Friday, February 4, 2011

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Letter To A Physicist

My mailbox today contained a letter from a physicist asking about cloudbusting and expressing an interest in doing experiments to test if it works or not. My reply follows:
  Dear Dr................,
I am sorry, but I am afraid I must disapoint you. Cloudbusting is an established technology which has been in use for over 50 years. There is no more reason to test it for efficacy than to test the basic concept of airplanes to find out if they fly or not. If you are not aware of the literature on the subject or the considerable number of reliable witnesses who have conducted or observed cloudbusting operations, that is a defect in your knowledge of the subject, not in the science involved.
If a modern-day Spaniard were to seriously suggest sending a ship across the Atlantic to find out if Columbus was right and there really is land on the other side, the rest of the population of Spain would think him insane. He would be ignoring the thousands of Spaniards who claim to have visited the Americas and the thousands of American toursits who land at Madrid Airport every day.
Yet, over 50 years after cloudbusting was invented, and after large numbers of reliable witnesses have published their reports on it, you have the incredible gall to seriously urge "research" to find out if all those people are telling the truth or if they are all lying or delusional.
I have never seen Japan. I have spoken to many people who say they have been there, and some who claim to be Japanese. I have read about it in books. I have seen T.V. documentaries on it. Should I doubt the existence of Japan because I have no first-hand evidence of it?
 You have just as much evidence for cloudbusting as I have for the existence of Japan. People who are in a position to know tell you so. There is an extensive literature on the subject. There are video tapes on it available for sale. If that is not good enough to convince you of cloudbusting, why should the same sort of evidence convince me there is a Japan? Would you consider it reasonable to refuse to believe in the existence of Japan because I have not personally seen it?
I also want to point out that your degree in physics is not worth anything in dealing with cloudbusting. Neither is a degree in meteorology. Cloudbusting is not based on physics or meteorology. It is based on the science of ORGONE ENERGY, which is not in the curiculum in any university. Orgone energy does not obey the laws of physics as you have been taught them. There is nothing you could have learned in getting a physics degree that would help you understand cloudbusting. In fact, the reverse is true.
Having a degree in physics or meteorology is a handicap in trying to do cloudbusting. The concepts you have been taught get in the way of understanding the phenomena. The record bears this out. People with a background in physics have the worst record in the cloudbusting field for screwing up and failing to understand what they are doing.
I will not help you in your pointless quest to do "research" on the cloudbuster, a field that has been operationally tested for two generations now, and needs no further testing. I suggest you start your research program by a study of the literature.
Joel Carlinsky

The Militias & Cloudbusting

Orgone energy overcharge equals expansion, which has behavioral
results of
acting as if one was all-powerfull, all-knowing, and all-important.
becomes literally ''puffed up'' and ''inflated'', while someone who
chronicly lacking in orgone charge may display the oposite
of depression, lack of self-esteem, and fearfullness. Incidently,
diagnosis of Constable was not mine. I heard it from an orgonomist
who knew
      I have no information on McVeigh except what I read in the
papers, but
the cloudbuster on his brothers Michigan farm was shown on ABC-TV,
and the
researcher for the Peter Jennings show had previously phoned me to
background information on cloudbusting for the segment. (She lied
about what
they wanted the information for, too) In the late 80s and early 90s,
number of right-wing militia members got interested in cloudbusting
as a
result of James DeMeo having a series of articles and interviews
in Acres, USA, an organic farm journal catering to a readership of
avant-gard farmers and right-wing conspiracy theorists with an
interest in
radionics, Anthroposophy, and other forms of agriculturaly-oriented
superstition. DeMeo seriously miscalculated. He tried to publicize
cloudbusting so they would fund HIS work, and was quite upset when
they very
sensibly went and built their own cloudbusters and tried it
instead. He didn't know how self-reliant and independent farmers
tend to be,
as compared with the academics he was used to deaking with. After
turning them on to cloudbusting, he got furious at them for doing
it. His
authoritarian orders to them to stop fell on deaf ears. If he didn't
them to try it, he should have kept his mouth shut. The result of
ill-advised fundraising was a large number of rigid, armored, and
mystical-minded people dabling in cloudbusting without any
understanding of
the principals behind it or any familiarity with Reichian theory or
psychology. To them, it was just another Radionics machine, working
on some
unknown principal. One of the products of the blunder by DeMeo was a
wet summer in the upper midwest, with the Missisippi River flooding
than at any time in the last 500 years, while there was a drought in
East. After Eva Reich brought to my attention the unusual weather
pattern on
the sattilite photos, I made a few phone calls and was able to track
the group of farmers in Wisconsin and Minnisota who had set up TEN
cloudbusters and left them drawing without further attention
because, having
contacted DeMeo for advice and having received orders not to
proceed, but to
hire him instead, they had quite reasonably decided they had no
choice but
to teach themselves by trial and error. They did stop when I told
them there
was a connection between their cloudbusting and the floods to the
south of
them, but they had not seen it for themselves because they had never
told that the effects of a cloudbuster could extend farther than a
farm, and thought they needed one cloudbuster for each farm! DeMeo
is thus
indirectly responsible for the Mississippi flooding that year. And
for a lot
of cloudbusters in the hands of people who know and care nothing for
orgonomy. But my point was that McVeigh might have been
feeling ''puffed
up'', self-important, arrogant, and infallible as a result of
orgonotic overcharge, and that that might have been a factor in his

More On That Earthquake

For several years now I have been pointing out that there was a close connection in timing between the deadly San Fernando Valley earthquake of 1994 and the cloudbusting operations going on in that area at the same time by the CORE Network, a clique of cloudbuster hobbyists headed by James DeMeo, a well-known Reichian cult leader who has gained an unenviable record for environmental destructivness with the cloudbuster.

I have postulated a plausable mechanism by which the particular cloudbusting operation known to have been done could have triggered an earthquake in that particular area and I have decribed in detail the known and well-established facts of orgone physics that render this mechanism likely.

To be exact, I said the cloudbuster was grounded into a deep well connected to the underground aquafer and that drawing orgone into water would cause the water to expand. I postulated that that expansion triggered the earth movement.

So far, Dr. DeMeo and his minions have not denied either that they were operating in the area at the time or that they were grounding the cloudbuster into a deep well, meaning of course, into the underground water table. They also have not yet denied that orgone added to water would cause an expansion of the water, just as Reich claimed in more than one publication.

Now a correspondent has sent me a link to a finding by mainstream scientists that the mechanism of seismic activity being triggered by underground water is no longer speculative. It has been found to happen. This finding is hereby submitted as evidence in the mass manslaughter case of the People of the San Fernando Valley Vs. James DeMeo Et. Al.

seismologists associate underground water with earthquakes


The weather forecasters never have a clue, no matter what is happening. They have a wrong basic theory of how the atmosphere works, so they can never figure it out. The modern theory of the atmosphere is that it is a "heat engine", driven by temperature differences, modified by corialis forces from the spinning of the earth.

 This is totally unrelated to the reality of a constantly moving, pulsating ether, following intriniscly-dtermined paths, modified by energetic conditions both in the space around the earth, and within the atmosphere of the planet. This energetic sub-stratum imparts motion to mass, causing the material atmosphere to move, and the direction, speed, and other characteristics of that motion are determined by the motions of the ether.

So meteorologists do not understand the atmosphere, therefore they cannot forecast what it will do acurately.

There are several ways the ether can be manipulated, including by the human energy field, in so-called "telekinetic cloudbusting, which has always been known to shamans, etc.

So-called "radionics" machines use the same principĂ l, but disguise it so even the operator often does not know this is how he is doing it. I suspect the devices irresponsibly being peddled by Don Croft and his following work on the same principal, since the design is not likely to have any significant effect on the ether.

The Reich Cloudbuster differs from such traditional means of manipulation of the ether by the greater "fetch", the distance from which the cloudbuster can draw from, and the greater drawing power of a much larger body of water for grounding than the 12 pints or so in the human body.

 Also, the biological methods cause a local contraction of the atmosphere, centered on the location of the operator, not directional as is a cloudbuster draw other than from vertical, while the cloudbuster causes a point-to-point motion across the surface of the planet unless pointed straight up.

 The difference is seen on weather maps as a localized low-presure area directly overhead to the opèrator in cases of human energy field effects, vs. a lateral movement across the surface of the earth when a cloudbuster is operating.

A Fool Plays With Oranur

Bernard Grad was doing a lot of To-t measurements over several years. When Three Mile Island happened, he got a negatrive reading. It was several months later that a nut-case named Sam Lentine put some radioactive material in an orgone accumulator at Rensalear Polytechnic Institute in upstate New York, and went away and forgot about it.

A while later, he did not recall if it was a week, ten days, or two weeks, he remembered it and went to take it out. It was not there. He reported it to the school authorities and they called the FBI. He also called Gary Mann, in New Jersey, whom he knew and who has done a lot of orgone physics research. Gary called me and I went to the RPI campus as fast as I could.

When I got there it was swarming with FBI agents and Public Health officials looking for the missing radioactive material. They found it eventually in the basement of the building, where Lentine had put it after he took it out of the accumulator and then forgotten about it.

The room where the accumulator had been was "hot". As soon as I walked in, I felt strong oranur from one side of the room. I pointed and said, "It was over there". I was right. My wristwatch was pulsing on my wrist so strongly I had to remove it. I told them to wash down the room with a fire hose, but I doubt they bothered. Nobody else seemed to feel anything.

Several weeks later, I was speaking on the phone to Bernard Grad, and told him about it. He said, "Wait while I get something". He left the phone and came back and told me the date it had happened. He had gotten a negatrive To-t reading at the time and had thought there was another meltdown like Three Mile Island going on. He was in Montreal, three hundred miles away from the place where it had happened.

"Climate is what you expect and weather is what you get."

"Climate is what you expect and weather is what you get."
   --Lazarus Long

Single weather events can tell us little about the climate. Climate is the long-term average of daily weather and no single cold snap or heat wave means much. Day to day weather  change is happening all the time for natural reasons, of course, but the area of concern is long term climate change, not individual weather events. And the question is, what portion of what is happening in the atmosphere is caused by human imput?

I think quite a lot of what is happening is caused by humans. Most of it, in fact. But very little by the so-called "greenhouse gases" that are so much in the mainstream news. Humans are affecting the weather in many ways, but by far the worst of them is the use of radioactivity for both civilian and military purposes. This imput, called "oranur" by the small Reichian sub-culture which understands it, is responsible for the majority of the atmospheric disruptions being noticed, but wrongly attributed to "greenhouse gases".

The next most significant human imput into disruption of the climate regime that has prevailed over the last 5,000 years is the proliferation of cloudbusters. Before the advent of the internet, cloudbusting was known only to a small in-group. Nearly everyone who took it seriously was known to everyone else. Now, thanks to the internet, irresponsible people have widely diseminated the very simple information on how to build a very effective cloudbuster, but hardly anyone knows how to use it properly.

I have identified numerous incidents of severe storms and other serious major weather events caused by incompetent cloudbusting. Most of the time these same events are trumpeted in the media as "evidence" of "global warming". They are nothing of the kind. They are evidence of idiots playing around with cloudbusters.

But so far, most of the people doing cloudbusting have only been doing things that have a short-term effect, weather, not climate. If the techniques for inducing long-term lasting effects from cloudbusting become popularized, as is now starting to happen, then cloudbusting will become a cause of long term climate change, not only of individual weather events.

If that happens, we might as well give up on trying to preserve anything at all on this planet.

Mechanistic Thinking, Mystical Thinking, And Realistic Thinking

It is not just a matter of openmindedness. There is a fundamental difference between the type of technology Tesla developed and which forms the basis of most modern technologies and the type Reich developed, such as the cloudbuster or accumulator.

More, there is a diferent form of THINKING required for each one. Reich wrote extensively about how his way of thinking about science differed from the customary way. He called his own method "functionalism". He called the convention method of science "mechanistic". He wrote about how modern mechanistic ways of understanding the universe were closely related to the older, more traditional, mysticism, and how both were deviations from a more accurate functionalism that apprehends the universe as it actually is, without mystical or mechanistic distortions.

The mystic sees things, in Reichs terms, as if the world was in a mirror. He perceives, but distorts what he sees to avoid facing the reality. The mechanist blocks off the sensations and refuses to admit the reality exists. Both are trying to avoid seeing something, but use differing methods of avoidance.

The mystic is more in touch with his feelings, but changes them into a more tolerable form, rationalizing, for example, that his own bodily orgone fields effect on the weather is due to prayer to a god because he is afraid to recognize the fact that he interacts so closely with the atmosphere. The mechanist has the same fear, most likely to an even greater degree, but instead of admiting to effect, but mystifying it, he denies to completely and refuses to look at the evidence at all.

Mysticism can allow sensations, but not at close range. It holds them away at a distance, by mystifying them. Mechanism tries to avoid them altogether, or, where that is not possible, by finding an explanation that does not involve a direct biological contact.

The mystic peoples the world with bodiless entities such as gods, ghosts, spirits, and devils, while the mechanist peoples the world with mindless bodies, for example, developing schools of though that claim animals do not have awareness, or that only outward behavior exists so there is no psychological process going on inside a person, only his behavior actually exists.

Modern science is almost entirely mechanistic, but there is nobody as mystical as a scientist when he runs out of mechanistic explanations for something and must think of some other way to avoid facing the fact that there is a biological energy inside him. That is why the most advanced theories in physics and astronomy sound so much like religion. They are based on the exact same impulse, to avoid seeing the life energy.

All, or at least almost all, modern science is nothing but a rationalization to avoid seeing the life energy. If a phenomena can be explained by a theory that does not require a life energy, it will be so explained. If it cannot be explained without recourse to life energy, it will be ignored and denied. The scientific community does not acept telepathy, for example, because it is a life energy phenomena.

Tesla was brilliant, but he was very much mechanistic in his thinking. He even went so far as to refer to himself as a "meat machine". And all his inventions are mechanistic ones. Like the rest of the modern mechanistic technologies, his work attracts mechanisticly-minded people, many of whom are mystical on the side, that is in areas where mechanistic explanations fail.

Reich developed both theories and techniques that were neither mechainstic or mystical. The cloudbuster will never be accpeted by modern science, not for lack of evidence, but because it frightens them so much to be brought face to face with the atmospheric life energy. When a mystical-minded person gets interestedin cloudbusting, as sometimes happens, he comes up with a mystical explanation of how it works, for example, that the device itself is not the real cause of the weather changes, but the operator is doing by thinking about it.

This is a way of avoiding the direct perception of life energy. But the mystic can accept the life energy as long as the contact with it is indirect.

The mechanist cannot accept even that. So he will refuse to attend demonstrations. Or he will insist that no matter what it looks like is happening, he must have "scientific proof" in the form of long-term statistics that would cost a fortune to gather.

But if forced by overwhelming evidence to admit it does work, he will scramble desperately to come up with some explanation that does not require a biological form of energy. The "aliveness" of the orgone is what he fears most. To a mechanist, the concept that the atmosphere partakes of the same sensations as he does himself is intolerable.

This fear, not any mere lack of evidence, is the reason Reich is not accpeted by mainstream science. And this fear is built into people mainly by sexual repression in childhood and sexual abstinence in adolescence. It is not unfounded that pop culture represents the young future scientist as a socially-inept nerd. Most of them were nerds in high school, and that is why they went on to become scientists. The scientist is more afraid of feeling life energy in his body that most people are, so he goes into a field where he can find ways to rationalize it away and a scientific culture that denies such an energy is the result.

People who are less blocked go into other fields, where they can just ignore it, but the most frightened people go into science, meaning of course, mechanistic science, as a career for the express purpose of finding ways to avoid recognition of a life energy.

So science is mechanistic and no amount of evidence will ever convince the great majority of scientists that there is anything to the orgone theory.

The so-called "alternative" sciences are no different. There are a few exceptions, but most of the people at a Tesla conference are mechanistic and the rest are mystics. I do not see any potential for winning converts at alternative science fairs.

The subcultures most able to acept orgonomy without distorting it into a mystical form or trying to force it into a mechanistic mold are the Wican/pagan movement, ecologists, and others who come from a standpoint of respect for nature and tolerance for natural process, and gardeners (NOT farmers!) kindergarden teachers, animal trainers, and others accustomed to dealing with life energy in the form of plants, animals and children.

Ecology is the only field of science that uses what Reich ment by the term "functional thinking", or, in other words, is the only functional science with mainstream accpetance.

The people least likely to accept orgonomy without distorting it are physicists and electrical engineers. These are the two groups who have the worst track record for screwing up when they try cloudbusting. It is no accident that Trevor Constable, who is by far the worst thing to ever happen in the cloudbusting field, far worse than DeMeo, is both a mystic (Anthroposophist) and an electrical engineer (ships radio officer by profession) .

So now you know why I am not interested in doing a lecture at a meeting of a Teslaphiliac group. But I would be happy to do a workshop at a conference of ecologists or at a Pagan Gathering sometime.

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