Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Mystical Distortions
The fanasy of the omnipotence of thought is universal in early childhood, but most people outgrow it by the age of puberty. Those who do not are called "mystics". Mysticism, or "magic", is the idea that mere wishful thinking can cause physical results. This is behind Christian Science, for example, as well as the instances you cited.
It is possible to affect certain energy systems by focusing ones own energy system on it. This is why it is possible to break up small cumulus clouds by staring at them. The human body responds well to focused attention also, which is why so many people are convinced prayer works to heal illnesses.
But these are examples of the orgone energy of the body interacting with other orgone energy fields. It has nothing to do with the more general claim made by the mystics that there is a general principal that thinking on a physical object can alter it. The real facts are, as is typical with mystics, mystified into something quite different from what is actually observed.
In the case at hand, cloudbusting, the body energy field of the operator might be able to break up a target cloud without the cloudbuster being involved, but the cloudbuster can break up clouds without any operator too. I once saw this very dramaticly demonstrated when I was doing some cloudbusting in a field where cattle were pastured. I had to leave the cloudbuster set up and drawing while I went into town. ( This is not usually a good idea, but it was a very isolated place and I had no choice since I needed groceries. ) When I got back, it had been moved to a new point of aim, and the clouds were moving in accordance with that new direction of draw, not the way they would have if the cloudbuster was still pointed where it was when I left.
But no human hand had touched it. The cloudbusters point of aim had been shifted by cows bumping up against it. Now I do not think the cows had any intention other than possibly to scratch an itch. I do not think they were intending to alter the weather. And I am the only other organism to know which direction it was pointing when I left it. And my intent was to draw from the direction I left it pointing in.
So I conclude the intent of the operator is not relevant. What counts is the direction the pipes are pointing.
Dr. Blasband wrote in the Journal of Orgonomy that the "concious intent" of the operator is the operative factor in the operation of the cloudbuster "independent of the physical motion of the pipes". My experience with cattle moving my cloudbuster convinces me otherwise.
But the theories people develop are a result of their history and experience; Blasband was convinced of the ability of the so-called "mind" to influence mass by his friendship with a Princeton University physicist, Robert Johns, who did research on the ability of test subjects to influence the numbers generated by an electrical device called a "random number generator". His research showed a clear mathamatical difference in the numbers produced by the machine when someone was "thinking at it" compared to when it was working on its own.
This finding caused a lot of fuss in the physics community, and Johns was subjected to some ridicule and ostracism, so Blasband considered the same situation as the rejection of orgone energy by that same physics establishment, and was predisposed to think Johns was right.
I would not have been fooled because I once saw George Alexander, a San Francisco Rock musician, stop a clock by concentrating on it. There was no doubt he could do it, but therewas nothing mysterious about it. Among the first orgone phenomena discovered by Reich was that orgone was tangible mainly as a disturbance of electrical currents. All George was doing was directing his own orgone field, which was more highly charged than most peoples, to envelope the clock. He flooded it with so much of his own body energy that the flow of current was jammed.
But if neither of us had known about orgone, it would have been possible for us to have been fooled into thinking it was a mental phenomena of some kind.
And that is the difference beteen orgonomy and mysticism: Orgonomy got started by Reich trying to place psychoanalysis on a firm basis in physical science. To the Freudians, libido was a metaphor, a mental construct, while to Reich it was a tangible physical force. And so is psychokinesis.
"It is not the things you do not know that will cause you problems, it is the things you do know that are just not so."
The orgone field of the earth has a large number of aspects, some of which, like the pointing north of a compass needle, are conventionally ascribed by mechanistic physicists to a "magnetic field".
Movement of air masses, is considered by meteorologists to be caused by temperature differences between different parts of the atmosphere. Formation of raindrops, is thought to be caused by condensation nuclei.
Certain diseases are thought to be caused by viruses.
Radioactivity, is thought to be due to the internal structure of the material involved.
Creation of matter is considered not to happen at all.
Creation of living organisms, is thought to have only happened once a long time ago and not to happen any more.
Some phenomena, like telepathy, are thought not to happen, or if they do, are thought to be somehow magical and not part of the physical universe.
The self-regulation of different species in an ecosystem is considered to be caused by negative feedback.
This last function, the integration of ecosystems, is the most important. And the hardest to explain to people steeped in conventional biological theory. Nobody wants to look at biodiversity and ecological integration as paired functional oposites reflecting ambient energetic conditions.
A long list of other fragmented explanations from polyschitzoid scientists who cannot see the connections between all these different subjects obscures the fact that all these and many more besides, are the results of a single underlying contimuum of biologically active energy which functions in so many ways, different as they may seem on the surface.
Nukes And Climate Change
The mainstream view of the current climate crisis is that it is mainly caused by greenhouse effect from gases released by burning of fuels such as coal and oil. But there is another theory of man-made climate disaster that is hardly ever mentioned in the mainstream media. That is the theory that much of the anthropogenic change in climate in the last 60 years or so is due to the introduction of nuclear power.
Between 1949, when the atomic bomb testing program began, and 1963, when the atmospheric test ban treaty went into effect, over 1,000 atomic bombs were set off above ground. Since 1963, many more have been set off underground, and ever single one of them has resulted in leakage of radioactive gases into the atmosphere. That's right! They have never yet managed to set off an underground test that did not leak.
Nuclear explosions are one source, but only one, of a radioactive gas called Krypton 85, which is not found naturally in the atmosphere except in insignificant trace amounts. There is now several million times as much in the atmosphere as in 1945 at the start of the Atomic Age.
Kr85 has a half-life of only around 12 years, so much of it would be gone now if bomb tests were the only source for it. But it is also produced by the recycling of nuclear reactor fuel rods. During the recycling process 100% of the Kr85 is released into the atmosphere with no attempt at containment because since it goes up into the upper atmosphere where it cannot contact any living thing, it is considered biologically harmless.
Kr85 is a radioactive gas. Radioactive gases consist of charged particles. When charged particles enter the field of a magnet, they migrate toward the poles of the magnet. The earth is a giant bar magnet. The charged particles of the radioactive gas, Kr85, end up at the North and South Poles.
Tropical storms like hurricanes form along the equator. Such storms are highly-charged systems. How far they travel from their birthplace along the equator toward the pole is determined by how strongly charged they are and how strongly charged the pole of the earth is that attracts them.
As charge from Kr85 builds up at the poles, more and more tropical storms are attracted farther and farther toward the poles, bringing tropical heat with them, causing warming of the temperate and polar regions. At the same time, the temperate zones experience more frequent and more severe tropical-type storms. The storm surges from these storms send high water marks higher, eroding coastlines and giving the impression of rising sea levels.
The build-up of radioactive gas at high altitude in the polar regions interacts with the influx from space that enters the earth at the poles and is known as the Wilson Current. This energetic stream then flows through the crust of the earth in huge surges, and is discharged back into space in the form of upward-striking lightning bolts as a part of the nearly constant belt of thunderstorm activity that circles the earth at the equator. The whole process is known as the Wilson Circuit, and it is the balance of inflow from space at the poles and discharge into space as lightning that maintains the electrostatic balance of the earth.
The ionization of the upper atmosphere at the polar regions, making the atmosphere more conductive, bleeds off a portion of the inflowing Wilson Current and the result is less lightning on a global basis. According to carefully-maintained insurance company statistics, the number of claims for lightning-related damage was steady from the 1830s until about 1950 and has since declined by about 35%, indicating a drastic decrease in lightning all over the earth.
Since lightning is the most important mechanism in nature by which atmospheric nitrogen is "fixed" into nitrogen compounds plants can utilize, and some species of plants are more dependent on lightning for their nitrogen needs than others, this would have a transformative effect on the composition of ecosystems, leading to a decrease in biodiversity as the most lightning-dependent species decline and other species, less dependent on lightning-produced nitrogen, succeed them in the ecosystem.
This subtle effect, changing the ratio of one plant species to another, is not likely to be noticed, and if noticed, is not likely to be ascribed to a cause so remote as a build-up of radioactive gas at the North or South Poles from nuclear plants scattered all over the industrialized regions of the world. But that is a perfect example of how closely connected and interdependent the natural world really is. And this effect is one of the most important consequences of the development of nuclear technology.
These are only some of the effects of nuclear power that are seldom if ever addressed by the mainstream nuclear movement, and which MUST be addressed if the full costs of the nuclear age are to be understood.
The above article is based partly on the work of a Lithuanian physicist, D. Butkus, whom I met in Vilnius, and there are plenty of references in the mainstream scientific literature. If you do a search on Google, you will find all you need to back it up. A reprocessing plant in France is considered the largest single source of atmospheric Kr85 at this time.
La Hague Radioactive Air 90000 Times Higher Than Background ...
Rising Seas
Are rising sea levels counted as the average sea level? Or the high-tide mark? Or the highest point reached by any water? Just how do they measure sea level? Depending on how it is measured, the term "rising sea levels", might mean there is more water in the seas, or it might mean there are more violent storms sending higher storm surges up the beaches.
If there are more and stronger storms, that could be caused by an atmosphere reacting to increased oranur irritation, possibly from nuclear weapons stashed at an American Navy base on the island of Diego Garcia, nearby. Or the increase in storms could be caused by some idiot with a cloudbuster.
If there is more water in the oceans, that could be caused by more transformation of DOR into water, as described by Reich in the last chapter of Contact With Space. Or, it could also be caused by more polar ice melting because of a build-up of orgonotic charge at the poles of the earth attracting more tropical weather systems to the polar regions, making it look like the whole earth was warming to people who do not realize the difference between GLOBAL warming and POLAR warming.
If there is more water in the seas because of POLAR warming, the build-up of orgone charge at the poles could be caused by released radioactive gas, KR85, from reprocessing of nuclear reactor fuel rods. This gas consists of charged particles, which in the magnetic field of the earth migrate to the poles. There, the excitation causes tropical storms to be drawn towards the pole.
But another possible reason for a build-up of orgone charge at the North Pole is if someone is doing it with a cloudbuster, possibly in an effort to melt the polar ice to make the Arctic more habitable. I have heard this suggested by more than one person who had only recently found out about cloudbusting, and it is possible someone is doing it already.
Cloudbusting In Israel
Rafi Rosen did 4 years of cloudbusting in Israel each winter for four years, and got an average of 37% increase in rain over the northern half of Israel in each of those years. He worked from a kibutz called Hasoelim near Nazareth, in the north of the country. He took the cloudbuster down to the beach near Tel Aviv on one occassion. Otherwise all his work was done from the north. He was not able to get any government funding, and the recomendation from Wiseman Institute meteorologist Gad Asaf did not get any attention either. Dr. Walter Hoppe used orgone accumulators for years in his medical practice in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, and gave public lectures about them, so he had some public attention. But he never really did any cloudbusting, though he claimed in an article in the Journal of Orgonomy that the work done by Rafi was under his direction. I think the orgonomists just did not like the idea of non-M.D.s doing any independent work in orgonomy, even cloudbusting. Victor Ostrovsky, a former Mosad agent who defected and wrote a book exposing a lot of things the Mosad would rather keep secret, told me he had never heard of the Mosad having any interest in any form of weather control while he was with them. Of all people, HE certainly would not be keeping any secrets for them! From time to time, various proposals to green the Negev have been put forth. And Israel has done a lot of research on drip irrigating, which got a lot of publicity at one time. Also, an American billionaire once offered to donate a very large amount of money, around $1,000,000,000 to irrigate the Negev. Nothing ever came of it. It was probably a tax dodge. I remember it because when I read of it, I sent him a letter offering to do it a lot cheaper, but never heard from him. If anyone else except DeMeo has ever done cloudbusting in Israel, they were not very good at it; the desert is still there. That of course does not mean nobody has tried it, but most people who are not into orgonomy IN TOTO do not have any idea what will really happen when they start cloudbusting and fail to recognize results when they see them. So they soon convince themselves it does not work and give it up. In any case, it it obvious nobody there is doing it now, or if they are, they are doing it well. More immediate is the fact that there IS a group in Algeria known to be doing it, and that may be responsible for recent weather anomolies in the Eastern Mediterranean. |
Plot Against Weather Fails
On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 4:26 PM, joel carlinsky <http://www.blogger.com/mc/compose?to=joelcarlinsky@yahoo.com> wrote:
Some good news here for a change. It looks like the attempt by some self-proclaimed "weather controllers" to interfere with the ability of the atmosphere to cleanse itself and restore normal pulsation is not working too well.
The group, a sort of weather-control cult, is called the Weather Rangers. It is led by a David Wells, who claims to have invented a machine that can control the weather. He has a website, and over 50 members who presumably have these machines and are trying to disrupt the formation of the strong circulatory storm systems that we need to clean out DOR and help a stuck atmosphere regain mobility.
Apparently, these machines are not working very well. This nefarious plot to deprive the world of tornadoes and hurricanes seems to have failed. Despite the claim by this group that they can prevent tornado formation, it looks like the atmosphere is still able to respond to stagnation with the strong reaction that is needed to get it flowing and pulsating again.
Wow! What a relief! Well, not really. The equipment this group thinks can control weather could not really do anything. Only the Reich cloudbuster can really have a significant effect on weather systems. But if the "Weather Rangers" really COULD disrupt tornado and hurricane activity, we would be in a lot more environmental trouble than we are now.
But the mere attempt by anyone, even these obvious crackpots with their obviously crackpot machines, should serve as a warning that the concept of atmospheric self-regulation should inform and underlie all cloudbusting work. To think of the cloudbuster as a device to "control weather" or "make rain" would pervert it into just another form of pollution.
Cloudseeding And Marketing Skills
Reich and McCullough had an article in CORE about seeding. Reich considered it toxic to the life energy.
Seeding is almost useless. There is no reason to think it works except the theory. No observations to back up the theory. The Weather Modification Association is a scam.
After over 60 years, they still have not been able to prove it works. But the cloudseeders are much more sophisticated at marketing their method than the Reichians are. The Reichians have the method, but not the marketing skills.
Which is fortunate. If the world ever came tro believe cloudbusting works, we would have thousands of crackpots doing cloudbusting all over the place. The fewer people who know about it, the better. I hope the public goes right on thinking Reich was a crank. That is why I do all I can to discourage belief in the orgone theory. There are already too many idiots doing cloudbusting and the last thing we need is official acceptance that it works.
Seeding is almost useless. There is no reason to think it works except the theory. No observations to back up the theory. The Weather Modification Association is a scam.
After over 60 years, they still have not been able to prove it works. But the cloudseeders are much more sophisticated at marketing their method than the Reichians are. The Reichians have the method, but not the marketing skills.
Which is fortunate. If the world ever came tro believe cloudbusting works, we would have thousands of crackpots doing cloudbusting all over the place. The fewer people who know about it, the better. I hope the public goes right on thinking Reich was a crank. That is why I do all I can to discourage belief in the orgone theory. There are already too many idiots doing cloudbusting and the last thing we need is official acceptance that it works.
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