Sunday, November 21, 2010
Orgonotic Overcharge
I once knew a woman whose husband was seriously involved in cloudbusting. The cloudbuster was located about 100 meters from the house on their small farm. They had several small children. This woman knew nothing of orgonomy, but she insisted that when the cloudbuster was working the children were more irritable and kept getting into fights.
In another case, someone told me of his college roomate who made himself an orgone vest and hat, and wore them continually for a week. At the end of that time he ''flipped out'' and required hospitalization. From these and several other examples, I think it can be regarded as proven that orgone overcharge can be a hazard to ones' mental health.
Overcharge can be produced by means other than overuse of the orgone accumulator. One of the most common is extensive use of the cloudbuster. Two of the most active cloudbuster operators, Trevor Constable and James DeMeo, both show unmistakable signs of drastic overcharge. The gradiosity and megalamania they both display are characteristic of chronic expansion, and in the case of DeMeo, the arrogance and assertivness that is the reaction of a naturally authoritarian personality.
Both of them display similiar levels of paranoia and power-drunkeness, but in the case of Constable, his reaction is contraction of the ocular segment, leading to mysticism, whereas in the case of DeMeo, the reaction to chronic overcharge and inability to contract results in his intense drive to dominate and control everyone and everything related to orgonomy. Both of them try to dominate and control the atmosphere.
In another case, someone told me of his college roomate who made himself an orgone vest and hat, and wore them continually for a week. At the end of that time he ''flipped out'' and required hospitalization. From these and several other examples, I think it can be regarded as proven that orgone overcharge can be a hazard to ones' mental health.
Overcharge can be produced by means other than overuse of the orgone accumulator. One of the most common is extensive use of the cloudbuster. Two of the most active cloudbuster operators, Trevor Constable and James DeMeo, both show unmistakable signs of drastic overcharge. The gradiosity and megalamania they both display are characteristic of chronic expansion, and in the case of DeMeo, the arrogance and assertivness that is the reaction of a naturally authoritarian personality.
Both of them display similiar levels of paranoia and power-drunkeness, but in the case of Constable, his reaction is contraction of the ocular segment, leading to mysticism, whereas in the case of DeMeo, the reaction to chronic overcharge and inability to contract results in his intense drive to dominate and control everyone and everything related to orgonomy. Both of them try to dominate and control the atmosphere.
Both are good examples of the type of pathology that can be triggered by chronic orgonotic overcharge. The use of remote-controlled cloudbusters to avoid excessive exposure to the operator, a technique invented by Dr. Richard Blasband, and used especially by James DeMeo, does not seem to work very well. I would speculate that in such cases, the most intense effect, that in the immediate vicinity of the cloudbuster, is avoided, but that a more long-range effect, less noticeable because less intense, is still far-reaching enough to affect the operator, but is more subtle, and therefore more dangerous.
In many of his writtings, DeMeo seems to be almost literally foaming at the mouth, and barely resisting the urge to violence. Certainly, on the political scene, he is a strong advocate of nationalistic policies that would lead to military action, and was an ardent supporter of the Bush Administration, with which he seemed to strongly identify.
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Forest Fires Should Not Always Be Fought
Wild and Prescribed Fire in Forests of the Intermountain West
A Policy Statement
by Joy Belsky
The paradigm on forest fires is shifting from one of fire as a destructive force, to one of fire as a regenerative force. Although most forest scientists have made this shift, most forest managers in state and federal agencies have not. They are still attempting to suppress fires in wilderness and roadless areas and to halt the natural cycle of renewal and regrowth in forests damaged by past fire suppression.
In order to encourage the US Forest Service and other agencies to adopt guidelines to fit our new understanding of fire in forested ecosystems of the Intermountain West, the Oregon Natural Resources Council (ONRC) has prepared its own fire policy. We are distributing it to forest activists to encourage them to begin the process of educating the general public.
Over a hundred years of logging, grazing, fire suppression, road-building, and development have resulted in widespread fragmentation and degradation of the magnificent coniferous forests of the Intermountain West. Many of these forests are recognized by the scientific community as being critically destabilized. Still, significant areas, including wilderness, roadless areas, and moist forests, remain relatively unchanged.
. .Originally, most Ponderosa Pine and mixed-conifer forests of the Intermountain West were open and park-like, with large, majestic trees underlain by dense grass swards. These low- and mid-elevation forests were shaped by millennia of recurrent forest fire, which helped maintain the forests' ecological integrity by reducing tree densities, controlling forest pests, and releasing a steady supply of nutrients into the soil. Many of the wildlife species in these and Western forests evolved with fire-retum intervals as short as 7-30 years and are dependent on the conditions created by fire for regeneration, rapid growth, food, and shelter.
Due to nearly a century of active fire prevention, fire-fighting, and livestock grazing, which eliminates the fine fuels necessary to carry low-intensity surface fires, ever greater numbers of tree seedlings and saplings have survived to maturity. Forests that were once open and park-like due to periodic thinning by low-intensity ground fire now develop into dense thickets. During dry seasons and prolonged drought, these trees become stressed, limbs fall to the ground, and trees die. Consequently, dead woody debris accumulates and forests become increasingly prone to intense fire. Without periodic fire to reduce this fuel load and limit tree numbers, species composition of the forests changes from dominance by fire-tolerant, sunlight-loving species such as Ponderosa Pine and Western Larch, to dominance by fire-sensitive, shade-tolerant species such as Douglas-fir and true firs. These changes have created conditions in which many of the original
park-like forests have been converted into dense, fire-prone, and increasingly disease- and insect-prone stands.
Nevertheless, many forests in the region have not been significantly affected by recent changes in the fire regime. Riparian forests and wetter forests on north-facing slopes and at higher elevations traditionally experienced fewer fires. And forest types such as high-elevation Lodgepole Pine and Engelmann Spruce-Subalpine Fir have always developed into dense flammable forests, which were periodically consumed by stand-replacing fires.
Because of drought, high tree densities, high fuel loads, and the loss of a mosaic of burned and un-burned forest stands, low-elevation forests and those on south-facing slopes are now more vulnerable to destructive fire, insects, and disease than they were formerly The Oregon Natural Resources Council (ONRC) advocates that land managers initiate measures that mimic Nature in reducing fuel loads, so as to return forests to their pre-EuroAmerican-settlement densities and fire regimes. These activities include a let-bum policy in some areas.
Fire prevention should not be a goal of forest management in the Intermountain West except when extraordinary ecological values are at stake. Since fire is an inevitable and ecologically essential component of forest ecosystems, managers should focus on restoring historical fire regimes.
Fire suppression activities should be conducted only when absolutely necessary and with utmost care for the longterm integrity of the ecosystem.
* Fire suppression should be conducted only where irreplaceable ecological values (e.g. rare forest types or a major portion of the population of an endangered species) are at stake, or in areas that should be protected until prescribed burning can reduce excess fuels.
* Fire suppression should not be allowed in wilderness, wild and scenic rivers, or roadless regions, unless these areas have irreplaceable natural values and are scheduled for prescribed burning.
* Fires should not be actively fought where nearby natural fire barriers such as bodies of water or rocky ridges are likely to extinguish the fire.
Joy Belsky is the staff ecologist at Oregon Natural Resources Council, 5825 North Greely, Portland, OR 97217 USA.
A Policy Statement
by Joy Belsky
The paradigm on forest fires is shifting from one of fire as a destructive force, to one of fire as a regenerative force. Although most forest scientists have made this shift, most forest managers in state and federal agencies have not. They are still attempting to suppress fires in wilderness and roadless areas and to halt the natural cycle of renewal and regrowth in forests damaged by past fire suppression.
In order to encourage the US Forest Service and other agencies to adopt guidelines to fit our new understanding of fire in forested ecosystems of the Intermountain West, the Oregon Natural Resources Council (ONRC) has prepared its own fire policy. We are distributing it to forest activists to encourage them to begin the process of educating the general public.
Over a hundred years of logging, grazing, fire suppression, road-building, and development have resulted in widespread fragmentation and degradation of the magnificent coniferous forests of the Intermountain West. Many of these forests are recognized by the scientific community as being critically destabilized. Still, significant areas, including wilderness, roadless areas, and moist forests, remain relatively unchanged.
. .Originally, most Ponderosa Pine and mixed-conifer forests of the Intermountain West were open and park-like, with large, majestic trees underlain by dense grass swards. These low- and mid-elevation forests were shaped by millennia of recurrent forest fire, which helped maintain the forests' ecological integrity by reducing tree densities, controlling forest pests, and releasing a steady supply of nutrients into the soil. Many of the wildlife species in these and Western forests evolved with fire-retum intervals as short as 7-30 years and are dependent on the conditions created by fire for regeneration, rapid growth, food, and shelter.
Due to nearly a century of active fire prevention, fire-fighting, and livestock grazing, which eliminates the fine fuels necessary to carry low-intensity surface fires, ever greater numbers of tree seedlings and saplings have survived to maturity. Forests that were once open and park-like due to periodic thinning by low-intensity ground fire now develop into dense thickets. During dry seasons and prolonged drought, these trees become stressed, limbs fall to the ground, and trees die. Consequently, dead woody debris accumulates and forests become increasingly prone to intense fire. Without periodic fire to reduce this fuel load and limit tree numbers, species composition of the forests changes from dominance by fire-tolerant, sunlight-loving species such as Ponderosa Pine and Western Larch, to dominance by fire-sensitive, shade-tolerant species such as Douglas-fir and true firs. These changes have created conditions in which many of the original
park-like forests have been converted into dense, fire-prone, and increasingly disease- and insect-prone stands.
Nevertheless, many forests in the region have not been significantly affected by recent changes in the fire regime. Riparian forests and wetter forests on north-facing slopes and at higher elevations traditionally experienced fewer fires. And forest types such as high-elevation Lodgepole Pine and Engelmann Spruce-Subalpine Fir have always developed into dense flammable forests, which were periodically consumed by stand-replacing fires.
Because of drought, high tree densities, high fuel loads, and the loss of a mosaic of burned and un-burned forest stands, low-elevation forests and those on south-facing slopes are now more vulnerable to destructive fire, insects, and disease than they were formerly The Oregon Natural Resources Council (ONRC) advocates that land managers initiate measures that mimic Nature in reducing fuel loads, so as to return forests to their pre-EuroAmerican-settlement densities and fire regimes. These activities include a let-bum policy in some areas.
Fire prevention should not be a goal of forest management in the Intermountain West except when extraordinary ecological values are at stake. Since fire is an inevitable and ecologically essential component of forest ecosystems, managers should focus on restoring historical fire regimes.
Fire suppression activities should be conducted only when absolutely necessary and with utmost care for the longterm integrity of the ecosystem.
* Fire suppression should be conducted only where irreplaceable ecological values (e.g. rare forest types or a major portion of the population of an endangered species) are at stake, or in areas that should be protected until prescribed burning can reduce excess fuels.
* Fire suppression should not be allowed in wilderness, wild and scenic rivers, or roadless regions, unless these areas have irreplaceable natural values and are scheduled for prescribed burning.
* Fires should not be actively fought where nearby natural fire barriers such as bodies of water or rocky ridges are likely to extinguish the fire.
Joy Belsky is the staff ecologist at Oregon Natural Resources Council, 5825 North Greely, Portland, OR 97217 USA.
Electromagnetic Weather Control?
HAARP and any other electromagnetic device, regardless of how much electrical power it has, and regardless of what it does or is designed to do, simply CANNOT have consistant or predictable effects on weather. Electromagnetic energy is an irritant to orgone energy and the result of ANY electromagnetic irritation of the planetary orgone envelope will be increased randomness, chaotic rapid and unpredictable osscilation, and after a time, if the stimulus is continued, a lapse into stagnation and inactivity.
The widespread use of electromagnetism as a technology on this planet since 1885 has contributed somewhat to the total over-all oranur burden of the planet, but the total is minor compared to that of nuclear technology since 1945. The amount of DOR / oranur produced by any single electromagnetic installation is a very small part at most of whatever is happening in the atmosphere at any given time. No single electromagnetic device or array of devices can create enough of an effect to be noticeable against the background of far greater imput from nuclear sources of irritation.
That is not true of the cloudbuster, however. A single cloudbuster can have huge effects, enough to be noticeable against the background of the oranur / DOR caused by nuclear and electromagnetic technology. That is why I consider cloudbusting as a possible cause of any weather anomoly, but do not pay any attention to claims that some electromagnetic equipment somewhere might have caused something to happen.
There is no credible scientific theory that could account for any alleged electromagnetic weather control. And to be credible, any such theory would have to include the overwhelming importance of orgone energy to atmospheric functioning. Otherwise it would be unable to explain the very solidly established facts observed durring cloudbusting operations. Any theory of meteorology that fails to take cloudbuster effects into consideration is obviously wrong and can be disregarded.
The widespread use of electromagnetism as a technology on this planet since 1885 has contributed somewhat to the total over-all oranur burden of the planet, but the total is minor compared to that of nuclear technology since 1945. The amount of DOR / oranur produced by any single electromagnetic installation is a very small part at most of whatever is happening in the atmosphere at any given time. No single electromagnetic device or array of devices can create enough of an effect to be noticeable against the background of far greater imput from nuclear sources of irritation.
That is not true of the cloudbuster, however. A single cloudbuster can have huge effects, enough to be noticeable against the background of the oranur / DOR caused by nuclear and electromagnetic technology. That is why I consider cloudbusting as a possible cause of any weather anomoly, but do not pay any attention to claims that some electromagnetic equipment somewhere might have caused something to happen.
There is no credible scientific theory that could account for any alleged electromagnetic weather control. And to be credible, any such theory would have to include the overwhelming importance of orgone energy to atmospheric functioning. Otherwise it would be unable to explain the very solidly established facts observed durring cloudbusting operations. Any theory of meteorology that fails to take cloudbuster effects into consideration is obviously wrong and can be disregarded.
Jet Stream Under Attack
The current cold weather in both Europe and North America looks like a result of cloudbusting to me. The Jet Stream is being dragged far off course and is also "bucking", or increasing in amplitude. This indicates someone, probably in Western North America, is drawing from the close vicinity of the jet stream, not only pulling it southward, but weakening the orgonomic potential of the bordering fringes around the core of the jet, causing the stronger core area to attract more energy and increase in pulsatory rate.
Now, due to my rather persistant cricisms of Dr. James DeMeo in the past, many people will no doubt expect me to name him as the most likely suspect. However, this particular weather disaster does not look like the type of disaster caused by DeMeo. It is not his style of lunacy. DeMeo is incompetent, but he means well and is not likely to cause a disaster intentionally.
This looks more like the deliberate work of a psychopath who is accomplishing exactly what he intends to accomplish. And while I do not know yet who this psychopath is, the fact that this is happening is almost certainly the result of the improvement in communications made possible by the internet. Cloudbuster proliferation has vastly increased in recent years, mainly as a result of well-intentioned fools who spread information about it over the internet, imagining that they are helping to "spread the word" , or in some cases, even fantasising they are thwarting some evil conspiracy to "silence Reich".
The problem is further complicated by idiots who think there is some "information" someplace that can be taught about "how to do" cloudbusting. There is no such "information". Cloudbusting cannot be reduced to a cookbook recipie of "do this, and this will happen", "do that, and that will happen". Cloudbusting training must start with a through background in orgone biophysics, followed by additional study of how the normal atmosphere functions, the various pathologies that can take place in it, and what the causes of them are. Only then does it become apparent what to do in an intervention.
This is apparently not comprehensible to the people who think it is possible to learn "how to do cloudbusting" without bothering to first learn how the normal atmosphere behaves and the reasons for whatever problems may arise in it.
The oranurization of the global atmosphere remains the worst threat to the long-term viability of this planet, but cloudbuster proliferation is a fast-growing second.
Now, due to my rather persistant cricisms of Dr. James DeMeo in the past, many people will no doubt expect me to name him as the most likely suspect. However, this particular weather disaster does not look like the type of disaster caused by DeMeo. It is not his style of lunacy. DeMeo is incompetent, but he means well and is not likely to cause a disaster intentionally.
This looks more like the deliberate work of a psychopath who is accomplishing exactly what he intends to accomplish. And while I do not know yet who this psychopath is, the fact that this is happening is almost certainly the result of the improvement in communications made possible by the internet. Cloudbuster proliferation has vastly increased in recent years, mainly as a result of well-intentioned fools who spread information about it over the internet, imagining that they are helping to "spread the word" , or in some cases, even fantasising they are thwarting some evil conspiracy to "silence Reich".
The problem is further complicated by idiots who think there is some "information" someplace that can be taught about "how to do" cloudbusting. There is no such "information". Cloudbusting cannot be reduced to a cookbook recipie of "do this, and this will happen", "do that, and that will happen". Cloudbusting training must start with a through background in orgone biophysics, followed by additional study of how the normal atmosphere functions, the various pathologies that can take place in it, and what the causes of them are. Only then does it become apparent what to do in an intervention.
This is apparently not comprehensible to the people who think it is possible to learn "how to do cloudbusting" without bothering to first learn how the normal atmosphere behaves and the reasons for whatever problems may arise in it.
The oranurization of the global atmosphere remains the worst threat to the long-term viability of this planet, but cloudbuster proliferation is a fast-growing second.
Deep Space, Deep Time, Deep Ecology
All cloudbusting should be done with the three "deeps" in mind.
DEEP SPACE means all operations are global. Anything you do with a cloudbuster affects the whole planet. There is no such thing as a local cloudbusting operation. Distant effects shuld be expected.
DEEP TIME means remembering the earth was very different in the not-too-distant past. To restore the atmosphere to health is not the same thing as returning it to the way it has been for the past few hundred years or the past few thousand years. Paleoclimatology and paleoecology must be taken into account in deciding what is really normal.
DEEP ECOLOGY means all cloudbusting should be BIOCENTRIC, NOT ANTHROPOCENTRIC. That means the needs of the entire ecosystem should be considered first, not the ecconomic, political, or agricultural needs of the human species. Just as a doctor is supposed to treat any patient without regard to nationality or politics, a cloudbuster operator should rise above the human species and see himself as working for all life, not just his own kind.
And scientific research is not a good reason to do cloudbusting. Ever.
Creation Of Water
DOR is a natural part of the natural metabolism of the atmosphere. It is a stage in a constant cycle from orgone to water, and back to orgone again. It is only when the amount gets out of balance that it becomes a problem.
Reich postulated two additional stages in the hydrological cycle. DOR-to-water, and water-to-DOR. Both are a normal part of the atmospheric functioning. But both can be disrupted by over-excitation or stagnation of the atmosphere by excessive exposure to secondary energy forms, such as high-voltage electrical current and concentrated radioactivity.
There has always been some DOR in the atmosphere. It has a role to play and is needed. The trouble comes from the vastly greater amounts of it that result from human technologies that use secondary energies and over-excite the surrounding energetic continuum into an oranur state, which if continued long enough, causes the over-stressed field to collapse into a non-motile state, which is DOR.
Water is not something that simply exists, independently of the energetic field around it. Water is constantly being formed in the atmosphere from DOR; Water is also constantly being dissociated into DOR. The oscilation between DOR and water is a dynamic process in the normal atmosphere that becomes disrupted if one stage or the other becomes too dominant. That is why a drought is so often followed by floods. That is why deserts are prone to flooding as well as prolonged dryness.
The huge amounts of water dropped from a hurricane are not water that has existed as water all along and has been carried from someplace else to where the rain falls. The water is being CREATED right there, on the spot, from the DOR-field that "called" the hurricane into existence, so to speak, to eliminate the DOR. The hurricane is a PROCESS that converts stagnant energy-DOR-into wateras well as getting it moving again while still retaining an energetic state.
The high winds are the part of the process that makes the stagnated field move, and the formation of water, resulting in heavy rainfall, is another part of the storm process, transforming part of the stagnant energy into water. If all the DOR were transformed into moving energy all at once, the result would be an over-excitation, oranur. The water created in the storm serves to dampen the excitation of the newly re-mobilized energy and keep it from becomming too strong.
All this is of course, speculation, since none of it can be directly observed. But the fact that many thousands, even millions, of tons of water can be observed to fall from thin, sparse clouds which could not contain such huge amounts of water, and that small planes can fly through a cloud without the windshield becoming wet, and shortly afterward rain falls from that same cloud in great amounts, indicate the creation of water on the spot, just as Reich claimed in Contact With Space.
It might be possible to find out how much water is contained in a cubic meter of cloud, then calculate the amount of water in the cloud, and compare to the amount of rain that actualçly falls from that same cloud later, when the rain starts falling. If the rainfall from a specific cloud exceeds the calculated water content, the on-the-spot creation of water would be proven.
But since I am not especially concerned with winning converts, I will just take it as a working hypothesis, work on the basis of it until I see some reason not to, and leave the gathering of evidence to someone who cares what other people think.
Prime Directive
Cloudbuster proliferation has gotten to the point of being a major environmental problem. There are probably several hundred people around the world with cloudbusting capability at any one time. I have personally met cloudbuster operators from England, Ireland, Switzerland, France, and Italy. I have heard of others in Germany, Sweeden, Greece, and Israel.
Some of them know at least a little about the theory, but many of them do not know or care anything about what Reich wrote. They think they know better than he did how the cloudbuster works and how to use it. Usually they have some theory of their own which makes no sense in terms of orgonomy and has no evidence to suport it.
One group in England even tried using a cloudbuster to form crop circles at a crop circle convention. They thought they could communicate with the intelligence of the earth that way. One person wrote a book that got just about everything wrong; he even wrote that the orgone in the atmosphere is created by humans having orgasms!
I once showed Eva Reich a list of 150 people I knew of who had done cloudbusting. She looked at it and said she could think of at least that many more. I gave up trying to keep track of how many there are. We will simply have to live with the fact that there is no natural weather on this planet anymore.
Reich violated the Star Trek Prime Directive: Do not teach the savages on an uncivilized planet anything their culture is not ready for.
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