bringing good weather.
The other main customer for seeding is ski resorts who need more snow in the winter. Those are very local jobs, not over a large enough area to be noticed by anyone not aware of what was going on. People living near ski resorts would know what was being done and why.
In most modern countries, there is almost no cloudseeding. The countries which have the most seeding are poor backward countries where American cloudseeding companies have convinced poorly-educated officials, possibly with the help of bribes, to hire them for what the Americans claim is "new technology" that can control weather. In short, it is a scam.
Cloudseeding in the US is required to be filed with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ten days in advance before any seeding can start. There are very few projects being reported these days. The largest American company does most of its business in other countries. The biggest reason for seeding is political, not meterological. It is done when there is a drought and the government needs to show the public they are doing something. It does not cause rain, but it does cause the voters to think the situation is under control. This is the situation in China, where the government has tried hard to establish itself as legitimate by claiming the traditional role of Chinese Emperors in bringing good weather.
The other main customer for seeding is ski resorts who need more snow in the winter. Those are very local jobs, not over a large enough area to be noticed by anyone not aware of what was going on. People living near ski resorts would know what was being done and why.
In most modern countries, there is almost no cloudseeding. The countries which have the most seeding are poor backward countries where American cloudseeding companies have convinced poorly-educated officials, possibly with the help of bribes, to hire them for what the Americans claim is "new technology" that can control weather. In short, it is a scam.
Dr. James DeMeo
The cloudbuster is an extremely simple device which is capable of having an effect on the weather over a very large area. If properly used, it can remove toxic, stale, stagnant orgone energy, known as DOR, from the atmosphere and restore normal conditions, ending droughts and enhancing biological processes throughout a vast region.
Improperly used, however, it can facilitate destructive intervention in weather conditions by people whose often good intentions are often matched by their profound ignorance of how an ecosystem functions.
Among the worst of these is a Dr. James DeMeo, of Ashland, Oregon, who has conducted numerous cloudbusting operations over many years and has caused the deaths of thousands of innocent people and done enormous damage to the environment.
Dr. DeMeo and his associates are doing a great deal of harm to the environment and innocent members of the public by incompetent cloudbusting operations conducted without proper ecological knowledge or concern for the environment. Their bungled operations have frequently resulted in devastation to ecosystems and other damages, including the deaths of many innocent bystanders, due to storms, floods, and freezing weather.
In 1989, DeMeo, then living in the San Francisco Bay area, conducted a series of cloudbusting operations in the Arizona desert. As recounted in his article in the Journal of Orgonomy, he first visited Arizona in March, two months before the rainy season starts, and within 3 days had produced rain. He subsequently visited Arizona one weekend each month during the 5-month rainy season and brought rain each time for a seasonal total of 5 times the normal rainfall for the area in which he was working.
Now, in any area with a well-defined wet season and dry season, all native plant and animal species are adapted to the normal dry season and need it. Small burrowing mammals such as pocket mice, kangaroo rats, gophers, etc.give birth underground in the dry season; if it rains unexpectedly at the wrong time of year, the burrows flood and the infants drown.
Reptiles such as snakes, lizards, the desert tortoise, which is on the endangered species list, and the Gila Monster, found only in Arizona, lay their eggs in the dry season under a thin coat of sand, just enough to hide them but allow the sun to incubate them. If it rains out of season, the sand is washed away and they lose a clutch of eggs.
These small mammals and reptiles are the base of the food chain and if their population crashes so will that of the owls, coyotes, badgers, and other predators that depend on them.
Seeds dispersed in desert sand will germinate when they become moist. If there is out-of-season rain too long before the rainy season starts, they get a "false start" and then die before the real rainy season comes with sufficiently prolonged rains` to keep them growing until they produce a new generation of seeds.
The following year, DeMeo undertook a series of weekend expeditions to Arizona durring the usual rainy season. Since this series of operations was planned far in advance, when it would have been impossible to know what the weather at the time would be like, it was obviously not an attempt to break a drought or restore normal conditions. It was intended to be conducted regardless of what he actual weather at the time` of the planned operation might turn out to be.
The published report of that project shows a 500% increase in rainfall over the course of the wet season. Ask any farmer what 5 times normal rainfall would do to his crops! Unlike plants in non-desert areas, most desert plants lack the mechanism that limits uptake of excessive wather. Most desert plants absorb all the water they can get, and will swell up and burst when they get twice normal rainfall. This applies especially to the Sagaro Cactus, the State Flower of Arizona, which is on the Endangered Species List.
In "Contact With Space", Reich described exactly what he did in Arizona. He spent 5 months in the desert. He drove 100 miles every day just to familiarize himself with the landscape so he could note any changes in it. By contrast, James DeMeo lived in Northern California and commuted to the desert one weekend a month.
After 5 months of patient work, Reich succeeded in obtaining a lush growth of grass WITHOUT A DROP OF RAIN HAVING FALLEN ---- That's right! Reich, according to his own report, did not create rain in the desert and did not want to!
In fact, he explicitly says that rain would have made it impossible to obtain the increase in plant growth he did obtain, since it would have drowned the developing vegetation. Reich's goal, in which he was successful only after 5 months of patient daily labor, was not to make rain, but to revive the stagnant energy field of the desert to the point where it could regulate itself and produce rain at its own times, not according to some man-made schedule.
DeMeo misses this point entirely. He produces rain on an artificial schedule only to create impressive charts and graphs, ignoring the catastrophic effects of 5 times normal rainfall on all plant and animal species, and then, totally disregarding what Reich plainly said, claims to have "replicated" Reich's work in the desert. He repeatly refers to "Reich's rainmaking expedition" and to Reich "making rain in the desert" when in fact Reich specifically said he did not do so.
In subsequent years DeMeo undertook two trips to Namibia to break droughts there with a cloudbuster. He also trained local operators and left equipment with them so that Namibia now has a permanent drought- abatement program in place. Under normal conditions -- normal for the last 5-6000 years, that is -- Southern Africa has a regular cycle of 3 or 4 good years followed by a drought year.
In the dry years, the prevailing winds pick up millions of tons of dust and carry it out over the ocean. About half of it falls into the ocean where it provides silica, phosphates, and other essential nutrients to the phytoplankton which are the base of the marine ecosystem food chain. So in years when Southern Africa has droughts, life in the South Atlantic flourishes and in years Southern Africa has good rains, the South Atlantic marine life dies back.
The remainder of the dust is carried over to Brazil, where it is the sole source of trace elements not found in Brazilian soils which are essential nutrients for many tropical rainforest plant species. Like the sea-life, the Brazilian rainforest therefore flourishes in years when Namibia has a drought and declines in years when Namibia has plenty of rain. By establishing a permanent drought abatement facility in Namibia, DeMeo has contributed to irreparable harm to the global environment. (1)
In another case of ecological ignorance and irresponsibility, he reports in one of his publications that to make up a long-standing water deficit during a recent series of dry years in California, he extended the rainy season by a month one year and 6 weeks another year. I have spoken to a biologist at the Point Reyes Bird Observatory who tells me that in both years in question they lost a significant percentage of baby birds due to inclement weather during the normally dry nesting season. Baby birds get pneumonia in wet weather. Incidentally, some of the birds affected were on the Endangered Species List. (2)
In several consecutive years in which there was a drought in California, DeMeo and the group he belongs to, known as the C.OR.E. Network, conducted a long series of operations in an effort to end the drought pattern. While some rains did fall, the drought prsisted. It was obvious from reading his reports that the problem was the cloudbuster itself. As a safety measure, DeMeo and his associates use cloudbusters operated by remote control. This is to protect the operator from too much exposure to DOR in the immediate vicinity of the cloudbuster.
The remote control equipment uses 12-volt D.C. batteries to power electrical servo-motors to elevate and turn the cloudbuster pipes. Electricity has an excitng effect on orgone, and the 12-volt D.C. current was enough to cause an over-excitation of the field of the cloudbuster, which was then imparted to the orgone energy field of the atmosphere, causing an expansion that counteracted the contraction they were trying to cause to bring rain.
As a result of this attempt to end the drought, it was instead prolonged. The drought would have been over much sooner if there had been no cloudbusting attempted.
DeMeo has also done cloudbusting operations in the Middle East. I have seen documentation obtained from the National Climate Data Center, in Ashville, North Carolina, showing numerous deaths of people in the region as a result of catastrophic weather during the periods in which he was operating there.
In addition to a cold snap that was the worst in recorded history and brought the first snow in 40 years to Israel, along with the deaths of 22 people in a snowslide in the mountains in Turkey, his own report contained documentation of people drowned in a flash-flood while camping in a normally dry riverbed, and several deaths in accidents caused by driving too fast under unfamiliar`conditions on rain-slicked roads. When questioned about this by some of his German collegues, DeMeo reportedly defensively replied that his operations in the Middle East had done so much good that a few` deaths were an acceptable price to pay. (3) (4)
Dr.DeMeo also conducted a 4-year project in Eritria to increase rainfall in that normally very dry country. The project was, according to his own report, a great success. However the effective range of the cloudbuster is very large, and the weather it creates does not stop at national borders. At the same time the rains were falling on Eritria, they also were falling on surrounding countries, and in neighboring Kenya there were disasterous floods, killing many people, followed by epidemics of water-bourne diseases like cholera and malaria caused by the increase in mosquitos which found favorable breeding conditions in the now water-logged landscape. About 20,000 people died of diseases in Northern Kenya as a result of the successfull cloudbusting operations in nearby Eritria.
Dr. DeMeo is the leader of a group in the Western United States called the C.OR.E. Network and has also acted as an advisor for some groups in Europe who look to him for guidance and expertise in cloudbusting. One such group was responsible for a severe storm that killed about 200 people in Central Europe. (7) (8)
Documentation of Cloudbuster-related Damage By Dr. DeMeo and His Associates
(1) My claim that atmospheric dust transport from Africa is essential to South Atlantic and South American ecosystems and that therefore cloudbuster interference with droughts in Africa is irresponsible and damaging is documented by the following:
The New York Times' International Edition on October 29, 1992 contains an article about how hot "October winds scoop up the thin topsoil off the African savanna, swirl it high into the skies, and thrust it west on a journey that can stretch thousands of miles." The article
by Marlise Simons goes on to explain how "the severe and lethal droughts of Africa are a boon for life in the Atlantic Ocean and for soil and vegetation in the Americas."
( Go to a public library and check out: Marlise Simons, "Winds Toss Africa's Soil,
Feeding Lands Far Away," New York Times, October 29, 1992.)
In addition to that New York Times account, there is also an article published in Tellus (1992, 44B, pp 133-149), a scientific journal, on "Saharan Dust in the Amazon Basin." The authors of the article, R. Swap, M. Garstang, and S. Greco of the University of Virginia Department of Environmental Sciences, are the same scientists who are featured in the New York Times account, and they make a compelling case that "Any strategy designed to preserve the Amazonian rain forest or any part thereof should equally concern itself with the inter-relationship between the rainforest, global climate, and the arid zones well removed from Amazonia."
(2) My source on bird mortality in wet nesting seasons is: Geoff Geupel, Pt. Reyes Bird Observatory, Bolinas, CA (415) 868-1221 ext 30.
(3) The dates of operations in the Middle East by Dr. DeMeo are in his own report posted on his website. Compare those dates with the following for evidence that those operations killed a number of innocent people:
The January 4, 1992 issue of the "Weekly Climate Bulletin," a newsletter published by the Climate Analysis Center of the United States Department of Commerce's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reports on a "New Year's Day storm [which] brought torrential rain and high wind to parts of the Middle East, forcing schools and businesses to close," flooding streets, blanketing Jerusalem with snow, "blacking-out" power for a fourth of the homes, creating "snow...for the first time in the mountains north of the Red Sea resort of Eilat," covering the mountains of northern Saudi Arabia with snow, downing
power lines and telephone lines in Lebanon, causing heavy avalanches in southeastern Turkey, and "killing 22 people."
The "Global Climate Highlights Feature" page states that "Abnormally cold air has
settled over large sections of northern Africa, the Middle East, south-central Asia, and the Far East during the last two weeks."
(4) On page 96 of the Pulse of the Planet, #4 issue, there is
a report by DeMeo entitled "OROP ISRAEL 1991-1992," in which [DeMeo] does mention flooding, homes destroyed, and people dying from traffic accidents on flooded roads as a result of the heavy rains occuring after DeMeo's November 1991 cloudbusting operations in the Middle East.
Quoting now from DeMeo's own report :
"Our research team had not anticipated the strength of the storms
which subsequently developed in the eastern Mediterranian.... When heavy
rains came, traffic often came to a standstill for hours. Previously
bone-dry river beds and conduits filled quickly, and overflowed onto major
roads.... A few deaths also occured on the highways due to the fatal
combination of rain-slickstreets and highway speeding, or when people
attempted to drive their cars through rain-swollen streams.... Additional
difficulties also occured in a few areas when power lines were knocked down
by heavy winds or accumulated snow, leaving many persons without power,
sometimes for days."
Here, in his own words, DeMeo admits to having participated in a scientific
experiment which appears to have wreaked havoc on the public while
concurrently serving as the direct or indirect cause of several deaths. (7) "I stopped all the financing of cloudbusting as the president of the Wilhelm Reich Society because of the side effects in 1992 because I pointed out that nobody knew about the dangerous side effects of the operations ! As a result, James DeMeo became a furious enemy towards me."
------Heiko Lasek
Berlin, Germany
(Personal communication to the author.)
(8) Der Grund, warum für mich Cloudbusting lange Zeit kein Thema war, war eine Erfahrung, die ich in den 90er Jahren gemacht habe. Bei einer großangelegten Aktion, kam es zu einer internationalen Wetterkatastrophe, in deren Verlauf es etwa 200 Tote und Schäden im Bereich von 100 bis 200 Milliarden Dollar gab. Diese Aktion, an der eine Reihe von Leuten beteiligt waren, die sich heute in der orgonomischen Cloudbusting-Szene lautstark über die positiven Ergebnisse äußern, wurde daraufhin totgeschwiegen. Um keine rechtlichen Probleme zu schaffen, werde ich die genauen Umstände dieser Aktion auch nicht preisgeben. Obwohl diese Aktion (intern) als erfolgreich gewertet wurde, (weil eine monatelange DOR-Situation beendet werden konnte), werden das sowohl die Opfer und deren Angehörigen, wie auch die vielen Menschen, die ihre Existenz verloren haben, anders sehen. Außer den straf- und zivilrechtilichen Folgen, die das für alle Beteiligten haben könnte,
wurden auch internationale Abkommen verletzt.
Jurgen Fisher
Newsletter von
Improperly used, however, it can facilitate destructive intervention in weather conditions by people whose often good intentions are often matched by their profound ignorance of how an ecosystem functions.
Among the worst of these is a Dr. James DeMeo, of Ashland, Oregon, who has conducted numerous cloudbusting operations over many years and has caused the deaths of thousands of innocent people and done enormous damage to the environment.
Dr. DeMeo and his associates are doing a great deal of harm to the environment and innocent members of the public by incompetent cloudbusting operations conducted without proper ecological knowledge or concern for the environment. Their bungled operations have frequently resulted in devastation to ecosystems and other damages, including the deaths of many innocent bystanders, due to storms, floods, and freezing weather.
In 1989, DeMeo, then living in the San Francisco Bay area, conducted a series of cloudbusting operations in the Arizona desert. As recounted in his article in the Journal of Orgonomy, he first visited Arizona in March, two months before the rainy season starts, and within 3 days had produced rain. He subsequently visited Arizona one weekend each month during the 5-month rainy season and brought rain each time for a seasonal total of 5 times the normal rainfall for the area in which he was working.
Now, in any area with a well-defined wet season and dry season, all native plant and animal species are adapted to the normal dry season and need it. Small burrowing mammals such as pocket mice, kangaroo rats, gophers, etc.give birth underground in the dry season; if it rains unexpectedly at the wrong time of year, the burrows flood and the infants drown.
Reptiles such as snakes, lizards, the desert tortoise, which is on the endangered species list, and the Gila Monster, found only in Arizona, lay their eggs in the dry season under a thin coat of sand, just enough to hide them but allow the sun to incubate them. If it rains out of season, the sand is washed away and they lose a clutch of eggs.
These small mammals and reptiles are the base of the food chain and if their population crashes so will that of the owls, coyotes, badgers, and other predators that depend on them.
Seeds dispersed in desert sand will germinate when they become moist. If there is out-of-season rain too long before the rainy season starts, they get a "false start" and then die before the real rainy season comes with sufficiently prolonged rains` to keep them growing until they produce a new generation of seeds.
The following year, DeMeo undertook a series of weekend expeditions to Arizona durring the usual rainy season. Since this series of operations was planned far in advance, when it would have been impossible to know what the weather at the time would be like, it was obviously not an attempt to break a drought or restore normal conditions. It was intended to be conducted regardless of what he actual weather at the time` of the planned operation might turn out to be.
The published report of that project shows a 500% increase in rainfall over the course of the wet season. Ask any farmer what 5 times normal rainfall would do to his crops! Unlike plants in non-desert areas, most desert plants lack the mechanism that limits uptake of excessive wather. Most desert plants absorb all the water they can get, and will swell up and burst when they get twice normal rainfall. This applies especially to the Sagaro Cactus, the State Flower of Arizona, which is on the Endangered Species List.
In "Contact With Space", Reich described exactly what he did in Arizona. He spent 5 months in the desert. He drove 100 miles every day just to familiarize himself with the landscape so he could note any changes in it. By contrast, James DeMeo lived in Northern California and commuted to the desert one weekend a month.
After 5 months of patient work, Reich succeeded in obtaining a lush growth of grass WITHOUT A DROP OF RAIN HAVING FALLEN ---- That's right! Reich, according to his own report, did not create rain in the desert and did not want to!
In fact, he explicitly says that rain would have made it impossible to obtain the increase in plant growth he did obtain, since it would have drowned the developing vegetation. Reich's goal, in which he was successful only after 5 months of patient daily labor, was not to make rain, but to revive the stagnant energy field of the desert to the point where it could regulate itself and produce rain at its own times, not according to some man-made schedule.
DeMeo misses this point entirely. He produces rain on an artificial schedule only to create impressive charts and graphs, ignoring the catastrophic effects of 5 times normal rainfall on all plant and animal species, and then, totally disregarding what Reich plainly said, claims to have "replicated" Reich's work in the desert. He repeatly refers to "Reich's rainmaking expedition" and to Reich "making rain in the desert" when in fact Reich specifically said he did not do so.
In subsequent years DeMeo undertook two trips to Namibia to break droughts there with a cloudbuster. He also trained local operators and left equipment with them so that Namibia now has a permanent drought- abatement program in place. Under normal conditions -- normal for the last 5-6000 years, that is -- Southern Africa has a regular cycle of 3 or 4 good years followed by a drought year.
In the dry years, the prevailing winds pick up millions of tons of dust and carry it out over the ocean. About half of it falls into the ocean where it provides silica, phosphates, and other essential nutrients to the phytoplankton which are the base of the marine ecosystem food chain. So in years when Southern Africa has droughts, life in the South Atlantic flourishes and in years Southern Africa has good rains, the South Atlantic marine life dies back.
The remainder of the dust is carried over to Brazil, where it is the sole source of trace elements not found in Brazilian soils which are essential nutrients for many tropical rainforest plant species. Like the sea-life, the Brazilian rainforest therefore flourishes in years when Namibia has a drought and declines in years when Namibia has plenty of rain. By establishing a permanent drought abatement facility in Namibia, DeMeo has contributed to irreparable harm to the global environment. (1)
In another case of ecological ignorance and irresponsibility, he reports in one of his publications that to make up a long-standing water deficit during a recent series of dry years in California, he extended the rainy season by a month one year and 6 weeks another year. I have spoken to a biologist at the Point Reyes Bird Observatory who tells me that in both years in question they lost a significant percentage of baby birds due to inclement weather during the normally dry nesting season. Baby birds get pneumonia in wet weather. Incidentally, some of the birds affected were on the Endangered Species List. (2)
In several consecutive years in which there was a drought in California, DeMeo and the group he belongs to, known as the C.OR.E. Network, conducted a long series of operations in an effort to end the drought pattern. While some rains did fall, the drought prsisted. It was obvious from reading his reports that the problem was the cloudbuster itself. As a safety measure, DeMeo and his associates use cloudbusters operated by remote control. This is to protect the operator from too much exposure to DOR in the immediate vicinity of the cloudbuster.
The remote control equipment uses 12-volt D.C. batteries to power electrical servo-motors to elevate and turn the cloudbuster pipes. Electricity has an excitng effect on orgone, and the 12-volt D.C. current was enough to cause an over-excitation of the field of the cloudbuster, which was then imparted to the orgone energy field of the atmosphere, causing an expansion that counteracted the contraction they were trying to cause to bring rain.
As a result of this attempt to end the drought, it was instead prolonged. The drought would have been over much sooner if there had been no cloudbusting attempted.
DeMeo has also done cloudbusting operations in the Middle East. I have seen documentation obtained from the National Climate Data Center, in Ashville, North Carolina, showing numerous deaths of people in the region as a result of catastrophic weather during the periods in which he was operating there.
In addition to a cold snap that was the worst in recorded history and brought the first snow in 40 years to Israel, along with the deaths of 22 people in a snowslide in the mountains in Turkey, his own report contained documentation of people drowned in a flash-flood while camping in a normally dry riverbed, and several deaths in accidents caused by driving too fast under unfamiliar`conditions on rain-slicked roads. When questioned about this by some of his German collegues, DeMeo reportedly defensively replied that his operations in the Middle East had done so much good that a few` deaths were an acceptable price to pay. (3) (4)
Dr.DeMeo also conducted a 4-year project in Eritria to increase rainfall in that normally very dry country. The project was, according to his own report, a great success. However the effective range of the cloudbuster is very large, and the weather it creates does not stop at national borders. At the same time the rains were falling on Eritria, they also were falling on surrounding countries, and in neighboring Kenya there were disasterous floods, killing many people, followed by epidemics of water-bourne diseases like cholera and malaria caused by the increase in mosquitos which found favorable breeding conditions in the now water-logged landscape. About 20,000 people died of diseases in Northern Kenya as a result of the successfull cloudbusting operations in nearby Eritria.
Dr. DeMeo is the leader of a group in the Western United States called the C.OR.E. Network and has also acted as an advisor for some groups in Europe who look to him for guidance and expertise in cloudbusting. One such group was responsible for a severe storm that killed about 200 people in Central Europe. (7) (8)
Documentation of Cloudbuster-related Damage By Dr. DeMeo and His Associates
(1) My claim that atmospheric dust transport from Africa is essential to South Atlantic and South American ecosystems and that therefore cloudbuster interference with droughts in Africa is irresponsible and damaging is documented by the following:
The New York Times' International Edition on October 29, 1992 contains an article about how hot "October winds scoop up the thin topsoil off the African savanna, swirl it high into the skies, and thrust it west on a journey that can stretch thousands of miles." The article
by Marlise Simons goes on to explain how "the severe and lethal droughts of Africa are a boon for life in the Atlantic Ocean and for soil and vegetation in the Americas."
( Go to a public library and check out: Marlise Simons, "Winds Toss Africa's Soil,
Feeding Lands Far Away," New York Times, October 29, 1992.)
In addition to that New York Times account, there is also an article published in Tellus (1992, 44B, pp 133-149), a scientific journal, on "Saharan Dust in the Amazon Basin." The authors of the article, R. Swap, M. Garstang, and S. Greco of the University of Virginia Department of Environmental Sciences, are the same scientists who are featured in the New York Times account, and they make a compelling case that "Any strategy designed to preserve the Amazonian rain forest or any part thereof should equally concern itself with the inter-relationship between the rainforest, global climate, and the arid zones well removed from Amazonia."
(2) My source on bird mortality in wet nesting seasons is: Geoff Geupel, Pt. Reyes Bird Observatory, Bolinas, CA (415) 868-1221 ext 30.
(3) The dates of operations in the Middle East by Dr. DeMeo are in his own report posted on his website. Compare those dates with the following for evidence that those operations killed a number of innocent people:
The January 4, 1992 issue of the "Weekly Climate Bulletin," a newsletter published by the Climate Analysis Center of the United States Department of Commerce's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reports on a "New Year's Day storm [which] brought torrential rain and high wind to parts of the Middle East, forcing schools and businesses to close," flooding streets, blanketing Jerusalem with snow, "blacking-out" power for a fourth of the homes, creating "snow...for the first time in the mountains north of the Red Sea resort of Eilat," covering the mountains of northern Saudi Arabia with snow, downing
power lines and telephone lines in Lebanon, causing heavy avalanches in southeastern Turkey, and "killing 22 people."
The "Global Climate Highlights Feature" page states that "Abnormally cold air has
settled over large sections of northern Africa, the Middle East, south-central Asia, and the Far East during the last two weeks."
(4) On page 96 of the Pulse of the Planet, #4 issue, there is
a report by DeMeo entitled "OROP ISRAEL 1991-1992," in which [DeMeo] does mention flooding, homes destroyed, and people dying from traffic accidents on flooded roads as a result of the heavy rains occuring after DeMeo's November 1991 cloudbusting operations in the Middle East.
Quoting now from DeMeo's own report :
"Our research team had not anticipated the strength of the storms
which subsequently developed in the eastern Mediterranian.... When heavy
rains came, traffic often came to a standstill for hours. Previously
bone-dry river beds and conduits filled quickly, and overflowed onto major
roads.... A few deaths also occured on the highways due to the fatal
combination of rain-slickstreets and highway speeding, or when people
attempted to drive their cars through rain-swollen streams.... Additional
difficulties also occured in a few areas when power lines were knocked down
by heavy winds or accumulated snow, leaving many persons without power,
sometimes for days."
Here, in his own words, DeMeo admits to having participated in a scientific
experiment which appears to have wreaked havoc on the public while
concurrently serving as the direct or indirect cause of several deaths.
------Heiko Lasek
Berlin, Germany
(Personal communication to the author.)
(8) Der Grund, warum für mich Cloudbusting lange Zeit kein Thema war, war eine Erfahrung, die ich in den 90er Jahren gemacht habe. Bei einer großangelegten Aktion, kam es zu einer internationalen Wetterkatastrophe, in deren Verlauf es etwa 200 Tote und Schäden im Bereich von 100 bis 200 Milliarden Dollar gab. Diese Aktion, an der eine Reihe von Leuten beteiligt waren, die sich heute in der orgonomischen Cloudbusting-Szene lautstark über die positiven Ergebnisse äußern, wurde daraufhin totgeschwiegen. Um keine rechtlichen Probleme zu schaffen, werde ich die genauen Umstände dieser Aktion auch nicht preisgeben. Obwohl diese Aktion (intern) als erfolgreich gewertet wurde, (weil eine monatelange DOR-Situation beendet werden konnte), werden das sowohl die Opfer und deren Angehörigen, wie auch die vielen Menschen, die ihre Existenz verloren haben, anders sehen. Außer den straf- und zivilrechtilichen Folgen, die das für alle Beteiligten haben könnte,
wurden auch internationale Abkommen verletzt.
Jurgen Fisher
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