Friday, February 4, 2011

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Guest Editorial

"Petros Evdokas" <> wrote:

Authoritarian distortions of reality come in many versions, almost infinite. But they always share the same core, the same characteristics, no matter what field they crop up in. This applies to all authoritarian theory and practice, and to all the fruits of their labours.

The idea (and practice) of using machines to "control the weather" in order to "eradicate hurricanes", or to "create rain" where no rain is supposed to be, is only barely one hair's width this side of insanity. But it does not appear as insane as it really is because of the context in which it occurs. The context is an already insane world, a world dominated by authoritarian politicians, military men, and technicians (not real scientists), who are armed with an incredible array of high-potency gizmos which they apply to gain total mastery and control over everything and everyone.

It's only in this context that it seems "sane" to desire to make machines that will eradicate storms, plug up volcanoes, put an end to seawaves, alter DNA molecules, create bionic entities that half machine and half organisms... you name it, they've making machines to do it.

It's only in this context that authoritarian madmen with machines that are intended to "eradicate storms" appear sane. It's the same context in which authoritarian doctors use radiation to "eradicate cancer". Both of these totally insane practices appear to be the work of "pioneers", only because the dominant paradigm through which the world is viewed by people, the worldview that is enforced on us by our authoritarian upbringing, is insane itself.

That's why it was very appropriate that you began this letter with the phrase: "Understanding the ether is the only way to get good results in working with the atmosphere. Just as in energy medicine, understanding and working correctly with the body means understanding and working with the life energy in the body, from which all the physiological processes are derived."

It's all absolutely true. But we're talking about individuals who are not capable of even understanding this other simple phrase from your letter: "...everything in the natural world has a place and serves a purpose."

The form of the authoritarian illness is such that a major psychiatric breakthrough is required before a person can accept the grand truth embeded in thatsimple phrase.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Policies Proposed For Weather Modification Organizations

What would make me think the problem was solved would be
(1) A written policy including a range of sactions for members who violate it, to the effect that they will respect valid environmental protection laws unless an emergency requires immediate action;
(2) That they will consult an ecologist before undertaking any project that could have long-term effects;
 (3) That they recognize the concept of atmospheric self-regulation and distinguish between healing a damaged atmosphere when DOR is causing a problem, and interfering with a normally-functioning atmosphere;
(4) They should agree to be fiscally responsible by carrying insurance to make it possible to compensate anyone they harm by their actions;
(5) That they promise to make public what they do instead of avoiding responsibility for any possible damages.
All these are simply normal ordinary ways of doing business today in the modern world. Including the business of scientific research. To do otherwise is shady business practice at best, and possibly criminal negligence at worst. The Weather Rangers should consult a lawyer to find out what their legal obligations are. That too is normal modern business practice.

Or, alternatively, if they decide after debate on the issue that what they want is to be an illegal group of Weather Vigilantes, taking no responsibility for their actions and avoiding any obligation to compensate any possible victims, they should be honest enough to say so.

Standards And Ethics

This link is to the statement of standards and ethics on the website of the Weather Modification Association, a professional association of cloudseeders. While it would have to be changed significantly to cover C.OR.E. operations, it provides a starting point for discussions on developing a formal policy position.

Responsible Policy For Weather Modification

 Below are only two of the many links I found to articles about Environmental Impact Statements. This sort of thing is standard procedure today for nearly any kind of project. It has been for almost a generation now. The Weather Rangers and others who engage in cloudbusting or any other form of orgonomic weather modification, should be aware of this.
That they are not, or think it should not apply to them and their "marvelous new invention", is largely due to most of them, including most of their leadership, being older men, brought up in a far different generation, when care for the environment was not considered as important as it is today.
 So, for the information of anyone who would like to both engage in weather-working AND be considered a conciencious responsible citizen, here are a few sources to find out what you should do before attempting to manipulate the public's atmosphere. These laws apply primarily to government projects, but they are models for other laws that apply to private projects as well. They are also good laws, of the sort long advocated and worked for by concerned environmental activists, and as such, should be respected even when not enforceable by state coercion.
What I would consider a responsible policy would be to announce a willingness to respect these laws under most circumstances, but with the reservation that there might sometimes be an emergency that would require immediate action, and in such case, a full report should be made public as soon as possible after the event with no attempt to evade responsibility for any adverse consequences.
The adoption of such an announced policy would go a long way to reduce justifiable public fears about the introduction of new methods of weather modification.


Self-regulation is not a concept found only in orgonomy; it is a very familiar one to ecologists who have never even heard of orgone. Anyone familiar with ecology would know at once what I was talking about.
And anyone in this modern world would not just dash out and try to use a new, untested technology that could have a great impact on the environment over a large area without first having a trained professional ecologist do an Environmental Impact Study to determine if it was safe to use that technology or not. This is nowadays normal, customary procedure for any company that wants to be regarded as responsible and not a criminal operation.
50 years ago it was different. In those days nobody gave any thought to what the long-term ecological effects of a project might be. They sprayed pesticides, killed off inconvenient species of wildlife, flushed nearly anything into the nearest body of water, let all kinds of smoke go into the air, and nobody cared. But now nobody is expecting to do those things. Now it is considered normal to have a consultant to evaluate the impact of nearly anything that is proposed.
Except by the Weather Rangers. It seems never to have ocurred to them to find out what would be the long-range result of their plans before dashing out to put those plans into action. I think the fact that so many of them are aging men who have not kept up with the vast culture-shift that has happened since they were being brought up is one important reason for this lack of awareness of how a responsible person acts in the modern world.
So a lack of knowledge of orgonomy is not a excuse for ignoring normal cautionary procedures like having a consultation with an ecologist.
Besides, several of them are familiar enough with orgonomy to have seen DeMeo's website. They have cited his writings about me as a reason not to pay any attention to what I say. And Ash, the nut-case who stated that he would ignore all environmental protection laws, has had a lot of correspondence with DeMeo and with Jamie Ogg, so there is no excuse for ignorance of orgonomy either. They know where the information is available if they wanted to learn it.
The problem is not ignorance. It is attitude.

Quote Of The Day

 Electricity and magnetism are those forces of nature by which people who know nothing about electricity and magnetism can explain everything.

 Egon Friedell 1878-1938

Outdated Mindset

 There is no need to have ever heard of orgone to understand the many points I brought up about how huricanes interact with the ecology of an area. I listed several reasons why huricanes are needed that do not depend on knowing anything about orgone energy to realize there are plenty of good reasons to leave them alone.
The problem with the Weather Rangers is not lack of information. It is an out-dated mind-set that makes them think that human interference with nature is a good idea. This 19th century notion of "progress" is what leads them to think interfereing with normal atmospheric functioning would be beter than letting it alone. Most people nowadays know better, but a glance at the Weather Rangers website shows one of the reasons they seem oblivious to the concept of natural fuctioning: They are mostly, with only a few exceptions, older men.
They are all male, with no women among them, a factor which drasticly affects the mental world-picture of any group, and most of them are in their 50s and 60s, with only a very few in their 20s or 30s.
So they grew up long before the modern era of ecological awareness. They grew up in a time when boys magazines were still full of stories about the heroic hunters who went to Africa to kill wild animals like elephants and gorillas. They grew up reading boy's magazine stories and books for boys about the heroic pioneers who tamed the wilderness and fought savage hordes of marauding wild Indians. They read of the lumberjack hero Paul Bunyan, who clear-cut whole forests. And they internalized a set of values that in the light of the environmental movement of today is criminally insane.
And that is not the fault of any Reichians who have failed to spread the word about orgone energy. It is the fault of a sick, distorted culture that made people think like that for thousands of years. And it is also the fault of these sick, distorted, weakminded aging men who have not been flexible enough to wake up and realize the culture they were raised in is over and done with. And in the world of today, anyone who kills wildlife, clear-cuts forests, or makes farms out of wilderness is a criminally insane monster. And so is anyone who wants to deliberately disrupt the weather by creating oranur or by any other means.

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