Friday, February 4, 2011

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Mechanistic Science

There are many supposed refutations of the orgone theory by mechanists.
 Mechanistic scientists are not a randomly selected group; the people
 who are attracted to science as a career are the people who are most
 afraid of feeling orgone energy in their bodies, and the reason they
 go into science as a career is to find ways to avoid feeling it.
The scientific world-view is a system of rationalizations constructed
 especially for the purpose of explaining the natural world without
 recourse to a life energy. Scientists will go to any lengths to find
 some way to avoid seeing orgone in anything.

  Orgonomy is not science in the way the term is usually (mis) used by
 scientists. Orgone is not energy in the restricted meaning of the
 term used by scientists either. The methods of orgonomic scientific
 research are different, the underlying assumptions are different,
 and the framework into which individual findings are fitted is

  Due to the unfortunate circumstances surrounding Reich and his
 personal life history, orgonomy has been ever since obcessed with
 the impossible and ultimately fruitless task of trying to "prove"
 something to the scientific skeptics. Almost all the articles
 published on orgone physics over the last 50 years are concerned
 with trying to win converts by presenting evidence.
SCIENTISTS THAT ORGONE EXISTS. Scientists do not base their
opinions on evidence. The belief that orgone does not exist is based
 on deep-seated fear of feeling it inside themselves.

 Reichians who waste time and scarce resources trying to win over the
 scientific cult to orgonomy are part of the problem. It would be far
 better to forget about the scientific community and get on
 with the real job-learning more about orgone energy and how it
 behaves. The opinions of scientists are incompetent, irrelevant, and

Emotional Conviction

What comes to my mind in thinking about the global warming theory is not why somebody could come to a mistaken conclusion about how the atmosphere functions, but why these people are typically so emotionally devoted to the conclusions they have come to. Why do they become so agitated when someone refuses to agree with their scenario?
In modern society, most people experience every day meeting people who disagree with them on political or religious issues. Unlike tribal villagers, few people in modern society today go through life without meeting those who hold differing opinions on important issues. People today work side by side with holders of religious beliefs that would have led to bloodshed in past centuries. Nobody today becomes enraged at meeting an atheist, a Jew, or a Moslem. Nobody today would want to kill someone for rejecting Christ.
Yet this person I met yesterday was emotionally infuriated at my rejecting his belief in global warming. He refused to listen to my reasoning. He was worked up to a degree that not only calls his sanity into question, but leads one to suspect that if he was in a position to to do so, he would have had me burned at the stake for heresy.
 And I cannot help feeling that, if this sort of attitude continues to become more and more common, as it seems to be doing, it is very important to find out why.

Military Aplication

There was a news item today about a spy satellite that is about to
>     re-enter the atmosphere and burn up. That made me remember an idea I
>     once had that a cloudbuster could be used to disable a satellite.
>          If orur is used with a cloudbuster, it radiates energy instead of
>     drawing it. Bill Moise told me that when using orur the direction of
>     aim must be reversed.
>          At Organon, durring the Oranur Experiment, the radios would not
>     work, remember? Reich tried several different radios and all would
>     only receive static.
>          So if a cloudbuster energized by orur was trained on a satellite in
>     orbit, the intense orgone irradiation might be expected to jam the
>     electronics and render the satellite useless.
>          Since both cloudbuster construction and orur production are so
>     simple and low-tech that any troop of Boy Scouts could do it without
>     straining their budget, if this information was widely publicized,
>     all military use of satellites would become impossible. Anyone could
>     shoot one down, at least as far as disabling of their electronics
>     goes, from their backyard.

Naming Names

To a critic:

> Giving specific places and dates of specific operations,
> and comparing them
> with specific subsequent weather events is the only way to
> convince anyone
> that any relationship exists.
> I understand your reluctance to name names, but that is not
> just a personal
> vendetta; it is the only possible evidence of what is
> happening.

Acid Seas

I do not agree that rising temperatures are responsible for the
decline of coral. I think the main cause is the acidification of the
oceans due to oranur/DOR, which is increasing world-wide, is known
to turn water acidic, and unlike warmer temperatures, is not
something which corals have been exposed to without harm several
times in the geologiaclly recent past.
 If coral could not withstand
higher temperatures of a few degrees more that they have been used
to for the past several centuries, they would have become extinct
during the late middle ages, when temperatures were several degrees
warmer than they are now.
Something else is killing the coral, and I
think it is acidity caused by radioactive fallout landing in the water, radioactive gases in the atmosphere going into solution in the seawater, dumping of nuclear waste into the
seas, and probably the passage through the water of nuclear-powered
ships and submarines.
Dor is readily absorbed by seawater and has been observed to cause water to become acidic. Given the uncontested fact that the total burden of DOR in the atmosphere has increased greatly over the last 60-odd years, it would be remarkable if there were no effect upon the oceans of the planet from that increase. In fact, such a lack of any effect from the known increase in DOR would itself be a significant finding that would first have to be demonstrated, and then somehow explained.
That being so, the claim that is sometimes heard, that the increase in acidity of seawater is somehow caused by increased CO2 in the atmosphere from combustion of fuels leaves the far more likely effects of the increase of DOR unobserved. The question would then arise: where are the effercts of all that DOR? Is it possible that the large increase in DOR over the past 60 years has had NO effect at all?
That seems so unlikely that to seriously present the CO2 hypothesis as an alternative explanation of acidification of seawater would require demonstrating that the acidity is NOT caused by DOR, since that is the very effect that would normally be expected from all the DOR now at large in the environment.
From this, it seems obvious that the only scientists who could give credence to the CO2 hypothesis are those who are unaware of the existance of DOR at all. That such individuals happen for cultural, political, and historical reasons to be the numerical majority and the ones who hold the purse strings of scientific funding and have the ear of political rulers is irrelevant from a scientific perspective

Toxic Electricity

Imagine how much better off we would be without their damned electrical current! A C line voltage is a POISON. The widespread use of so-called "electricity", which really is nothing of the kind and should be called by the correct term, Faradic Current, is one of the worst things ever to happen on this planet. The sooner we get rid of it, the better. I would like to see an anti-electricity movement campaigning to abolish electricity.

Before Faraday screwed everything up, Franklin and his collegues were working with what they called "electricity" and what Reich later called "orgone". They were making good, steady progress in practical use of it, including for medicine, but did not have a single theory they all agreed on.

Faraday created a theory of electromagnetism that got everything backwards. He discovered a new, artificial phenomena whech he wrongly thought was electricity, called it that, and started calling the real electricity the former workers had worked with, "static electricity", a useless, unimportant side-effect, when it really was the basic universal energy Reich later called "orgone".

Since then, a huge industry has grown up using Faradic current and calling it electricity, while real electricity has been forgotten except for Reich and a few others who are considered crackpots. If not for Farady and his stupid mistakes, we would now have had an additional 180 years of development of real electricity, including further developments of the Lieden Jar, which was the original name used in pre-Faraday times for what today is called the orgone accumulator, and the Van De Graf generator, which is another way to get an orgone charge accumulated. .

Instead, we have a toxic system of Faraday Current being carried all over the world by high-tension wires that can kill you if you live near them for too long, and it is almost impossible to get far enough away from them. Toxic, DOR-producing Faradic Current is broadcast into the atmosphere by radio and TV stations, killing the life energy in the atmosphere. Generating this toxic current is usually done by nuclear reactors, killing even more of the planetry life energy,

To produce the damned stuff, most large rivers have been dammed, huge areas have been strip-mined for coal, and you probably know about the oil industry already. There is no excuse for using electricity. We need to get rid of it! Now!

"Good Work"

"Research is not just neutral", yes. That is just what I so often have trouble explaining to people who think my frequent criticisms of James DeMeo and others who "do good work" are too critical. If someone is doing a lot of damage to the environment by malicious cloudbusting, it does not make any difference if he also "does good work" in orgonomy. The fact that he is doing a lot of damage is what counts, not if he "does good work" in some other field.

People like Jerry Decker, who are always telling me to lay off DeMeo or Constable because they are among the few doing anything to further orgonomy, do not realize the consequences of what they are advising. Nobody should get a free pass to damage the environment just because he is promoting orgonomy or has done some valid scientific research in orgone biophysics.

People who "do good work" in orgonomy should be held to the same standards of environmental behavior as any other profit-making corporation that is damaging the earth by strip-mining or clear-cutting forests or killing endangered species or any other form of environmental destruction. People doing work in orgonomy should not be allowed to cause cloudbuster-pollution just because they "do good work".

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