Friday, February 4, 2011

Friday, November 19, 2010

Electric Oranur And The Wells-Newman Device

 It is not a question of if the device works or not. It is not an "either-or" situation. It is a question of how strong is the effect, under what conditions, and what per cent of the time. If the device is able, for example, to yield a 12% increase in precipitation in Eastern North America, 20% of the time, and it can obtain a 06% increase in Australia, 7% of the time, then we are talking about something. But to simply ask "does it work/" without specifying where it is being used, under what conditions, and how much results are being considered significant, and what percentage of the time they are obtained, is not a meaningfull question.
In the case of a fully-developed huricane, it is unlikely anything could stop it, but on several occasions huricanes have been diverted off-course by cloudbusting operations. Reich described doing this in his publication, C.OR.E. and it has been done by others since.
The Wells-Newman device is only a device that creates a strong electrical field, which is of the same nature as the oranur field produced by a nuclear reactor, only less intense. The oranur field of a reactor or a large high-level nuclear waste dump has been known to break up or divert weather systems as they move across the continent from west to east. The much weaker effect from any electrical device would not do very much, but it could do somethinbg in at least some cases.
All strong electrical equipment can break up small clouds and in some cases, block incoming weather fronts if they are not too strong. I have seen high-tension power transmission lines break up clouds directly overhead.
The Wells-Newman device is not what the Weather Rangers think it is, and it cannot do what they think it can do, but like any electrical device, it has an effect on the atmospheric orgone. The question should be, how much of an effect, how much of the time, under what conditions?
All secondary energy sources create oranur and add to the already dangerous level of DOR on this planet. To add to the amount of oranur / DOR deliberately, in a misguided attempt to manipulate weather that is already being disasterously altered by what humanity is doing to the life energy of this planet is the height of irresponsibility and hubris.

Did Cloudbusting Cause The Heat Wave In Russia?

In a post to his mailing list, Dr. James DeMeo says:
" The heat-waves and droughts in Russia this summer appear connected not with global warming, but instead with an unusually strong northward displacement of the large Saharasian desert atmosphere, which is already hyper-arid and hot.  It moves north and south seasonally, in coordination with a similar north-south shift of the mid-latitude rainy belts.  However, it rarely moves so far north as seen this summer, where it intrudes into normally wetter regions of northern Central Asia.  This anomalous northward movement is connected with the unusually strong monsoon observed in the desert regions of Pakistan, NW India and Western China, which have been hit with exceptionally heavy rains and flooding starting around the same time as the Russian heat waves.  As the heavy storms move northward out of the Indian Ocean, they literally push up against the dry and stagnant Saharasian air mass, which is displaced northward.  The problem of Russian drought and fires is therefore connected with severe flooding in the regions south of the Hindu Kush."
 Dr. DeMeo is absolutely correct. But one small additional point does occur to me. There is a cloudbusting project underway in Algeria. If the people involved in that project were to draw from the south, in an effort to bring up warm, moist air from the Gulf Of Guinea across the Sahael into North Africa, they would also be inadvertantly pushing the hot, dry desert air mass northward, up to Europe, where the normal west-to-east flow of the atmosphere would catch it and move it along until it was over Russia.
This is what the weather maps look like to me. I suspect someone connected with the Algerian project may have read one of my articles about what they are doing there, in which I was critical of their causing unduly cold weather in Europe in the winter and disrupting the ecosystem in North Africa by drawing down cold wet air from the North Atlantic to bring rain to Algeria durring the winter. So they may have changed their program to work in the summer and try to bring moisture from the equatorial belt up to Algeria instead.
They probably do not know enough about cloudbusting to realize there is any connection between their work in North Africa and the heat wave in Russia.

Potential Danger

On Wed, 8/11/10, J.......................... wrote:

From: J.........................
Subject: Re: [OrgonomicEcology] Recent correspondence.................
To: "carlinsky joel" <>
Date: Wednesday, August 11, 2010, 11:57 PM

Your writing is much more political, in castigating Dr. DeMeo, than it used to be. I guess that's a good thing. At least there's some balance here.

I think I detect a flaw, however, in this softening. By allowing yourself to be distracted away from DeMeo and the cloudbuster terrorists as you focus on these Weather Rangers, you are overlooking the fact (intentionally or not?) that DeMeo's cloudbusting behavior have been proven to be ecological disasters, because the technology works, while the Weather Rangers currently only pose a potential hazard, due to their stated intentions. Whether or not their technology will work to the extent that it can create the havoc you imagine still seems to be an open question, although I am not advocating that they be given to use the earth as their experimental laboratory.

This article makes it seem like the potential hazards posed by the Weather Rangers are greater that the proven hazard DeMeo has turned out to be. Is that really what you want to say?

 My answer was:
You are absolutely right that the Reich cloudbuster is a proven, working technology, while the Wells-Newman machine is still unproven.
 But the attitude the Weather Rangers is more of a problem that the attitude of DeMeo. DeMeo at least comes from a familiarity with orgonomy and would never do anything like deliberatly create oranur as a means to interfere with normal weather.In nearly every case where he has operated, he has screwed up, but that is only incompetence, not bad intentions. In most cases he has only operated to restore normal conditions, not to interfere with normal atmospheric behavior.
The Weather Rangers are not even aware of the concept of the atmosphere being capable of self-regulation. They think of it as a dead, non-living, inanimate hap-hazard collection of inert gases, with nothing at all behind the movements of it. They do not even have the concept of there being any life energy to do any harm to.
They also do not have the vulnerability DeMeo has to public opinion. DeMeo is dependent on donations from Reichians, at least some of whom know enough about what Reich wrote to call him on any really serious deviations from orgonomic theory and practice. This is what happened, for example, to Dr. Richard Blasband, who was asked to leave the American College of Orgonomy because he was no longer doing orgone therapy, but had started practicing a form of psychic healing on his patients instead. It also is why Trevor Constable was fired by the American College of Orgonomy after Jerome Eden and I blew the whistle on his intentionally causing severe storms in Los Angeles as a demonstration.
The Weather Rangers do not as yet, ask for cash donations. They are therefore able to do whatever they want without anyone asking them any hard questions and feeling a right to demand answers. And they also are not as constrained as DeMeo is by any ambition to be respected and taken seriously by the scientific community.
But most importantly, they do have at least two members who know too much about how to build a cloudbuster, and in one case, too little about how to use it. Sooner or later, Jamie will get them interested in using cloudbusters themselves, possibly as a "suplementary measure" , at least at first.

And Ash, the total idiot that he is, has built a very large cloudbuster in his backyard in Queensland. There is a picture of it on his website, so there is no doubt about his already being engaged in cloudbusting operations. And from some of the deranged posts he sent to the OML, it is apparent his mental processes have been affected by it or else that he was simply that crazy to begin with. In either case, there is a lunatic doing cloudbusting with a real cloudbuster, but with zero knowledge of the orgone energy functioning of the atmosphere. 
So the Weather Rangers have me a lot more scared than DeMeo ever did. At least DeMeo could be expected to understand my objections, even if he would not acknowledge them.


Out Of Date Attitudes

40 years ago,  books and magazines for boys were full of praise for the heroic pioneers who cut down forests to turn worthless wilderness into profitable farms. Schoolchildren were taught to look up to captains of industry who did grand things like building factories that belched out smoke which was a sign of progress. Every boy wanted to grow up to do heroic things like killing wild animals like elephants and tigers and gorillas. It was considered a great thing to harpoon whales or chop down redwood trees.

But the world has changed a lot since then. Today, it is standard procedure for any company or government department to do an Environmental Impact Study first, before starting on any project that could have any effect on the environment. No company can expect to just go ahead and start on anything without first taking into account what the effects on the environment will be. Even the military, despite their claim that they are so important they should be allowed to do nearly anything they want, must at least make some show of taking precautions to avoid as much environmental harm as possible.

There are thousands of companies all over the world that make their living as consultants, doing Environmental Impact Studies for proposed projects. Every university in the world has a department producing graduates who are qualified to act as consultants for companies so those companies can decide which projects they can do and which ones they cannot do because they would be too harmful.

People who want to control the weather are 40 years out of date. They are acting as if the last 40 years never happened. As if all the hard work of countless environmental activists trying to raise public awareness of the dangers of unlimited "progress" never happened. They are acting as if they had a right to do whatever they please with the weather. That is no different from the 19th century captains of industry thinking they had the right to cut down forests or build polluting factories without being accountable to anybody.

Nobody today is just ignorant of the importance of doing an Environmental Impact Study before starting something that could affect the atmosphere. Nobody today can plead ignorance of the need for accountability when undertaking such projects. Nobody needs to have ever heard of orgone to know that controlling weather would be reckless and irresponsible.

Nobody today needs me to tell them there are trained professional ecologists who can advise them. And nobody today needs to be told there are laws to protect the environment and it might be a good thing to look them up and see if what they are planing is legal before starting to do it.

Would-be cloudbuster operators are not being just ignorant. They are being arrogant and irresponsible. This earth has suffered enough from such people in the past. I will not keep quiet and let it happen again.

Book Review

Preliminary Analysis of Changes in Kansas Weather
Coincidental to Experimental Operations
with a Reich Cloudbuster. 
With the Appendix,
Evidence for a Principle of Atmospheric Continuity
And a New Preface, 2010.
by James DeMeo, PhD
is a re-print of his 1978 master's thesis on the cloudbuster, done at the University of Kansas.  Dr. DeMeo had chosen his thesis topic while still an undergraduate in Florida, then searched all over the United States for a university that would allow him to do a thesis on it. He found a Professor Robert Nunley, in the Goegraphy Department at K.U., who had had some of his own work ridiculed by the scientific establishment, and was later vindicated. Nunley, as a result of his own experiences, agreed to help DeMeo gain acceptance.
But it was a rocky road. Two members of the thesis committee quit in protest over the thesis, not because of the topic, but because of what they regarded as shoddy science. Although DeMeo managed to derive enough material for a 300-page thesis from his cloudbusting experiments, he had, at the time he finished writing the thesis, only conducted a total of SEVEN cloudbusting operations. To obtain ANY statistical conclusion from a total of only seven examples is torturing the statistics beyond what is normally accepted in science.
Since the aim of the thesis was to test the effectiveness of the cloudbuster to see if it really had an effect on the weather or not, there could be only two possible outcomes for each individual operation: it either worked or it did not. Either a yes or a no.
So think about it for a moment. If an extraterrestrial UFO beamed up SEVEN humans to find out about the sexual distribution among humans, they would have to conclude that there are four males to every three females, or four females to every three males in the human species. Seven is simply not a large enough sample to reveal the true ratio of males to females.
It is also not a large enough sample to tell if the cloudbuster works or not. There are only two possible answers to the question for each operation, and to reach a firm conclusion it would be necessary to analyze a larger sample.
It should also be noted that this thesis, done to meet a university requirement, is the only one of the author's numerous publications that actually tells how the operation was done. This was something he disliked having to do, but was forced to because of the standard scientific requirement that a scientific report must include enough information to permit independent replication. Dr. DeMeo usually refuses to reveal his procedures for fear that someone else might thereby be able to conduct cloudbusting operations independently of himself.
For that reason, he now, in making this volume available, will only sell it to a very restricted group of people who meet with his approval. This self-censorship of scientific information will not help in convincing the rightly skeptical scientific community of the validity of his work, which is his alleged aim.
 In the past, I have pointed out that all his other publications on the subject fail to disclose sufficient detail to rise to the level of scientific reporting, and that therefore no scientific report on cloudbusting has ever been published by him with the sole exception of this thesis. Now, having produced a book version of the thesis, he continues his policy of censorship by restricting the readership top people who meet with his personal approval. Therefore, this publication still does nothing to meet the normal scientific requirement to make public one's research.
It should be noted, however, that a photocopy edition of this thesis has long been available to anyone with the money to buy it from University Microfilms in Ann Arbor, Michigan. So the attempt to restrict the readership is already moot.
But many years of experience has demonstrated that a lack of detailed information on how to conduct cloudbusting operations does not discourage anyone from trying. Hundreds of  people who have only the sketchiest information on cloudbusting have made the attempt, and by now it should be obvious that it is better to give them the information they need to do it properly than to have them doing it anyway without that information.
But unfortunately, the reader wishing to learn how to do cloudbusting will be disappointed after reading this book. There is very little information given here that is not already available elsewhere, especially in the writings of Wilhelm Reich. Even more disappointing, given that the information here is now over thirty years old, is that no further development has taken place in this field. That Dr. DeMeo feels it necessary to re-print a work over thirty years old shows the paucity of development in the field of cloudbusting.
A large part of that is the orientation revealed in this thesis. The emphasis is on providing "proof" to non-believers, not on aquiring new knowledge. The purpose of the work undertaken was to convince skeptical scientists. But science is not about winning converts. Science is supposed to be about learning more about nature. It is not the function of a scientist to convince reluctant collegues of something he already is convinced of. It is the job of a scientist to study natural phenomena, and report what he finds.
Dr.DeMeo is not alone in this erroneous misconception of the job of a scientist. Nearly everyone involved in orgonomy makes the same error. The unfortunate history of orgonomy has resulted in an obcession with "proving" orgone energy exists, or in the case of cloudbusting, "proving" the cloudbuster can affect the weather.
And while all the effort has been focused on trying to win converts, hardly anything has been done to learn more about how the atmospheric orgone energy behaves under normal conditions, which is the all-important first step to learning how the technique of cloudbusting could be improved.
This edition also contains two articles on the theory of the ether, both of which are posted on the author's website. They are both good articles, and I have several times suggested them to people. If Dr. DeMeo would only stick to writing such scientific historical articles and leave cloudbusting alone, both he and the world would be much better off.
If you are interested in joining an on-line discussion group dealing with cloudbusting and the environmental issues it raises, you are invited to join

Letter From An Orgonomist

--- On Tue, 8/10/10, R........................ wrote:

From: R...........................
Subject: Re: Oranur, Technophilia, and Hubris
Date: Tuesday, August 10, 2010, 12:01 PM

Hello,  Joel Carlinsky.   
          Thank you for emailing me, a semi retired psychiatrist in Oakland, CA, this and other recent essays referring to "Weather Rangers".    Do you consider Trevor Constable,  James DeMeo, Ph.D. and/or Richard Blasband, M.D. to be 'same as' or 'similar to' weather rangers in the effects of their research and publications?... Differences ?.. Thank you for a reply.    Cordially, R..........., M.D.  
My reply was:

No, I do not consider the people you mentioned in the same catagory as the Weather Rangers. There are many important differences.
I have often been very critical of DeMeo for not being as careful of ecological factors as he could be and sometimes not taking into account orgonomic knowledge which he should have been able to figure out by mere logic from what he knows, but sometimes forgets in the course of an operation. But he does know the facts of orgonomy. And he does try to work within them when he remembers to do so. That is a far cry from the incredible ignorance and major interference with important weather systems that the Weather Rangers have made their outspoken policy. I cannot imagine DeMeo doing anything as stupid as they are doing. He means well, but needs to be reminded at times of things he knows but forgets.
As for Blasband, I have been critical of him for many things, including being a friend of ex-Nazis, getting into mysticism, toruring mice in bogus cancer experiments, and supporting the early work of Trevor Constable. But I have not had anything critical to say about his cloudbusting because except for what Jerome Eden said about his having screwed up an operation in California in 1977 due to cloudbuster anxiety, I do not know of anything he did wrong in that field. His published reports in the Journal Of Orgonomy are all perfectly respectable work except for the last one, an overview of the field, in which he veers off into mysticism.  I know of no harm done by any of his operations, so I have not been critical of him for his cloudbusting work, only for failing to recognize how dangerously mad Constable was.
Constable is a very capable and competent psychopath, and has made several very important original discoveries in cloudbusting. That he lies about them, claims more than he has actually done, and mixes Steinerian mysticism into his theories is not the problem. That he is a power-freak, and uses picturesque descriptions like "swinging the atmosphere around like a small dog on a leash", or "take the Orgone by the balls and it will talk. Any other aproach and it laughs at you" should tell you as a psychiatrist something about the way he does cloudbusting. Blasband should have seen how power-drunk the man was, but did not until Eden and I blew the whistle on him. I attribute that bit of blindness to Blasband's latent mysticism.
Constable has done a lot of damage with the cloudbuster over his 40-odd years in the field, most of it intentional, causing serious floods by consistantly shooting for rainfall records to convince people his operations worked, but he is retired now and the only thing we have to worry about from him now is the legacy he left us of followers who think he is the greatest thing to come along in orgonomy since Reich invented orgasms.
The Weather Rangers, however, are poised to do more harm than Constable and DeMeo ever did. They do not know anything at all about orgone energy. They have just accidently made a discovery of a device that creates an oranur field, noticed it can do things to the weather, and without realizing that what it does is harmful or that it is also a public health menace, they are pushing it as a great thing to make it possible to destroy the atmospheric life energy.
DeMeo and Constable never did anything as willfully stupid as deliberately causing oranur. These Weather Derangers are trying to create oranur fields to break up much-needed storms and will end up killing what little is left of the life energy of the earth. And their reaction if you try to tell them of what Reich discovered is that their machine has nothing to do with Reich or orgone. They think it works on some crazy new principle that nobody ever knew about before.
You are invited to join my new discussion list, Orgonomic Ecology,   
 to receive more mailings on this topic and speak up and say what you think about these issues. It would be a good thing to have a voice familiar with orgonomic psychology on the list. Your imput would be appreciated.

Oranur, Technophilia, And Hubris

                                Oranur, Technophilia, And Hubris
                           The Weather Rangers Assault on Earth
                                           By Joel Carlinsky
The atmosphere is under assault these days on many fronts. The worst of these is the widespread use of nuclear power and other forms of radioactivity in modern technology.
Of somewhat lesser importance is the milder, but still significant, oranur effect produced by all high-voltage alternating current devices, including radio and television broadcasting, radar and microwave transmissions, and high-voltage long-distance power lines.
Other contributing factors in the ongoing deterioration of the life energy of the atmosphere include deforestation, damming of large rivers, and large-scale oil slicks on the oceans.
While much of the damage being done to the atmosphere could be reversed by properly-done cloudbusting, there is no concerted effort being made to do so. Instead, cloudbusters have proliferated in the hands of irresponsible individuals who neither know nor care anything about the life energy they are seeking to manipulate. The populist misconception of cloudbusting as a form of "weather control" has obscured the proper use of the cloudbuster, which should be used to heal the damaged life energy and restore it to normal functioning.
In sublime disregard of how the life energy of the atmosphere functions and of the deterioration of it in the modern world, many ignorant and irresponsible individuals and small groups are trying in various ways to "control the weather" and instead of helping to solve the problems of the breakdown in climate stability, are adding to the problem of DOR and oranur irritation without any idea of what they are doing.
One such group attempting to violate the integrity of atmospheric processes is called the Weather Rangers. They have stumbled upon a device which, if their so-far unproven claims are true,  produces a strong enough electromagnetic field to irritate the atmospheric orgone energy into a chronic state of expansion, breaking up clouds and blocking the advance of storm systems.
 With the typical hubris of those who are steeped in the ideology of man's conquest of nature, they have jumped from the small-scale effects possible to an EM field to the wildly speculative fantasy that they can thereby control the weather.
The Weather Rangers have no idea of how the atmospheric energy functions and they are deluding themselves about the effectiveness of the device they are using, so there is not much chance of their getting the results they want. All an electrical high-voltage source can do is create an oranur field that can disrupt weather systems.
They may be able to block a front or deflect it away from their area by creating a local oranur field, just as the larger oranur field created by a nuclear reactor can block or divert weather fronts and cause a drought downstream from the site of the reactor.
They cannot do much else, though they might also be able to trigger a tornado at times when conditions are right for one by adding additional excess excitation to an already over-stressed system until the surrounding atmospheric energy field reacts with a strong circulatory motion to restore mobility. ( As described in The Medical DOR-buster: Part One: The Emotional Desert, Reich, 1955. Included in Selected Writings, by Wilhelm Reich, 1961, available from the Wilhelm Reich Museum, Rangely Maine. )
High voltage alternating current creates an excitation of the surrounding atmospheric orgone, creating a small but significant local oranur effect. Living organisms near an operating high voltage source are debilitated and develop symptoms of oranur sickness identical to those of organisms exposed to oranur from radioactive substances, though not as intense.

High voltage AC also excites the atmosphere over a considerable distance, though not as intensely as the oranur reaction from nuclear sources or over as great a distance. Radio, television, radar, microwave, high-voltage power-transmission lines, and most other high-voltage AC devices all have the same effects.

Aside from the biological effects, the direct meteorological effects on the atmosphere include chronic expansion leading to droughts, followed by floods as the over-stressed atmosphere reacts against the irritation by contracting sharply. The breaking up of small clouds is commonly noticed, as is the thinning of an overcast, often with visible holes forming in it .

If used in an orgonoticly highly charged environment, such as inside or in close proximity to an orgone accumulator, or close to an operating cloudbuster, the oranur effect will be much more intense. Electrical devices near a cloudbuster or accumulator will make people nearby noticeably sick and will break up even heavy overcast quite noticeably.
While the variety of possible effects and the range and scale of those effects is nothing compared to those obtainable by the water-grounded Reich cloudbuster, there is a very real potential for them to add to the already critical burden of oranur excitation in the atmosphere sufficiently to cause problems additional to those already being caused by other forms of technology.  
Such an electromagnetic excitation device cannot be used to remove DOR or re-mobilize a stagnated atmospheric energy field back into mobility and healthy pulsation. That requires the capacity to draw energy, not just to irritate it. An EM source can only irritate and over-excite the life energy, not calm over-excitation or drain off excessive charge as a cloudbuster can.
 But the real problem with the Weather Rangers is not just that they might unintentionally cause a drought or epidemic of DOR-sickness or some other problem through ignorance of how the life energy functions. It is their hubristic attitude that the weather should be under their control. They think they are fit to decide what the weather ought to be and have a right to make it do what they want it to, and they see nothing wrong with that.
A major part of the problem is they come from the free-energy scene. They are first of all technophiliacs, and come from a free-energy sub-culture where any unusual or unorthodox technology is assumed to be good. They have no background in the biological sciences, only in mechanistic physics and electrical engineering, the two fields which have always produced the worst examples of cloudbuster operators.
Lacking a solid grounding in the biological sciences, in particular, ecology, they also lack the suspicion of new technologies that people familiar with ecology and environmental issues usually bring to the table.
In my rather extensive experience, technophiliacs and other mechanistic thinkers are incapable of learning to empathize  with biological systems. Mechanistic thinkers simply cannot see the quality of LIFE in the life energy. To mechanists, the universe is not alive; it is only composed of non-living matter. This attitude pervades nearly all modern mechanistic science, and is at the very roots of nearly all environmental problems. And since they are incapable of learning how the universe really works, that is, that it does not work mechanisticly or on mechanistic principles, it is impossible to explain to them.  
 The authoritarianism of the attitude of the Weather Rangers toward the atmosphere is exactly the same as that of a vivisectionist toward the animals he tortures in his laboratory. He does not see any reason not to torture them because he does not grasp at a deep emotional level that they are really alive. He regards them as "things", existing for his own use only, not as fellow beings with purposes of their own.
And no matter how he rationalizes his actions, the real, depth-psychological, motivation is sadism and hatred for the living, and fear of freely-functioning life, which are always to be found in mechanists, no matter how disguised or rationalized.
People who think it would be a good thing if humans could control the weather are the same sort of people who as small children used to like to bully and torment other children. They used to like to yank small dogs around on a leash, an image actually used to describe cloudbusting operations in an e-mail I received from one such psychopath who obviously had no idea what it revealed about himself and his fitness to engage in a responsible task like cloudbusting.
They used to like to smash soap bubbles instead of just gazing at them in rapture and admiring their beauty. Now, as grown-ups, they want to control the atmosphere because it scares them to think that it is freely functioning and outside their control. That the atmosphere is a complex, highly-organized system that functions according to it's own laws, and is not just a haphazard collection of inorganic gases being moved around by variations in temperature is beyond their ability to grasp.
So instead of trying to heal a sick atmosphere, the Weather Rangers are adding to the global total of DOR and oranur, not as a unintended side-effect of doing something else, as the nuclear industry does, but intentionally, and not for ecconomic motives, but for the sake of ego-gratification alone.
People who are in touch with their inner emotions and able to feel the emotions of other people and other forms of life will always resist the efforts of the class bullies to jail the atmosphere and force it do their bidding.
    The cloudbuster is the most important single invention in the last 5,000 years. Upon it depends the entire future existence of life on this planet since only the cloudbuster can counter the deterioration of the planetary life energy being caused by the use of radioactivity by modern cililization.
 But, thanks to the ignorant mechanists who have unfortunately found out about it and can see nothing more in it than a way to impose yet another man-made burden on the already struggling life-support systems of this planet, it is rapidly becoming one of the most serious threats to the biosphere, second only to the nuclear industry itself.
And the intentional infliction of oranur on the earth as a means of "weather control" means only additional atmospheric chaos ahead.
If you are concerned anout this issue, you are invited to join the Orgonomic Ecology Mailing List    for further discussions on this vital topic.

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