Friday, February 4, 2011

Saturday, November 20, 2010


DOR is an acronym for Deadly Orgone Radiation. It is the final stage of ORANUR. That is the toxic state the orgone energy of the atmosphere gets into when it is exposed to an irritant such as radioactive material. Oranur is toxic and disruptive of weather conditions. It is an attempt by the atmospheric energy to destroy the irritant. If the orgone field is strong enough and the irritant is not too strong, the irritant will eventually be overcome, and in the case of radioactive material,  lose it's ionization effect and become harmless to living tissue.
But if the source of the irritation is too strong, the atmosphere loses the fight and eventually wears out, lapsing into a stagnant stage called DOR. This is a "dead" form of energy, not capable of suporting life and is an underlying cause of both droughts and illnesses. It undermines the vitality of the organism in a generic way, leaving it open to a long list of illnesses and causes a breakdown of normal meteorlogical processes ultimately ending in a prolonged drought.
Some DOR has always existed. It is a normal stage in the energetic metabolism of the atmosphere and is normally resorbed and restored to mobility by the motion of strong circulatory storm systems ( hurricanes and tornadoes ) but over the last 60-odd years, the vast increase in radioactivity on this planet has caused a sharp incease in oranur and it's end result, DOR. All forms of radioactivity result in DOR-production. Since orgone can pass through any thickness of any substance, there is no way to shield radioactive materials from the orgone field of the atmosphere, so  an oranur effect takes place regardless of any shielding.
To a much lesser, but still significant extent, high-voltage alternating current equipment also creates the same effects, but the best estmate is that at the present time, around 80% to 85% of the global DOR burden is caused by man-made radioactivity. Most of the climate breakdown conventionally ascribed to greenhouse gases is really caused by DOR build-up and most of the rest is caused by misuse of cloudbusters.
It should be noted that DOR is not just another name for radioactivity. DOR can pass through shielding and travel against the wind.
Many diseases are also either directly caused by DOR or are able to gain a foothold becausethe immune system of the subject is compromised by DOR.
DOR can be detected and measured by various instruments, including a light-meter. It causes changes in coloring and light intensity in the sky which can readily distinguished with a bit of tutoring and practice.

DOR-clouds look and FEEL different. They have a ragged, fuzzy, look, with poorly-defined edges, fading away and merging into the background haze. Healthy clouds have sharply-defiond edges, and stand out from a bright sky. DOR looks blackish, and the subjective impression is that the sky looks "sick". People feel slightly sick under severe DOR conditions, and listless, lacking in energy. Animals are less active, birds do not sing so much, and it can be difficult to think clearly, with a feeling like "swimming in molasses".
The main cause of DOR is nuclear reactors. Nuclear weapons stockpiles, also are a big problem. The transport of anything radioactive, including a nuclear weapon, through the air will leave a DOR-trail along the track of the aircraft. This can be seen by the  slower dispersal of the jet contrail left by the plane.
DOR is most common in deserts and can be cleaned out by a strong circulatory storm. Heavy rain is not always enough to get rid of DOR. It requires a circulatory motion. DOR can be removed by proper cloudbusting. When a cloudbuster removes DOR, the sky turns bluer, the lighting changes, everything perks up. Birds start singing, animals act more active, people feel better.
DOR turns water acidic. This can be measured by a PH meter. It has an effect on the blood cells which can be seen under a microscope. DOR is a background factor in many illnesses.
A form called the DOR-Index for people to fill out has been devised by a Doctor Courtney Baker to make the  presense of DOR more objective by getting the impressions of many people and pooling them to obtain a numerical estimate of how much DOR is around.
Tornadoes are a reaction of the atmosphere to try to remove DOR. A tornado metabolizes DOR and returns it to the normal healthy orgone state. The more DOR around, the more likely a tornado. But if there is too much DOR it can last a long time before the atmosphere is able to get rid of it. The cloudbuster can help.
DOR also builds up in the human body and can be removed by a miniature cloudbusater called the Medical DOR-buster. It does the same thing in the body that the big cloudbuster does in the atmosphere, breaking blockages and allowing new, fresh, moving energy to stream in, getting the stuck area moving again.
DOR is orgone that has stopped moving. While it moves, it lives.The cloudbuster is able to remove DOR and restore normal atmospheric functioning.This not only improves the weather, but also can result in a noticeable improvement in public health statistics.

The Good, The Bad, And The Hurricanes

In an e-mail to me David Wells wrote:
"Joel Carlinsky .
 For your information , hurricanes and tornadoes ARE bad . Ask anyone who has been hit by one .The world would be better off if they were eliminated . In fact , most of the world never has them .
 David Wells"
Now, in the first place, I would not have expected a grown man to use such subjective terms as "good" and "bad" in a serious adult discussion of natural phenomena. Calling a natural phenomenon "bad" is an expression a small child would use, not an educated adult.
The statement that the world would be better off if hurricanes were eliminated is one that requires a lengthy answer. In fact, three of them. I shall attempt to summarize the  answers here, but do not have the time to go into the detail that they deserve.
(1) From an ecological standpoint, hurricanes play an important role, providing numerous needed services to the ecological community. Without them, the tropical and subtropical coastal zones would be a far different, and far more impoverished place.
(2) From an orgonomic standpoint, hurricanes are vital to sweeping the atmosphere clean of DOR on a yearly basis. Without them, the build-up of DOR would overwhelm the  ability of the atmosphere to clense itself and permanent total stasis would result. In that case,nothing could survive on earth.
(3) From a psychological standpòint, an inordinate fear of hurricanes and tornadoes is a diagnosable mental illness called lilapsophobia. It belongs in the same catagory with other phobias. For the victim of this conditrion to advocate the elimination of hurricanes is comparable to a person afraid of enclosed spaces advocating the elimination of buildings or the person with an uncontrollable fear of heights wanting airplanes eliminated.
Mr. Wells would be far better served by seeking therapy for his fears than by indulging in fantasies of eliminating a force of nature.  I am not a trained mental health practioner, and even if I were, itis difficult to make a diagnosis via the internet, but if I am right about the motivation of Mr. Wells it casts  serious doubt on his claim to have found a method to control weather.
A man who has an irresistable fear of strong storms is likely to engage in wishfull thinking on the subject and could very well convince himself of something for which another man, not subject to such a dread, would require a great deal more evidence. I suspect that is  what has happened in the case of Mr. Wells.
Finally, the statement that most of the world does not experience hurricanes is true, but irrelevant. There are many places that do not get hurricanes, but there are also some places that do not get rain. That, however, does not show that rain is therefore unnecessary in other places. Mr. Wells might want to reflect on the fact that the locations that do not usually experience hurricanes are in the interior of large land masses, far from the oceans, and those are the very places that do get the greatest incidence of tornadoes.

Helping The Atmosphere

Cloudbusting ( and related technologies ) Should NOT be used to "control weather". Period. The proper use of cloudbusting is not for weather control. The proper use of cloudbusting is to restore atmospheric self-regulation and then LEAVE IT ALONE.
The whole concept of controling weather is wrong. It ignores the self-regulatory normal functioning of the atmosphere and treats the living breathing atmosphere as if it were something inanimate. The normal healthy atmosphere can regulate itself and should be left to do so without interference.
The atmosphere today is being interfered with by human technology. It is sick and needs help to recover. Clouidbusting can and should be done to remove the DOR which is causing weather problems. But if the DOR is removed, the atmosphere should then be left alone to "decide" what weather it needs to make. I know I am expressing it anthropomorphicly but I do not know any orther way to say what I am trying to say.
Some DOR has always existed. It is a normal stage in the endless metabolism of the atmosphere. But over the last 60-odd years, as a result of nuclear technology, and also, to a lesser, but still significant extent, electrical technology in general, the amount of DOR on this planet has been increasing at a rate too fast for the normal atmospheric processes to metabolize and eliminate.
Droughts and unusually severe storms do not "just happen" without a context. They happen because of DOR and oranur conditions. If there is a drought, the wrong way to "solve" the problem is to misuse the cloudbuster to "make rain". That would only make things worse in the long term. The right way to use a cloudbuster in a drought situation is to do DOR-removal. Then the atmosphere, restored to health and normal pulsation, will be able to form rain at it's own pace and in it's own time.
Hurricanes are one of the processes by which the healthy atmosphere cleans itself of DOR and returns things to normal. In recent years, as the DOR level builds up, we need more of them, not less. Without them the atmosphere would soon become unable to suport life.
And the track such a storm follows is not a random accident either. The storm is attracted by DOR, so it tends to go where it is needed. If there is a strong build up of DOR in the interior of a continent, the storm will veer inland. If there is less concentration of DOR over the land,the storm will stay out to sea. These are general tendencies only and nothing in nature is cut-and-dried at all times, of course.
Hurricanes are not a local event. They are an astronomical event, a product of the superimposition of the very same huge streams of cosmic orgone energy that form the earth and keep it moving in orbit.  They are a very important and much-needed part of what makes life possible on this planet. To interfere with them is an act of criminal vandalism directed against the entire world.
Tornadoes are a very different process. Unlike a hurricane, a tornado is a local event, created as a reaction of the atmospheric energy to stagnation in the local area. If there is too much DOR, a tornado will form to get rid of it. It is like the body's immune system, while a hurricane is like a yearly spring cleaning of the whole planet.  As DOR increases, so will tornadoes. If they did not the inhabitants of the area would soon be dead since DOR is highly toxic to living organisms, not just to atmospheric processes.
So I would not use a cloudbuster to  weaken or destroy a hurricane or to divert it from it's proper track, or to prevent tornadoes under any circumstances. But I would use it to remove DOR, help a sick atmosphere recover and restore normal pulsatory motion to an atmosphere that had become stagnant as a result of DOR from nuclear power plants, nuclear weapons stockpiles, etc., and the widespread use of high-voltage alternating current which also contributes to the atmospheric problems. And in all cases, the only goal of any properly done cloudbusting operation is not to control the weather. It is to help the atmosphere recover the abilty to control itself.
Self-regulation of the atmosphere is a concept that is hard to grasp for people steeped in the concepts of mechanistic science, which regards the atmosphere as a lifeless hapahzard collection of gases, moved only by temperature differences, not having any intrinsic motion, rather than as a highly-organized system whose functioning requires that it be interfered with as little as possible. In talking about it, Reich used the analogy of the difference between a dictator and a guide, and he called cloudbusting the practice of "Atmospheric Medicine".
Anyone who thinks of cloudbusting as "weather engineering" or "weather control" clearly does not understand it. It was, in fact, over this very issue that Trevor Constable was fired by the American College of Orgonomy.
 That sense of control which people experience from cloudbusting is a temptation, but it leads down a very slippery slope to a planet devoid of life.

Laws Needed

I am not normally in favor of using State coercion as a solution to social problems, but there are good laws and bad ones. Laws protecting the environment from disruption by hobbyists who want to monkey with the weather to gratify their egos are good laws that should be respected and used when possible.
 That does not mean no cloudbusting should ever be done. There is a legal term called the "competing harms" doctrine. It means you can break a law if there is an emergency situation that requires it. For example, if you saw a house on fire and the only way to phone the fire department was to break into another house nearby to use the phone. Or if you took a parked car without the owner's permission to rush a critcally injured person to a hospital.
Cloudbusting should be done only in that type of situation, not for "research" or "experiments" or for fun or to "find out if it works" or to "prove Reich was right" or because someone who knows nothing of ecology or orgonomy thinks hurricanes and tornadoes are "bad" because that is what he heard on the evening news.
 I have been active in campaigns against a lot of different environmental problems, not just on the cloudbusting issue. But right now, while nuclear power is still the worst environmental threat to this planet, cloudbuster proliferation is rapidly reaching second place. There are so many of these idiots learning about cloudbusting from some crackpot webpage, and then dashing out to "try it out and see if it works". And many of them are like these Weather Rangers, imagining themselves as some comic-book superhero, "saving lives" and "protecting the innocent" from severe weather without a thought that some of that severe weather might be natural weather that we need and should not interfere with because the lack of it could be worse.
We do not need (yet) any new laws against cloudbusting, but as long as there are existing laws that cover cloudbusting already on the books, I would like to see them enforced just as I would like to see any other environmental protection law enforced. Cloudbusting is badly needed to correct some of the damage humans are doing to the atmosphere by using nuclear power and electrical technologies, but in the hands of the cranks and crackpots who learn it from the internet, it is rapidly becoming more of a problem than a solution.
There is a great need for a school to teach cloudbusting properly. But until there is such a school, it should be done only by people who are throughly familiar with both orgonomy and ecology. That is a rare combination. But as a group project, it is possible. It would mean having an ecologist as part of the team in the early planning stages to decide if a project was ecologically justified or not. The decisions should not be left up to people without any background in the biological sciences who get their ideas of science from the evening news.
Aside from laws to protect the environment from ill-advised cloudbusting, I would like to form a NGO like the Sea Shepherds to intervene against renegade cloudbuster operators the way the Sea Shepherds intervene against whaling and illegal fishing boats. If the legal system cannot shut down these people who irresponsibly play around with cloudbusters, there is a role for a direct action group to enforce the laws to protect the earth from them.

Electric Oranur And A Fear Of Nature

The universally distributed orgone energy is referred to as "primary energy". All the known energies of conventional physics, such as heat, light, electricity, magnetism, gravity, etc., are called "secondary energies". All forms of secondary energy, if concentrated enough, and intense enough, are irritants to orgone enery in the natural state.

Any strong source of electromagnetic excitation will irritate the surrounding orgone in the same way nuclear energy does, though not as strongly. The relatively mild oranur effect from electrical apparatus is of the same basic quality as the more intense oranur reaction from radioactive materials.

Oranur excitation has numerous biological effects. It also has meteorological effects. Both have been observed from electromagnetic devices. The health effects of high-voltage devices are well-known and have been intensively studied and documented by conventional biologists, though explained by mechanistic theories. There is no room for doubt that strong EM fields cause numerous forms of illnesses.

The effects of EM on weather have been less noticed and less studied, but there is plenty of anecdotal evidence that all high-voltage alternating current equipment has an expansive effect on the atmosphere, breaking up clouds and increasing tendencies toward drought.

A strong EM source, such as a radar or microwave dish, radio or TV broadcasting antenna, or high-voltage long-range power-transmission lines, will trigger a mild oranur reaction of the atmosphere that will cause or intensify a drought tendency, break up clouds that drift in from other areas, and if intense enough, may block oncoming storm fronts. Since we are talking about orgone energy reactions to the excitation, not the electrical field itself, the inverse square law does not apply and the reange of such effects can be fairly extensive.

There is no particular frequency or other distinguishing characteristic of the EM source that has one effect or another. The intensity of the EM is the relevant factor. The effect can be made directional, but it cannot be reversed to cause condensation or contraction of the atmosphere, which is the condition needed for rain.

Oranur cannot be used to control weather in the sense of obtaining a desired result unless the result desired is chaos. Therefore, no electromagnetic method of weather control can ever be invented. however, many electromagnetic devices are able to give the illusion that they can control weather because they can be seen to break up small cumulus clouds directly overhead. This small-scale effect can be convincing enough that people who see it without understanding it may fall into thinking that other, grander, effects are thereby proven.

It sometimes happens that people unfamiliar with the knowledge of orgone energy observe the breaking up of small clouds due to some source of electromagnetic excitation and think they have discovered something new. They often think they have found a way to "control the weather" and try to figure out some theory of how the phenomenon works. Once they have invented such a theory, no matter how far-fetched and unproven, they become adamant about it. The initial valid observation then serves to convince them of the theory, not just of the factual observation, despite it having been concocted after the observation and not having demonstrated any predictive value.  
Without any scientific training or understanding of the way a scientific theory is constructed and tested, such a person is often able to win others to believe in his ideas because of both his evident sincerity and his ability to demonstrate a real effect that is relatively obscure and not known to the observers. If an ideology or a psychological predisposition that appeals to a significant number of people is added into the mix, we can end up with a weather-control cult.
That is apparently what has happened in the case of David Wells and his following, who are known as the Weather Rangers. From the initial observation by Mr. Wells that the unusual type of electric motor he was working on could cause clouds to disintegrate overhead, a cult-following has developed within the so-called "free energy" movement, a mostly right-wing movement of technophiliacs who believe technological development is the solution to environmental problems.
Technophilia is a form of orgasm anxiety in which the victim projects his fears of the feelings of the life energy in his own body onto the outside world. He suffers from a fear of nature which may focus on the idea that without firearms humans would be exterminated by wild animals, that without modern medicine everyone would be killed by diseases, or,in the case at hand, that normal weather is too dangerous to be lived with.
A certain percentage of the population suffer from Lapsophilia, an extreme and irrational fear of bad weather. This fear may be particularly common in areas such as the American Midwest, where Mr. Wells happens to live,and where tornadoes are common, and in the Carribean, where hurricanes are a frequent occurence and where his most active follower, Alberto Feliciano, happens to live. Persons with this condition are inordinately terrified of hurricanes and tornadoes and would obviously welcome uncritically a method of weather-control which promised to protect them from such terrifying phenomena.
It does not occur to them that we somehow managed to stay alive for not only thousands, but MILLIONS of years without this invention they think is so vital to our survival. They show considerable egotism, amounting to hubris, if they think the survival of the human race depends on their personal contribution.
What they really express is a fear of nature. This irrational fear of the natural environment is very common in this modern world. It is, in fact, at the roots of all environmental problems. Their evident technophilia is a symptom of this fear. Technology is by definition, man's attempt to control nature, and the motivation is at the deepest level, a fear of nature inside oneself, which is based on the endemic sexual repression in this culture and is projected outwards onto the convenient screen of the natural world in the technophiliac personality.
In one e-mail to me Mr. Wells says:
"uncontrolled storms ravage and kill ", and then he repeats it a few lines down the page:
"Until machines are in place , nature can ravage and kill . Droughts and floods and forest fires come and go at natures call . It is time man takes control of the weather . Until this happens , people will die and property will get destroyed ."
It is hard to imagine a clearer demonstration of the fear of nature and natural functioning that Reich devoted so much of his career to unmasking than this statement. The person whio is a victim of such fear  finds the natural world, the environment in which we developed over millions of years and to which we are best adapted, a frightening place dangerously beset by frightening natural phenomena, instead of seeing it as our ancient home, the place where we are safest and should feel the most secure and comfortable.
 Instead of feeling exaltation and awe at the titantic power of a mighty storm as it cleans the atmosphere and contributes to the preservation of life on earth, he feels frightened and wants to control it, just as the sexually repressed person who fears the feeling of life stiring in his own body feels frightened and wants to kill it or re-direct it into less "dangerous" channels.
One is reminded of the saying, " You can take the boy out of the Bible Belt, but you cannot take the Bible Belt out of the Boy". For it is indeed the sexually repressive culture of theBible Belt that contributes greatly to the formation of a character structure that fears nature and hopes to control it.
 Mr. Wells and his followers are fully convinced of the effectiveness of their device, although they have not yet made public any evidence. I doubt they ever will. But under the influence of a strong need to believe in it, they will not listen to any information that tells them the device could be harmfull to either the atmosphere or to humans, including themselves.
But despite their professed desire to "save lives", they are actually contributing to the death of the atmosphere. Adding even more DOR to the already excessive amount of DOR created by modern technologies is not "saving lives". It is taking lives in the long run. Orgone energy is the force that keeps all life going, and if it is damaged or killed, all life suffers and  dies.

A Letter To Another Weather Ranger

Dear Mr. Feliciano,

Thank you for finally deciding to write to me. It is about time.
 I appologize for perhaps being a bit too agressive at first contact, but please understand that I was reacting to the slanders and personal attacks of Ash Palise. He had posted a request for volunteers to the orgonomy mailing list, but would not say what the project was that he wanted them to volunteer for. I correctly guessed what it was and sent that information to the OML, which caused him to start ranting and slandering me. If my introduction to you had been by some other means, I might have been less confrontational.
But none of the other Weather Rangers has called Ash on his bad behavior. So as far as I have any way of knowing, most of you agree with him.
But you yourself have sent to the Weather Rangers website links to defamatory material posted about me on the website of James DeMeo. DeMeo has plenty of motive to slander me and try to discredit me because I have written several articles severely critical of his incompetent cloudbusting work over the years. He has caused a lot of damage and killed a lot of people and I have exposed that, so of course he has reason to try to discredit me.
 It was very ill-advised of you to take his and his friends writings about me at face value instead of checking them out and finding out if he might have a motive to say bad things against me.
And in any case, regardless of my personal character, past actions, or whom I associate with, the issues I have raised of environmental impact of weather operations are valid issues, not dependent on who I am or whatever I may or may not have done 30 years ago or what magazine I may have published an article in, or even if I am sane or not. You did not address any of the issues I raised. What you did was post a link to the personal attacks by DeMeo and his suporters.
I have built many orgone accumulators, orgone blankets, medical DOR-busters, cloudbusters, and other orgone-related equipment over the last 40 years, and having had personal instruction from Dr. Eva Reich, and having a letter from her in which she says she considers me "very knowledgeable in this field", I consider myself qualified to understand how an orgone accumulator works without having to read any books on quantum physics as you suggest, thank you.
And the main issues I have been trying to raise with you and your associates do not concern if your device works or not,or if it does, how it does it. The scientific issues are only of secondary importance. What I have been trying to get across is the issue of damage to the environment. Having worked with several environmental activist groups, I think I am as knowledgeable about ecology as I am about orgonomy, but still, if I was going to undertake a long-term cloudbusting program covering a wide area, I would want to consult an ecologist familiar with that area before deciding to do it or not.
That sort of thing, an Environmental Impact Study, is standard procedure nowadays, and there is no excuse for just going off and doing something that could have a major impact onthe ecosystem without at least making a serious effort to find out what the effects and implications might turn out to be that might not have been anticipated.
Regarding your third point,
"3. You say David Wells' weather machines produce Oranur. Does an
Oranur producer create rain? Placed in the proper Earth magnetic
direction David's machines create rain, and plenty of it. Might not
these machines be Orgone stabilizers rather than the monstrosities you
purport them to be?"
My answer is No, they cannot. An electrical device is still an electrical device, no matter what "circuit" may be involved. It runs on ordinary household electrical current. This kind of current is a secondary form of energy originally drawn from the universal orgone energy ocean surrounding the earth by a Farady generator, and all forms of secondary energy irritate the basic orgone energy without any exceptions. If a device is powered by Faradic current, it will inevitably produce an oranur effect, differing only in intensity from that produced by radioactive materials.
The important thing about any electrical device is that it is electrical. All other things about it are of minor importance compared to that. It is the use of Faradic current, not how a particular circuit is configured, that determines that the device will create an oranur excitation in the orgone around it.
This understanding is fundamental to the orgonomic understanding of how the universe works and is not going to be changed by suggesting I read a book on some other subject by someone who does not understand orgone biophysics. If you want to claim that an electrical device can violate well-established basic fundamental principles of orgone biophysics that have stood up to some 70 years of testing by numerous orgonomicly-oriented scientists, you will need to present a lot of solid evidence, not anecdotal stories by backyard enthusiasts who do not even bother to keep records of what they do.
In my opinion, your device cannot do what you think it can, but contrary to what a mainstream mechanistic physicist would expect, it does do something, and that something is enough to account for your thinking it can do what you think it can. But what it really is doing is damaging to the orgone field of this planet. Any effect it may have on weather is just a side-effect of that damage.
But even if the oranur field generated by the machine was not a factor, and the weather effects were what you say they are and were all that had to be considered, the other environmental issues I have raised would still stand. I have spoken to many people about this subject, including many who know nothing of orgonomy, and so far, nobody has had any trouble grasping that it is foolish to tamper with such prominent natural phenomena as hurricanes.
One does not need to have ever heard of orgone to understand that. I made several reasons clear enough in some of the messages I sent to you and your associates, and so far, you still have not delt with them. Instead of trying to convince me the machine works, or that I should abandon 40 years of solid observations of how orgone energy behaves and accept some quantum physics theory on a basis of reading a book, why not start with dealing with the main and most important issue: What is the the proper and responsible use of weather-modification technologies of any kind?
I have sent you and the others of your group several suggestions along those lines. So far, no response.


Joel Carlinsky

Legalities Of Weather Modification

- On Sun, 9/26/10, Ashtweth Palise wrote:
 "If the weather rangers can save lives by operating the machine they have justification to  do it regardless of what any one else thinks. It is no one Else's responsibility. As we test and find out more from the machine under controlled conditions we will  find a safe way and the feasibility of it will become more clear ."
Mr. Palise is a member of the Weather Rangers. I do not know if it is official Weather Rangers policy or just the opinion of this one individual, but if it is not a policy that the Weather Rangers group as a whole has decided upon, they should lose no time in repudiating such a statement.
The statement admits the process is not yet safe, but claims the right to endanger the public by use of an unsafe technology in the hope it will be possible to make it safe. This amounts to conducting potentially risky experiments on the public atmosphere, thus forcing unsuspecting members of the public to be unwitting experimental subjects without their having given their consent. This is a human rights violation that is prohibited by International Law and the laws of every country on earth.
Contrary to what many people may think, there are laws that regulate weather modification. They were intended to cover cloudseeding, but are usually worded in such a way that any method of weather modification would be included, even methods not yet invented at the times the laws were passed.
In the United States, all weather modifcation operators are required to file a notice with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ten days before the start of an operation.
 It is illegal under the Endangered Species Act to do anything that will affect the habitat of a species on the Endangered Species List.
It is a violation of the National Environmental Policy Act to conduct a project that will affect the environbment without giving advance public notice and having some means in place for members of the public to comment.
It is a violation of the Wilderness Act to alter the "pristine character" of a designated Wilderness Area.
In addition, some states have laws that either ban weather modification or regulate it. Some require that operators carry sufficient insurance to guarentee compensation to anyone whose property is harmed by their operations. And a large body of case law exists in which the courts have consistantly uphelp the liability of cloudseeders for any damages they cause.
Do the Weather Rangers have a formal position on the issue of what their policy is if their operations conflict with environmental protection laws? Most of them are law-abiding citizens, not normally given to breaking laws. And most of them profess concern for the environment, so breaking environmental protection laws should be particularly repellant to them, quite aside from any possible legal punishment.
It might be a good idea for the Weather Rangers to consult a lawyer before they  decide to conduct any further experimentation that carries the risk of both criminal and civil liability. If they were to, say, divert a storm from one area to another, and if people were harmed in the area to which they had diverted it, they might find that a claim to have "saved lives" in the area which might otherwise have been struck might not serve to exonerate them in court.
Of course, the legal establishment is not likely to prosecute at this time, though if the Weather Rangers were ever to succeed in getting the weather-control technology they use accepeted by official science, that would change. But there is a very realistic matter of how the part of the public that does believe their device works shall regard them, as well as a question of how they want to be able to regard themselves.
If they are willing to be regarded as an outlaw group, protected by the fact that since their method is considered crackpot by official science, they can violate laws without fear of punishment, they should state that clearly on their website for all to see. Anything less in a group that is trying to obtain funding for anything is defrauding their potential donors.
Mr. Palise is not one of the leaders of the Weather Rangers. The people in the group with the most influence are David Wells, who invented the device, Alberto Feliciano, and Sterling Alan. They are the ones who hold the positions that count in the Weather Rangers. It is up to them to set the policy and decide if the Weather Rangers are a law-abiding group of responsible citizens conducting scientific experimentation in an ethical way or an outlaw band who willfully ignore important laws intended for the protection of our environment.
Leaders of the Weather Rangers: what about it? Does Ash Palise speak for you on this issue? So far, he is the only Weather Ranger to have spoken, so unless there is some public statement setting forth the position of the group on if they obey environmental protection laws or not, it must be assumed that he does.

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