Friday, February 4, 2011

Saturday, November 20, 2010


I recently wrote an article critical of the cloudbusting project in Algeria, pointing out some correlations between their cloudbusting and the recent heat wave in Russia,  which was picked up and posted on some other websites with a rather wide readership, and I got a response from a German member of this group  and he has told me some shocking things which ought to be publicly exposed.

One of the most incredible is that they are using a method he referred to as "Agni Hotra" to remove radioactivity from the atmosphere. I had never heard of it, but a quick search on Google found that it is a Hindu religious ritual consisting of burning cow dung in an inverted copper pyramid at daybreak! That a seemingly well-educated man from a Western cultural background can actually fall for anything so preposterous is mind-boggling. If these people are silly enough to think burning cow patties will protect them from radioactivity, they are in for a very rude awakening.

What I have to wonder at is that he seemed so willing to tell me about it. He apparently has no idea how it would sound to most people. This leads to the conclusion he is really very far out of touch with reality. As might be expected from a mystic.

A well-known German Reichian is now making a documentary about the project in Algeria. I wonder how he is going to present this incredible information that the project using the cloudbuster invented by Wilhelm Reich is also using crackpot ancient Hindu superstitions along with it.

Nothing could possibly do a better job of discrediting Reich and his scientific findings than to associate orgonomy with such nonsense. One can only wonder at the motives of those who condone such an association.

The project in Algeria has done considerable more recent environmental damage because of mechanistic modes of operation and lack of understanding of either ecology or orgone energy in the atmosphere. The damage to the image of orgonomy from association with a cowshit cult will not help.

And that is no bull.


The basic cause of weather on earth is the vast cosmic streams of orgone energy that sweep in from space, circle the earth, and are discharged back into space in the form of lightning from the nearly constant belt of thunderstorm activity that circles the earth at the equator. The motion of the atmosphere is imparted to it by orgone motion, and the pulsation of the orgone streams is responsible for the formation of the chemical constituents of the atmosphere, including water.

The cyclical variations shown in the paleontological record are due to the cycles of the cosmic orgone energy in the solar system, and those same orgone phenomena are responsible for other cycles such as those of sunspots, solar flares, and the orbital dynamics of the planets. The reason earthly weather correlates with astronomical events is because the same cosmic orgone influxes determine both.

Nobody doubts that natural changes in climate have happened in the past and are happening now. The only debate is about how much additional change is being added to that by human activity. The current public relations storm over alleged "greenhouse gases" is obscuring the real issue of the effects on weather of DOR, most of which is man-made.

Some DOR has always existed. It is a normal stage in the metabolism of orgone energy. Under normal conditions it is soon metabolized back into the moving orgone field of the earth. But today, mostly due to the use of radioactivity by the humans, the amount of DOR has been vastly increased and has gotten beyond the ability of the normal atmospheric processes to metabolize. The result is increasing climate breakdown.

By "climate breakdown" I mean increased randomization and chaos of the atmosphere, with less stability and more random variations, less predictability, and ever-greater extremes. In reaction to the increase in DOR, there will be more frequent and more severe storms, especially including tornadoes, which form as a reaction of the remaining healthy orgone to the irritation of DOR.

About 80% of the man-made DOR in the atmosphere is from the nuclear industry, both military and civilian. Another 10% is caused by the use of electromagnetic technology in the form of radio and TV broadcasting, radar, microwave, high-tension long-distance power transmission lines, and other electrical devices. Most of the rest is from bad land-use practices such as deforestation, plowing, paving, and building dams on large rivers.

The rapid increase in DOR is the most serious environmental problem on earth.  The cloudbuster is the only way known to reverse the damage and restore atmospheric pulsation and  health. If used properly, it holds the possibility of survival of life on earth, which is otherwise highly unlikely.

 But in the present situation, where anyone with access to the internet can learn how to build one, and there is almost no place to learn how to use it properly, this populist "Volkscloudbusting" movement has become an environmental menace second only to the nuclear industry.

As the mass fascination with cloudbusters gathers steam, we can expect more and more of these ill-thought-out "projects" by people who mean well, but cannot see that what they are doing is vandalizing the atmosphere at the very time in history when it can least withstand it. They may mean well, but they would never think of attempting major surgery without going to medical school or trying to fly an airliner without ever having had flying lessons. And they just cannot see that what they are doing by trying to "help" by building a cloudbuster and playing around with the atmosphere is just as irresponsible.

A large part of the problem is that with no mainstream official scientific concensus on the cloudbuster, or indeed, on any aspect of orgonomy, everyone feels free to dream up any half-baked "theory" of his own and invent whatever explanation he wishes for how a cloudbuster works. Many of even the most incompetent operators have found a following of people even more ignorant than themselves, and think that by "thinking about it", and by throwing in a bit of out-of-context knowledge of mechanistic physics,  they have "improved" on the knowledge of orgone energy that took a world-class mind like Reich a lifetime of actual experimenting to merely scratch the surface of.

And to that recipe for disaster can be added the tendency to mix the scientific findings of orgonomy with various forms of mysticism, none of which can provide the slightest bit of evidence. The superficial resemblance of the descriptions of orgone energy, a scientifically verifiable physical force, to the vague and scientifically worthless dogmas of many religions and ancient philosophies encourages many beginners to try to blend orgonomy with their favorite brand of mysticism.

 Plus, the natural human tendency to dodge and avoid the full implications of the orgone theory as regards social and sexual behavior. Many people, for rather obvious reasons, resist the fact that to do cloudbusting properly, one should be in a relationship that permits regular and satisfactory sexual discharge, and that without that factor in ones personal life, cloudbusting is a serious risk to ones health. "New" and "improved" theories of how the cloudbuster functions are almost always an attempt to desexualize the orgone theory to make it more tolerable for a person who finds the theories of Reich disquieting.

But there is seldom any convincing these people. If you try, you are met with  "I read it on the interenet" or " It is in the sacred old book", or "If you refuse to believe this traditional belief of some non-wesatern culture you are being narrow-minded and culturally biased" or " I was told this by a spiritually-enlightened master" or " I saw it in a sacred vision", or some other attempt to discourage rational thinking.

And while the chickens cluck, monkeying around with cloudbusters while promoting their useless "theories" and rationalizations for avoiding the important findings of Reich, unless the cloudbuster is soon put to PROPER use, the orgone energy, the life energy of the atmosphere, is at double risk, not only from the malign influence of DOR, but increasingly, from the almost as malign influence of cloudbuster proliferation.

Greening The Sahara--The Wrong Way

                                      Greening The Sahara --The Wrong Way
                                                  By Joel Carlinsky

There is a project underway in Algeria to green the Sahara Desert . It is attempting to use the Reich cloudbuster to bring rains to the south side of the Atlas Mountain Range. The project is being done by a group based in Berlin , who are fans of Wilhelm Reich and enthusiasts for the promotion of his work.

The organizers of this project are well-intentioned. But they are hopelessly out of their depth when it comes to proper planning and carrying out a cloudbusting project. None of them has any training or qualifications in ecology, or in fact, in any of the biological sciences. They seem to be under the impression that training in physics and engineering constitute qualifications for work in this field.

Nothing could be farther from the truth. The most important qualifications for successful work with the cloudbuster are a complete understanding of orgone biophysics and a very extensive knowledge of ecology. The participants in this ill-advised desert-greening project in Algeria lack both of these qualifications and must be regarded as laymen in the field.

The Sahara desert is the largest desert on earth. It has been a desert for only the last 5,000 years or so, and before that, in the period known as the Climatic Optimum, 6,000 to 8,000 years ago, it was a relatively lush and well-watered grassland, including some forested areas and vast wetlands, lakes, and marshes known to modern geologists as the Chad sea, of which Lake Chad is the last shrunken remnant. This wetland area was known to the ancient world as Lake Tritonia , from which the name of Triton, the junior sea god comes.

About 5,350 years ago, the earth intercepted a swarm of highly-charged meteors in space. The barrage of meteors were mostly detonated in the air by huge discharges, bolts of cosmic lightning, which destroyed the incoming meteors in flight. The discharges reduced the net charge of the earth to a fraction of it's former value, and the global climate was significantly altered as a result.

This shift in global circulation patterns, combined with a high concentration of residual DOR from the discharges, caused North Africa to become a desert. Over the last 2,000 years, the original area of desert has been almost doubled by the introduction of goats and other livestock by humans.

More recently, between 1958 and 1963, the French government set off a number of nuclear tests in Southern Algeria . This added to the DOR barrier that blocks moisture from the Gulf of Guinea from traveling northward into the desert. There were droughts in the Sahael region on the southern fringe of the desert at the time, and they have sporadically continued ever since.

There are several different ways in which a cloudbuster could be used to change the desert into a more fertile land. Unfortunately, most of these ways are wrong. In considering how to intervene in a climate situation of long-standing, many factors must be taken into account.

The modern climate regime is one of sparse winter rains from off the North Atlantic reaching Morocco and passing on east over Algeria . The first thing many people would think of in planning a cloudbuster project would be to draw from the North Atlantic in winter to augment the usual seasonal rainfall. This however, would be a serious mistake.

The seasonal winter rains are an artifact of the modern climate regime that has only existed for around 5,000 years. That is an insignificant time in terms of the development of an ecosystem. Most of the native vegetation that still survives in spite of the desertification is still adapted to warm summer rains from the south, and subjecting it to cold wet winters would only add to the stresses upon most native species and drive them farther toward extinction.

In every region where desertification has taken place, there are small areas of greater water availability, called "refugia" by biologists, where native life-forms have managed to hang on, as if patiently waiting for the return of the wetter conditions, so they could spread out and recolonize their former range. These refugia act as seed beds from which the lands which have become deserts will be repopulated with life if the climate ever returns to what it once was. If they are destroyed by cold to which they are not adapted, they will be unable to do that if the ancient climate is ever restored.

It is certainly true that bringing cold winter rains down from the north will cause a greening of the desert, but most of that greening will be invasive, cold-tolerant species humans have imported from Europe over the last 2,000 years, not native species. There will be an increase in biomass, but at the expense of biodiversity. Many more species of native plant life, adapted to the ancient pattern of warm summer rains coming up from the Sahael, will be subjected to more cold and wet than they can handle and will decline and possibly die out.

At the very minimum, for a cloudbusting project to be considered responsible would require a botanical census beforehand, counting the number of plants and the number of different species in a few randomly selected sample acres before, during, and after the project in order to determine what the effects on the biodiversity of the region might be. Without such a preliminary study, it will be impossible to know if some species are being driven to extinction by the changes in climate. No such study by a botanist was commissioned by the organizers of this project in Algeria .

Also, since the current pattern of winter rains from the north is a result of the pathological climate created by the meteor storm, and is maintained by the DOR fields that block the otherwise normal circulation of the atmosphere, to draw from the north at that time of year would only increase the pathological pattern of atmospheric armoring, making it that much harder to eventually reverse when a properly-done cloudbusting project is finally implemented, if one ever is. 

And, of course, drawing from the north in winter would bring the cold, wet weather down across Europe, causing unwanted cold in most of Europe .

So the next thing that would occur to the would-be cloudbuster operator is to draw from the south in the summer, bringing  up the summer monsoon from the Gulf of Guinea across the Sahael to the Sahara . That would avoid the destruction of the local native species of plants, and not subject Europe to an unusually harsh winter. It also would not be reinforcing the current pathological climate pattern, but would be replicating the ancient pattern, therefore helping the atmosphere recover to it's normal behavior.

 At first glance, this would seem the best way to conduct a cloudbusting project in the desert. After all, it would be duplicating the original climate of the area, and what could be wrong with that?

Unfortunately, it is not that simple. A prolonged draw from the south in the summer will bring up summer rains, and the desert will benefit, but the hot, dry, desert air that was formerly over North Africa will move north until it is over Europe . There will be a heat wave and drought in Europe . Then, due to the normal west-to-east motion of the atmosphere, the hot dry air mass will move eastward until it is over Russia , bringing an unprecedented heat wave and drought to Russia .

If such long-distance downstream effects are considered, it become obvious that a summertime draw from the south will not be a good solution to the desert problem in North Africa either.

Both of the above methods have been tried in recent years. And both have caused harm. The ecosystem of North Africa has been subjected to extra stress, native plant species have been decimated, the damaged atmosphere has been subjected to more damage, and the climate of Europe has been disrupted.

Both the above methods are based on mechanistic thinking. The proper way to do a desert-greening project for North Africa would be to concentrate on removal of the DOR blockages that obstruct the inflow of moisture into the region. If those blocks are reduced or eliminated, the movement of moisture will take care of itself. And if the areas of high DOR concentration are broken up and eliminated, there will be no shifting of a hot dry air mass containing a high concentration of DOR from North Africa to Europe, and then on to Russia, as apparently happened this past summer.

But to do that, and to do it correctly, with a minimum of long-distance downstream side-effects, the work would have to be done from the right locations. And the right locations happen to be a long distance away from where the current project is underway.

DOR-Barriers And Deserts

Florida has a lot of lightning and thunderstorms, plus the occasional hurricane. If it did not have them, it would have a lot more DOR, but the location and all the water around it no doubt help keep the DOR down.

Some islands surrounded by water have a lot of DOR and are deserts. Having water all around would help, but would not be enough to keep a place DOR-free if there was a DOR-barrier in the sky blocking access to weather fronts.
For example, the real place where the Sahara Desert begins is in the Canary Islands, off the coast of Africa. There is a DOR-barrier there like the one Reich found in Arizona,
keeping moisture fromthe Atlantic from passing on to the continent. That DOR-barrier is a large part of the reason North Africa dried up and became a desert around 5,350 years ago.
There are other factors that also contribute to North Africa being a desert, but if that DOR-barrier was removed, which could be done by proper cloudbusting in a few years time, the ancient weather patterns would start to reassert themselves and the Sahara would go back to the climate it used to have.
But the current "desert greening" project going on in Algeria is not doing things properly. Instead of doing DOR-removal, and then allowing nature to take it's course, they are trying to "make rain". They are getting the desert to turn green and they think that is a great success, but in reality, they are just making things worse in the long run.

 It is possible to get rain much faster than to remove the DOR-barrier and PERMIT rain, and since they want fast results to impress potential financial backers, they are going for quick results. But the end result of that mistaken strategy is the need to keep on doing it every year from now on. As long as the DOR barrier is still in place, the area will remain permanently dependent on human intervention to stay green and will revert to desert again when the cloudbusting program stops.
That is the difference between mere rainmaking and re-establishing atmospheric self-regulation, which Reich advocated as the right way to use a cloudbuster. Nearly everybody who has tried cloudbusting since Reich died has missed this point. The normative authoritarianism in this culture makes it hard for most people to grasp. As soon as they find out about cloudbusting, they think it is a way to "control the weather" and "make rain". Anyone who calls cloudbusting "weather control" or speaks of "engineering" weather,is guilty of malpractice.
 Weather systems are affected by many factors. They are influenced by mountain ranges, large bodies of water, large river valleys, forests, open plains, and human land use practices like clearing vegetation away, ploughing, planting monocultures, paving large areas, building large cities, draining wetlands, daming large rivers, setting forest fires, and grazing livestock, especially goats. The worst thing humans do is add to the amount of DOR the atmosphere has to process by using radioactivity and to a lesser, but still significant extent, electricity.
But there are large-scale DOR barriers in certain places that are not caused by humans. They are the result of a massive meteor bombardment about 5,350 years ago. It was that
astronomical catastrophe that changed the global cimate from the Climatic Optimum to the climate we have now and have had for the last 5,000 + years. Most deserts are the result of DOR blockages that were created then, though most Old World deserts have been greatly expanded since then by human land use practices such as cattle grazing.
Before the meteor storm, there were practically no deserts on earth. The polar regions were not glaciated and the tree line extended right up to the Arctic Ocean in both Canada and Siberia. The meteor bombardment setthe stage for the climate we have had for the past 5,000 years.

The Climatic Optimum era was around 6,000 to 8,000 years ago. That was the climatic regime immediately before our own, so we have more evidence for it and a better idea of what it was like than we do for any other. It was ended by a meteor storm about 5,350 years ago.

The most accessable material on the subject is work by British astronomers Clube and Naipier.  I was first told about it by the late Reid Bryson, of the University of Wisconsin, who was the leading climatologist in America. He told me he had backtracked the orbit of the earth by computer and done the same for other objects in the solar system, and at around that date the orbit of earth intercepted a meteor swarm in space. That is also the time when the deserts dried up and the poles froze up.
It has nothing to do with any previous climate changes, cyclical or otherwise. The climatic Optimum was a time of warm wet climate all over earth, with no deserts or ice caps except in the high-elevatiuon interiors of Greenland and Antarctica, not at the coasts. The main deserts of today were created by the changed atmospheric circulatory patterns caused by the meteor bombardment.

 That was the origin of the DOR barriers that still block the movement of energy into certain areas today, such as the DOR barrier in the sky that Reich found at the crest of the Sierras near Jacumba. Removal of these DOR fields by cloudbusting would restore the ancient climate of the region.
That is how a proper cloudbusting project should be done. But it is not how it is being done today. Instead, there is a group of people who are trying to green the Sahara desert by bringing rain on their own schedule, not by doing DOR removal aimed at reducing the DOR barriers that are the cause of the desertification.
They can succeed in bringing rain, but unless the DOR barrier is removed, as soon as they stop operations the area will go right back to being a desert. So their project is really a proposal for a permanent dependence on human control of the atmosphere in North Africa instead of a plan to re-establish atmospheric self-regulation in North Africa as it should be.


DOR And Tornadoes

DOR is not something new. It is a natural part of the constant metabolism of orgone energy. There has always been some DOR. But in the last several decades the amount has greatly increased due to modern technology. There is now so much extra DOR around that the atmosphere is having a much harder time metabolizing it all. An increse in tornadoes and other strong weather events is one result.
There are several factors that make the Great Plains especially prone to DOR-infestations, which are what trigger tornadoes. These include the distance from the oceans, which tend to absorb DOR and remove it from the atmosphere. Another factor is the topography, with the  plains being blocked from the Pacific Ocean stream of energy by the high Rocky Mountains, which run from north to south. Another factor is the location of the desert area to the west and southwest, which tends to stagnate the stream of energy that comes from that direction before it gets to the plains.
The same DOR-barrier in the sky that blocks energy from the Pacific from streaming into the Southwest desert, also keeps it from moving on to the plains beyond, changing the air masses that travel on to the plains into dry, stagnant, desert air masses instead of wet maritime air masses. Even when the plains get enough moisture, the atmosphere remains "stuck" and deficient in the pulsation that permits rain to occur. .
Taken all together, these and possibly other factors add up to the Great Plains having always been more prone to tornadoes than most other places. The tornado is a response by the local atmosphere to DOR. It is an attempt to clear out the stagnation and get moving again. As such, it should be respected and allowed tro do it's job, not casually interfered with by people who do not recognize the existence of DOR and think tornados are an evil we would be better off without.
If, by proper cloudbusting, the DOR-barrier that creates the Arizona desert were removed, as Reich started to do while in Arizona, the pulsating Pacific energy could stream in freely and get beyond Arizona to the Great Plains. The incidence of tornadoes would then decline.
I have had quite a bit of correspondence with David Wells, the leader of the Weather Rangers. He does not believe there is any such thing as DOR. He has a theory that all storms, everywhere on earth, are caused by what he calls "wave interference"  from a "beam" of some undefined sort originating in Sedona, Arizona. Since he thinks there is no such thing as DOR, he is unable to see any harm in preventing a tornado.
And that could be a fatal mistake.

Protecting The Public

Tornadoes do not "just happen". They happen for a reason, and there is also a reason for the time and place where they happen. A tornado is like a part of the immune system in the body. It is a reaction by the remaining healthy part of the organism to an intrusive damaging factor. Just as the body reacts with a fever to bacteria, the atmospheric orgone reacts with a strong circulatory motor force to the irritation of high concentrations of DOR.
DOR is a normal part of the atmosphere, but in small amounts that could be readily metabolized by the healthy atmosphere. But under some conditions, DOR builds up until there is too much for the usual atmospheric processes to deal with. If this were to go on for too long, there would be a prolonged drought concurrent with a general biological weakening of all living organisms, which would result in lowered resistance to all diseases, lower reproductive rates, and other symptoms of generalized biological decline.
The reaction of the atmosphere to this infestation of high levels of DOR is a strong circulation which remobilizes the stale, stagnant, "dead" energy back into motion, which means it returns to life and can once again suport biological life as well as the normal atmospheric pulsation which underlies all normal meteorlogical processes.
Itr might not do much harm to prevent ONE tornado, but if tornadoes were prevented on a large scale for any great length of time in an area which frequently needs them, such as in the American Great Plains, that region would soon become a desert.
There are several mitigation procedures that can be used to protect the public from tornadoes. Building buildings strong enough to serve as shelters, teaching children in school what to do if they are in the open and see one coming, broadcasting warnings over a special radio channel, and sounding alarms from a signaling place if a tornado is sighted. People living in tornado-prone areas can buy insurance coverage to protect them from ecconomic harm if a building is destroyed. They can protect farmhouses by planting thick rows of flexible tress around their houses as a windbreak. They can tell their children how to take cover from tornadoes.
Taken together, these and other procedures would prevent most of the damage done by tornadoes. On the other hand, if the prevention of tornadoes by some technological means were to become commonplace, there would soon be a market for additional intervention in the form of rainmaking services to make up for the lack of naturally occuring rainfall as the Great Drought would soon replace the tornado in the evening news programs.
Tornadoes have always been a part of life on the Great Plains. They always will be. Today, with the increase in DOR from modern technology, we need them more than ever. Instead of trying to prevent tornadoes, mitigation measures should be undertaken far in advance, including building codes that require certain strength in buildings, and inclusion of protective training in school curiculums, warning systems should be set up, insurance coverage obtained, and the public should be properly informed about what to do.
And then the atmosphere should be left alone to do what it needs to do because that is what the community needs it to do too.

Entertainment As Miseducation

A central issue in all forms of environmental protection activism is the intentional miseducation of the public about environmental issues via the entertainment media. There have been a lot of "thriller" novels and movies that show some form of wild animal or some natural weather occurance as the threat.
These movies and books do a grave diservice to the public by giving the impression that sharks, alligators, tigers, gorillas, hurricanes, tornadoes, and other parts of the natural world are dangerous and the prevention of that danger is the "heroic" thing to do. Such books and movies make the job of environmentalists harder when they try to get protection for endangered species of shark, for example.
There have also been a lot of such thrillers in which some fanatical group of environmentalists try to do something like blow up a nuclear power plant to "save the environment". They are always thwarted at the last moment by the heroic FBI agent who saves the innocent victims and preserves the status quo.
These absurd "entertainment" novels and movies are not just an accident. They are a part of a longstanding propaganda campaign by the ecconomic forces that benefit from the status quo and exploitation of "resources" at the cost of destruction of the environment.  Hollywood and the major publishing companies are a part of the problem. This sort of misleading "entertainment" should be exposed and fought at every oportunity because it makes it that much harder to win suport for needed environmental protections.
Including the protection of hurricanes and tornadoes.  Fortunately, there is an Endangered Species Act to protect wildlife. Someday, if cloudbuster proliferatrion continues, we may need an Endangered Weather Systems Act to protect hurricanes and tornadoes from destructive members of the public who get their science "education" from thriller novels and Hollywood movies.

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