Friday, February 4, 2011

Friday, November 19, 2010

Response To Some Questions

To answer your questions About The Wells-Newman Machine:
1. The device would be dangerous to be near for too long, just as most strong EM devices are. But the oranur effect from an EM device is much less intense than from radioactive material, so it is not easily noticed. Armored people might not notice anything happening for a long time. It would require a long-term statistical study to provide convincing evidence that the device is a hazard.
Also, the effect might not be a physical one. The mild oranur effect from an EM device could cause mental symptoms like paranoia or delusions of grandure which would not be felt by the machine operator as a symptom, but would be defended as a part of the self. This might have something to do with the irrational behavior of Ash, for example, or the belief in chemtrails, which ................. apparently believes in, to judge from his website. Or, for that matter, the whole idea of forming a superhero group to fight hurricanes with a secret inventrion. How many adults do you know who think they are living in a comic book?
2. The device might not do anything. Or, more likely, it might do a small bit, but not very much. It might be able to break up small clouds, but not whole storm systems. Since it is powered bu ordinary household electrical voltage, it is not very powerful, but ordinary electrical current is strong enough to have some effect on the weather, though not very much. But the current would probably not be strong enough to have an effect on a video camera.
However, the video was made by Ash, and he is clearly deranged, so maybe the field of the machine did have an effect on him.
3. The most likely reason the video does not give much information is that Ash does not know much. Just as he knows almost nothing about orgonomy, but thinks he knows everything. He cannot know how the machine is made because David Wells does not tell his followers how it is made. He just builds the machines and ships them to people who join the Weather Rangers and agree to use them as he tells them to.

Electrical Irritation Of The Atmosphere

Moving In The Right Direction--But Not Far Enough

The website of the Weather Rangers contains this latest entry from Al Feliciano, the most active member of the Weather Rangers group and one of the ones who has posted defamatory messages about me to the rest of the members: 

                     "Hurricanes and Typhoons: Much controversy has surfaced as of late as to the wisdom of the elimination of these. These strong atmospheric disturbances are tremendous purifiers and should not be totally destroyed unless they are about to make landfall and harm human life, so it is preferable to divert the storm's path to keep it out at sea."
As I am the person responsibe for the "much controversy" mentioned, it is gratifying to see that Mr. Feliciano apparently has recognized that hurricanes are a useful and important part of the global atmospheric process.This is certainly a great change from his previous position that he and his collegues should try to destroy every hurricane that came along.
 I welcome his change of position on this issue and only wish he would pay more attention to the rest of what I said instead of falling into the trap of anthropocentric thinking and raising the false distinction between storms that appear about to "harm human life" and other storms that presumably will not.
It would be interesting to know, for example, how to divert a storm away from land and out to sea without endangering numerous ships and their crews. If a storm is pushed out to sea to save lives on land, and as a result it sinks ships and kills their crewmembers, the weather control operator is still responsible for having killed them, regardless of how many lives he may have saved on land by his action. This amounts to "cleaning up my yard by dumping the trash over the fence into the neighbor's yard".
This example illustrates the folly of "playing god" by trying to control weather with a cloudbuster or any other form of weather control device. It simply is not possible to know what is best to do without having far more knowledge than is usually available to mere mortals.
In orgonomic weather operations with the cloudbuster, on the other hand, if conducted properly, according to the principles laid down by Wilhelm Reich, this problem is avoided by adopting the goal of establishing atmospheric self-regulation instead of trying to "control" the weather with an operation.
One renounces the sense of "control", which is so attractive to the autoritarian personality, and trusts the healthy atmosphere to do what is best, on average over a period of time, not just for a single storm, and  for the entire biosphere, not just for a single species. The operator therefore does not decide what the weather will be, but only helps it to fuction in a healthier manner.
To do this, it is necessary to understand the concept of the difference between a healthy atmosphere and a sick one; that is, one must know how the healthy atmosphere functions, and how and why it becomes sick. Only after that, can one know what to do to restore a sick atmosphere to normal function and then LEAVE IT ALONE.
Even if it does something you do not want it to do. Even if it kills some people on land instead of some other people on ships at sea.
Because people who happen to have learned about a weather-control device on the internet are not qualified to decide what the weather ought to be. But anybody can help heal a sick atmosphere if that is what they want to do.
And when the Weather Rangers decide that should be the goal of their operations, and when they learn enough about orgone energy and how it functions in the atmosphere to do it properly, I will consider my work done as far as educating them is concerned.
And not until then.

Response To A Critic

 A critic wrote:
- Joel Carlinsky makes a case for the rights of hurricanes in the natural flow of cosmic energy, performing an orgonomic and ecological function. He considers any attempts to mitigate or deflect the paths of hurricanes to be sinister plots against nature and survival on the planet. Though extreme, he does make some interesting points. ( July 27, 2010)

 My answer was:

It must be a bit confusing to some readers who came in in the middle, so to speak. The article you cite does not make any mention of any orgonomic functions, only the ecological ones. It was intended for readers who did not know anything about orgonomy. A person reading your comments would wonder what the "orgonomic function" refered to might be. They would not find it out from reading the article posted at that link you gave.
About the phrase, "sinister plots against nature", that could give someone the wrong impression that I was thinking of some kind of conspiracy theory-type plot by people who knowingly intended to do damage. What I had in mind, as you no doubt know, was more of a general attitude of human beings that nature belongs to them, that they can do with it what they please, and that they know best. This anthropocentrism is the common attitude of most of the human species and it is behind all the environmental problems on this planet.
The desire to CONTROL nature - technophilia -  is at root, a pathology caused by fear of nature instilled in children at an early age by a nature-fearing culture. The most important method the culture uses to instill this attitude in children is sexual repression, especially the religiously-inspired demand for sexual abstinence in adolescence.
The individuals who suffer most from this illness are characterized by an unusually extreme interest in and faith in technology. Religious mysticism is another variation of the same pathological desire to escape the limitations of biological existence on this planet. Religion and technophilia are both caused by parental interference with the life energy in the young organism. And both are also characterized by authoritarian attitudes toward other people as well. Those who want to control nature seldom stop there. They usually want to control other humans too. ( See the book, Ether, God, and Devil, 1949, by Wilhelm Reich. )
Anyone who advocates more human control of the natural world instead of less, is against nature. No "sinister plot" is required. The actual outcome is the same as if there was one, however. The word for humans wanting to control nature is "hubris".
 I am glad you find some of my points interesting. I would like to see an article by you telling in your own words what YOU think would be a good policy for environmentally responsible use of cloudbusters.

Leaving It Alone!

The conventional method of cloudseeding is not a very serious problem because it is only marginally effective at best. The most conventional cloudseeders can claim is around a 12% increase in rainfall over the course of a season, and since the normal variation from one year to another is around 15% it is not possible to tell if it is working or not. The only reason they keep trying is they have a theory that says it MUST work, so they are convinced it MUST be working.
The Reich cloudbuster, however, can bring an increase of up to 500% in rainfall over a season. It does not need pre-existing clouds as cloudseeding does, and due to the normal west-to-east flow of weather fronts across the continent, operations on the West Coast can create effects that travel all the way to the East Coast and out over the Atlantic, in a few cases, even to Europe.
The cloudbuster has been around for almost 60 years now, and in that time several hundred people have tried it at least once. Most of them do not understand it and have no idea how to use it. In the last few years, thanks to the internet, many more people are finding out how to build cloudbusters and have started to monkey around with the weather.
The fact that a cloudbuster can be used to control weather is an unfortunate side-effect of the real purpose for which it is intended. The proper use of the cloudbuster is not to control weather. It is to help heal a sick or damaged atmosphere and restore it to sparkling life and mobility.
There is an atmospheric condition called DOR that results mainly from high concentrations of radioactivity, as in nuclear reactors, and also partly from high-voltage electrical excitation from some kinds of electrical equipment. DOR is toxic to living organisms and causes many illnesses or makes them worse. It also harms the atmosphere, stagnating it and leading to droughts and convulsive upheavals such as tornadoes.
The cloudbuster can remove DOR, restoring the atmosphere to health and enabling it to function as it normally would. This healthy state is known as "atmospheric self-regulation" and is the real goal of a properly-done cloudbusting operation. Once the atmosphere has been restored to normal regular pulsation, with rain at the normal regular intervals that are usual for that place, the operator should stand down and refrain from further operations.
This concept is hard to grasp for some people. They are control-freaks and want to control the weather and make it do what THEY want it to do, not heal it and then leave it alone to do what it would naturally do. This attitude, which I call "technophilia" is the problem I am campaigning against now.
For many years I have been writing about some of the people who have been misusing cloudbusters, often making mistakes that have done a great deal of environmental harm. Many of them mean well, but simply cannot understand the concept of healing a sick atmosphere as opposed to controlinhg a normally functioning one.

Electrical Weather Control?

The Wells-Newman device ( there does not seem to be a name for it ) is an electrical device powered by household line voltage. Any strong AC high-voltage equipment can create a mild oranur effect, which will break up clouds on a local scale. Radar, microwave, TV and radio broadcasting antennas, and high-voltage power lines will all do that. There is nothing new or mysterious about it. It has been known in orgonomy since 1951. There is a perfectly understood explanation in orgone energy terms for how and why it does that.
Of course, it will also make the people around it sick. But most people are so armored they do not recognize the symptoms of oranur sickness. So they ignore it. And of course, some of those symptoms can be mental as well as physical.
So far no evidence has been presented that the W-N device does anything more than what any other concentrated source of high voltage AC current will do. But my arguments are based on the environmental impacts of weather control, and it makes no difference to my case what method is used. 

Some Thoughts On The Weather Rangers

This whole uproar started with a post from Ash asking people to volunteer for some mysterious project he would not tell them about. I wrote to the OML telling them what the project was. The responses from Ash were nothing but insane ranting, threats, and incoherent insults. Ash is a member of the Weather Rangers and none of them reprimanded him or disavowed his uncivil behavior.
The Weather Rangers need to clean up their act in more ways than just the technical ones. To really be credible as a respectable group of serious people, they need a Code of Ethics, and some method of sanctions against members who violate it. That Code should include civil behavior expected from members in their interactions with the public.
It would be even better if they adopted the policy most organizations have of appointing one person as a spokesperson and having that person be the only one authorized to speak publicly for the group. Nearly every organization follows that procedure, and for very good reasons. It would avoid the problems caused by loose cannons like Ash taking it upon themselves to say whatever they feel like and the rest of the group being held responsible for it.
They should also have a firm policy of if they are willing to ignore environmental protection laws or not. In many places, weather modification is subject to various laws, including reporting to government agencies, making public announcements in advance, carrying insurance to compensate anyone whose property or livlihood is damaged by any weather changes resulting from an operation, and refraining from altering the habitat of an endangered species or a designated Wilderness Area.
If the Weather Rangers decide to ignore these laws, they should say so. If they do not intend to break laws, they should include that in their organization's Code of Ethics, and have a way to discipline members who break such laws. So far, the only statement on this topic from any of them is from Ash, who stated that he would ignore any environmental protection laws and decide for himself what to do to the weather regardless of any such laws. Is that the policy of the Weather Rangers? If not, they should say so. Otherwise, the inevitible impression is that Ash speaks for the group of which he is a member.
A large part of the conflict is a misunderstanding. Some people think I am speaking in the role of a "scientist". I am not. My role in this matter is as an environmental activist. And in that role it is my job to hold their feet to the fire and demand accountability. If you take a look at some websites devoted to environmental activism, such as those of Earth First!, Climate Ground Zero, or the Sea Shepherds, for example, you will see that my criticisms of the Weather Rangers fall well within the usual parameters of how environmetal activists write about companies that are trashing the earth.
And the fact that the Weather Rangers themselves think they are doing the world a favor does not change anything. The sort of people who want to control the weather are acting in an authoritarian manner, no matter what their rationalizations might be. Every corporate executive whose company is destroying the environment thinks he is "providing jobs" or "improving peoples standard of living" or has some other rationalization for what he is doing.
The Weather Rangers are new to this scene; the Reichians have been in it for 58 years now. And there is nothing new about control-freaks like the Weather Rangers getting involved in cloudbusting. It has happened before. And we have seen how it turns out.

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