Thursday, November 25, 2010
From A Letter I Wrote To A Correspondent...........
If he thinks he can break the huge cultural and psychological barriers to acceptance of orgonomy by "proving" something to government officials with a video, he is living in a fantasy world. There are a number of such videos already and so far they have never converted any skeptics.
Such people show up from time to time and spend a lot of resources trying to be missionaries for orgonomy and save souls for Reich. They cause trouble for the serious workers in orgonomy, but none has yet managed to convince the world of cloudbusting being real. And that is all for the best.
Thank you for your concern. Please feel free to ask me any questions you may have about orgonomy.
I will send you some information to back up my point that cloudbusting should be done only very rarely, with full regard for the ecological situation.
Such people show up from time to time and spend a lot of resources trying to be missionaries for orgonomy and save souls for Reich. They cause trouble for the serious workers in orgonomy, but none has yet managed to convince the world of cloudbusting being real. And that is all for the best.
Thank you for your concern. Please feel free to ask me any questions you may have about orgonomy.
I will send you some information to back up my point that cloudbusting should be done only very rarely, with full regard for the ecological situation.
Response From India
Dear Mr. Carlinsky,
I share the exact same views that you do about cloudbusting. I had specifically mentioned to .............. not to release any pdf's for the public on a cloudbusting unit as I feel it would do more damage than good to the weather. Though I had the documents on how to make a cloudbuster for almost seven years now I didn't try to build one as I wanted to make this only when I completely understood how it can be used safely without harming anyone or the environment. I had received a mail from ............. yesterday, who basically wanted try to make a unit similar to Wilhelm Reich's to do something about the drought in Australia.
Ravi Raju
For The Record................
Dear Sir,
I was sent your e-mail address by someone who had had some correspondence with you about cloudbusting. My name has apparently been mentioned and my position may have been misrepresented.
I am NOT interested in contributing to any misguided efforts to convince the public, governments, or scientists of the effectiveness of the cloudbuster. It is too dangerous to be widely publicized. Such publicity would only lead inevitably to proliferation of cloudbusters as a backyard hobby for people who cannot be expected to know how to use it properly.
I have been involved in orgonomy since 1967, had tutoring in orgone biophysics from Dr. Eva Reich, daughter of Wilhelm Reich, and have done cloudbusting in North America and Australia. The more than 2,000 posts on the subject which I sent to the orgonescience list, which I formerly moderated, are currently being edited into a book which will be the first book to present to the general public the full theory of orgone biophysics as first developed by Reich, along with my own extensions of orgonomic insights into an orgonomic concept of evolution, ecology, and biodiversity.
I have written extensively about the environmental damage being done by ignorant people getting excited about cloudbusting and rushing in to try to make rain without first spending the years of study needed to learn how the normal atmosphere functions.
I strongly disaprove of anyone doing cloudbusting without a solid grounding in orgone biophysics as well as ecology. Irresponsible enthusiasts thinking they are doing a good deed have done incredible damage to the earth, including killing many innocent bystanders.
Both Trevor Constable and James DeMeo, both of whom have a lot of fans and followers who regard them highly, have been guilty of flagrant violations of basic principals of responsible cloudbusting.
If you or anyone you know of are sincerely interested in cloudbusting, please contact me and let me know what you are doing or plan to do.I may be able to give some advice that could prevent some of the damage that could otherwise result, including harm to the health of the operators.
And if you hear of anyone working with a cloudbuster, please let me know also.
Thank you.
Joel Carlinsky
I was sent your e-mail address by someone who had had some correspondence with you about cloudbusting. My name has apparently been mentioned and my position may have been misrepresented.
I am NOT interested in contributing to any misguided efforts to convince the public, governments, or scientists of the effectiveness of the cloudbuster. It is too dangerous to be widely publicized. Such publicity would only lead inevitably to proliferation of cloudbusters as a backyard hobby for people who cannot be expected to know how to use it properly.
I have been involved in orgonomy since 1967, had tutoring in orgone biophysics from Dr. Eva Reich, daughter of Wilhelm Reich, and have done cloudbusting in North America and Australia. The more than 2,000 posts on the subject which I sent to the orgonescience list, which I formerly moderated, are currently being edited into a book which will be the first book to present to the general public the full theory of orgone biophysics as first developed by Reich, along with my own extensions of orgonomic insights into an orgonomic concept of evolution, ecology, and biodiversity.
I have written extensively about the environmental damage being done by ignorant people getting excited about cloudbusting and rushing in to try to make rain without first spending the years of study needed to learn how the normal atmosphere functions.
I strongly disaprove of anyone doing cloudbusting without a solid grounding in orgone biophysics as well as ecology. Irresponsible enthusiasts thinking they are doing a good deed have done incredible damage to the earth, including killing many innocent bystanders.
Both Trevor Constable and James DeMeo, both of whom have a lot of fans and followers who regard them highly, have been guilty of flagrant violations of basic principals of responsible cloudbusting.
If you or anyone you know of are sincerely interested in cloudbusting, please contact me and let me know what you are doing or plan to do.I may be able to give some advice that could prevent some of the damage that could otherwise result, including harm to the health of the operators.
And if you hear of anyone working with a cloudbuster, please let me know also.
Thank you.
Joel Carlinsky
A Warning From India
On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 11:14 PM, RAVI RAJU <> wrote:
Hi ................,
You need to be very careful with this stuff as the effects of this can be felt for hundreds of miles. This was proven by Wilhelm Reich and his associates when they could create storms in other states and continents... but they used massive tube structures to do this... so just in case it falls into the wrong hands they could screw around big time as this could affect huge areas... what I mean is that they could declare a weather war and you just wouldnt know why or how its happening. So, be very very careful about what you want to say in public about this.
But please, please stay away from the cloud buster.. you don't want them going! Unless its a place where it rains for half the year or more.
Recomendation From Jamie Ogg
In some recent e-mails, Jamie Ogg has said some things that reflect unfavorably on my knowledge of cloudbusting and my history of tutoring from Dr. Eva Reich. I have no idea what motivated him to change his mind and why he has become hostile to me, but in the past he has spoken favorably about my competence, as this exerpt from one of his e-mails shows.
On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 11:29 PM, allmyforce <> wrote:
On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 11:29 PM, allmyforce <> wrote:
He did plenty of it, learned from Eva Reich, and yes, he is knowledgeable.""Joel should be one of your sources of info on CB work.
Letter To Heiko Lassek In Berlin
From: joel carlinsky <>
Subject: On orgonomy in Germany, 1990 to now...........
To: .Heiko Lassek......................................
Date: Sunday, January 11, 2009, 2:49 AM
Subject: On orgonomy in Germany, 1990 to now...........
To: .Heiko Lassek......................................
Date: Sunday, January 11, 2009, 2:49 AM
Hi, Heiko, In regard to your letter, (reproduced below), I can only remind you that in the early 90s I sent you a lot of documentation on how much harm DeMeo was doing by his incompetence at cloudbusting. You never told me if you used any of it or not in reaching your conclusion to stop helping him. Other members of the WRI told me they had not known of all the material I sent to you, so I assumed you had not shared it with the group. I heard there was an orop in Europe that killed a lot of people, and that was the reason you decided to stop doing cloudbusting. I also heard there was an angry confrontation with DeMeo about some of the deaths he had caused, and he dismissed the complaint on the grounds the small number of deaths was justified because of all the good his work had done. I heard there was a split in the WRI because of the experiments of Bernard Harrer, who came to the conclusion that all Reichs' findings could be explained in terms of orthodox science and there was no need to postulate an ether. I was told the WRI decided to issue a formal statement that orgone was not a physical reality, but only a philosophical construct. I was told this was the reason Eva quit her association with the WRI and so did several other people. None of this was ever made public in any way that would alow someone not an insider to know who was saying what. I only found out about all this in-fighting years later from personal conversations with people who were involved. But I could see in his advertisements that DeMeo was still getting help from Bernd Senf, Manfred Fukert, Stephan Muschnich, and others who were part of your group the last time I had heard anything about them. So it was reasonable for me to think you were still helping him despite what he had done. I still have no idea what realy happened at that time, or what, if any, part the information I sent you might have had in it. Would you mind teling me the whole story, please? Blasband is also still getting help from your associates in organizing his lectures in Germany. I sent you plenty of documentation to show he had some very bad affiliations. He was a member of the Knights of Malta, a neo-Nazi organization whose leader was Charles Pitchel, who was once the personal representative in America of Adolph Hitler. Blasband was considering going into a commercial cloudbusting business with him. I sent you some documents to prove this. Blasband also was responsible for the ACO accepting and funding Trevor Constable to do work in California that kiled a lot of people there. Constable had been a campaign worker for George Walace in the 1968 presidential campaign. Walace ran on a racial segregationist platform, so what does that tell you about who Blasband ( a psychiatrist ) considers emotionaly healthy enough to be trusted with cloudbusting? He is either a fascist or incompetent, take your choice. Blasband has now effectively quit orgonomy and taken up religion. In his last article in the Journal of Orgonomy, he says that the "intent" of the operator can affect the results of cloudbusting independently of the actual physical movements of the pipes. I have seen the direction of cloud movement shift in accordance with changes in the point of aim of the pipes when they had been moved by cows bumping against them. What was the intent of the cows? Were they trying to bring changes in the weather? Or do you, a mental health professional, consider mystical thinking a valid way to understand the universe? And a sound basis for responsible work with a cloudbuster? My campaign against these people is not just a personal feud as you seem to think it is; it is a form of social activism, exactly the same as that of people who campaign against nuclear reactors or deforestation or the extermination of endangered species. It is every bit as important as any scientific research in a laboratory could be. It is directed at protecting the earth from the harm caused by irresponsible or incompetent bunglers with cloudbusters. To dismiss my realistic concerns over faulty cloudbusting as just a matter of some personal grudge against some specific person is to trivialize all environmental activism, as the right-wing anti-environmental propagandists do when they say environmentalists are motivated by this or that psychological factor and ignore that there are real environmental problems that really do require a solution. If cloudbusting is going to be used by people with nationalistic or other political agendas, and by muddle-headed mystics, it will be nothing but another form of pollution. Remember: Alfred Nobel invented dynamite as a way to end wars by making them too destructive. He only ended up making war more destructive than it was before. And the cloudbuster might end up being the worst thing that could happen to the environment, instead of being a way to help. I wrote over 2,000 posts to the orgonescience list in the two years it existed. The list archive is now being edited into a book to be posted on a website. It contains a lot of new material never published anywhere before. Some of that material is from my own observations, and some is based on things Eva told me that she had not made public in her lectures. That material includes many things she learned from Reich that are not in his published writings, and as we now know, his unpublished notes will never be made available by the Trust. So my effort to pass on what she passed on to me is the only chance anyone will ever have to learn it. A lot of it has to do with how to detect if someone is cloudbusting and where they are operating from. That information might be needed someday to help protect the world against people with cloudbusters, so I want to pass it on to prospective environmental activists. But none of this has anything to do with the Reichian - or pseudoReichian- cult that is so fixated on the public image of Reich and his personal life story. I do not care if the skeptical world ever recognizes Reich or goes right on thinking he was a fool. I am not a missionary for orgonomy. I am not trying to save souls for Reich. The Wilhelm Reich Estate is nothing but an obstruction standing in the way of people who want to make practical use of the knowledge in the Reich Archives. That you think them worth collaborating with shows you have not thought through exactly what you want to do and why you want to do it. I am still available for a seminar on orgone biophysics in Berlin or anywhere else if anyone wants to organize it for me. But I am interested ONLY in orgone biophysics, not therapy, childraising, social or political theories, conspiracy-theories, or UFO stories. And I will pull no punches; people interested in therapy or "philosophical constructs" will not like what I have to say. And certainly not biographical trivia about Wilhelm Reich. |
False Claim Exposed!
"Dr. Peter Lindemann" <>
View contact details To:
Mr. Carlinsky,
With regard to your email inquiry, this is what I know.
At this point, Trevor is rather advanced in years. I believe his ability to become involved in any commercial weather modification operations is over.
With regard to your email inquiry, this is what I know.
At this point, Trevor is rather advanced in years. I believe his ability to become involved in any commercial weather modification operations is over.
Trevor does know Ken Swartz, but to the best of my knowledge, Ken has only "interviewed" Trevor for the purposes of writing some articles on his website. I do not believe that Ken could be considered "trained" in the art, by any stretch of the imagination.
It is also my understanding that weather modification operations are banned by Federal Law in Australia.
Beyond this, you are welcome to believe whoever you want, and do whatever you want, as you always have.
This is all I know about the situation.
Peter Lindemann, DSc wrote:
Beyond this, you are welcome to believe whoever you want, and do whatever you want, as you always have.
This is all I know about the situation.
Peter Lindemann, DSc wrote:
----- Original Message -----From: joel carlinskySent: Thursday, February 26, 2009 10:43 PMSubject: Trevor Constable
Hi, Peter,
I have had some correspondence recently with some guy in Australia who is anxious to promote cloudbusting there. He refered me to a contact of his in America, a Ken Swartz, who claims to be Constables' "main student". I thought that was your role, but that was a long time ago and you might have moved on.
Or he might be exagerating his connection to Constable. Are you still working with Constable? Do you know who this Ken Swartz is? I would like to know a bit more. What can you tell me about him?
Thank you.
Joel Carlinsky
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